How can we help her bros? She's super bored
How can we help her bros? She's super bored
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She should showcase her genitals on Yas Forums
Tay tay please do an AMA here
that's a dude
What’s going on with her pupils. One is much larger than the other. Also, doesn’t one eye look green and the other blue?
Leave comments that she looks thin, needs to eat more cake and ice cream for dat ass.
Have u ever heard of shadow
I’d sacrifice every single one of my relatives to Covid-19 to make that amazing woman my wife.
She is beautiful
She looks in desperate need for some BBC
all these roastie missing their dopamine fix is fucking hilarious
What ass
maybe do another jewish propaganda video clip
Avril is better
>capable of boredom
rabbi pls
There is more light on the right side (her left) of the picture, thus small pupil and lighhter color.
SHES A 10/10
I got some bad news for you
How do I look good in selfies bros? This shit is too close
let her be bored
She can learn to code
>not a lot going on
ok, so status quo
She used to be so pretty
You can see it in her eyes, she's craving for cock in her ass.
I could always kidnap her and take her fishing.
umm sorry sweatie
That would be extremely painful
Her balls or her cock?
She is super old looking with crows feet in reality. She makes no expression to avoid showing off her wrinkles.
Wtf!!? Do people still believing "shes" a woman?
Won't someone think of the starlets?
>ahahhaha le ebin "every woman is a tranny" joke so funny hahaha
it's old and tired now time to get some new material
She is bored in her 100 bedroom house that has everything a community center has.
Bruh every single woman in your country has a mustache
Ok I'm Taylor Swift. AMA
>not alot going on
>still put on makeup
The joke about the immortality of the soul is that boredom becomes the eternal enemy.
>Well, one of them anyway.
Will you marry me?
She should just release her nudes/fap tape and see thousands upon thousands of reports of guys getting hospitalised with 3rd degree burned dicks.
>i am not ashamed, i would spill liters of cum to her, and you would too
The soup du macaco country has spoken.
You need to be so idiot to think that Traynor Shift is a real woman. She isn't, are all of you blind!?
For (you)
t. makeup expert guy
>tfw ywn have a sperg singer gf
>tfw top tier sperg singer turns into bitter old roastie rather than settling for a decent man who is less successful than herself
Oh well, guess she's just going to be bored for the next 40-50 years.
3 million likes. Jesus fucking Christ... Can you imagine how much is this in sheckels worth???
This is ridicilous... And here I'm happy working for 15$/per hour.
At least faggots, and idiots don't see me, so I'm happy. :)
Fuck you niggers. :)
show boipuccy
did the holocaust happen
oh honey....
Team Tay Tay reporting
>How can we help her bros? She's super bored
She needs to expand her career to live streaming porn.
How is she supposed to get more material for her "music" if she can't go ride the cock carousel? Roasties and (((producers))) getting hit the hardest.
Perhaps one day. I cannot predict the future though :)
Have you considered having jewish children?
>Be swiftie
>Have fantasies, and read "romance" novels, about muscular handsome pirate who kidnaps you and has his way with you
>Actually get kidnapped
>Pussy dripping wet
>Takes hood off your head
>It's just some weeb frog poster who thought you might enjoy smoking some weed and having a few brewskies while floating on a boat in a mountain lake
>turns out he's right
Have a pepe fren; and remember sometimes not getting what you want is better than getting what you thought you wanted.
Of course it did. What did it entail? We can't really know
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 42 and I don't think I can have kids at this point
If she's TS we need some real proof like some timestamp.