Before liberals destroyed America

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Those same people let them.

You guys need more abos.

Though it's easy to reject OP's pic as marketing, it was succesful, and has had a lasting impact on collective identity and nostalgia long after it stopped being profitable, for a reason.

Hispanics are white though??

Yet somehow, crime decreased....

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I agree with this. The blacks and whites are being replaced but most of them are too stupid to get it.

Looking at the wrong place boomer.

The ones Mexico is sending are mestizos and Indios. The people who hold all the power/money are all castizo and Criollo, meaning that they don't need to go to America.

Truly a mystery.

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whiny screech brat voice: looking at the wrong place, boomer

You are what destroyed America, liberal.

>When is enough?
Asking the wrong question. It's later than you think.

Sex is what drives a nation. Low test makes no sex. And the high sex generation used it to just sleep around, never having kids.

Pic related

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America was a cartoon? Fuck that shit

Real Americans know exactly what I'm talking about.

America had Christianity, no sex before marriage, no gays and intact families.

america was always a shithole

Maybe until 2008, after that it just stopped being recorded.

A human traficker tried to send me to the US and he told me had a guy in jail up there murdering a little girl, with no shame whatsoever.

I blame the Spanish
If they never fucked the locals none of this shit would be happening

America was fucked by the 50s. The nuclear family and suburban culture was a Jewish distraction. Real Americans were cowboys living on land they truly owned

this. They created a slave race of hundreds of millions.

Lil lots of incel cope in this thread. Also, stop blaming the jews for you being a disgusting fat fuck or retard


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>Before JEWS destroyed America


Not falling for your d&c. The curtain has fallin. We can clearly see now the ones pulling all the strings from behind the scenes. DAS JUDEN!

Bored because you're forced to stay at home?
I bet it makes you feel better thinking that everyone that recognizes jewish conspiracy is a fat loser.
makes you feel safer.
believe you me, that is not the case. sure, there are fat retards here that recognize jewish hegemony, but to think that is only the people that recognize it... lol.

you should check out Yas Forums sometime.
ask anons who they lift for?
you'll get lots of pics of hitler and jesus.

>Before capitalists destroyed America

You're delusional if you think immigrants were allowed in for anything other than to decrease the value of labor.

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post WW2 shell shocked sheep

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It was long before that.

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they did a ohhhh nooo
now we hee hee in our basements
i have chicken tendies for everyone

My friends and I lift for hitler

Always remember what (((they))) have taken from us

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