Trump referenced the 60,000 'best-case scenario' deaths at a White House coronavirus press briefing on last week, stating: 'I think, right now, we're heading at probably around 60,000, maybe 65,000'.


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On the bright side, virtually zero deaths from other causes.
Numbers totally weren't fudged, it was totes 60k from the wu flu!.
Thanks, Corona-chan, for curing cardiac disease, COPD and cancer!

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that model was so garbage they stopped updating it

It was obviously garbage, but why was Trump citing it as late as last week when it was obviously wrong?

retard. overall deaths are way up.

Liberals in NYC don’t count

Trump is he first president in the history of the United States to have 0 deaths due to flu during march.

*=hospitals received thousands of dollars for claiming someone died from another virus during this time

>proof: graph with no source

somethingburgers please explain

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because his brain is composed of sweet potato

They'll call you a retard and say you're coping. Just stop addressing them. All they want is attention.

Didn't the model predict 100k deaths and 2.5k peak deaths?

Presidents have to go with public opinion, since they believe it he has to go with it. He’s steering public opinion to opening it up. Don’t be a jizz head you actually think he doesn’t know everything? Your a fuck head on a chat board, he has the best minds in the world on his side.

you can feed the finest quality of steel into a blast furnace and it'll still melt away

How many Americans generally die in any given month?

>Your a fuck head on a chat board, he has the best minds in the world on his side.
Best minds in Tel Aviv, maybe. He would have been seen as a legit hero if he shut everything down early but Chabad wanted to maximize white deaths so now we are in this circular quagmire of disinfo just waiting for the guillotines to drop.

numbers are fake and only retards and shills use them


Compared to what it could have been, yes 100% true.
How low is your IQ that you think swift reaction to a pandemic is negative?

Keep reaching, nigger.

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>swift reaction
Yeah 'swift'.
Half of his retard base or more thinks the whole thing is either fake news or 'overblown' thanks to his statements in jan, feb, and march. Pic related.

Attached: Trump corona statements.jpg (1125x1363, 334.13K)

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Fuck you shill nigger
>even if you died of a clear alternate cause you are still listed as a covid death

It is tho. It's not even twice as bad as flu season. That's objective. Yet the reaction was Apocalypse Now. Ie, overreacted.

>Source: Some random youtube video!
Wow that proves it.
I've seen this line of reasoning said over and over again and it just proves the stupidity of those pushing it.
If someone is ill and gets hit by a truck you don't say 'well actually the truck didn't kill them because they were already ill so it doesn't count!'.

>. It's not even twice as bad as flu season. That's objective.
It isn't objective. Last year which was an especially bad flu season and corona has still done more than it, in little over 4 weeks. 4 weeks ago there were a few thousand deaths in the USA, now it's going to be 60,000 by the end of this month.


People were gonna die from this no matter what, you fucking sperg. What’s the problem?

>What’s the problem?
He's bungled the response.


The only person who thinks this was a good decision is John fucking Bolton.

So a standard week?

to keep the dumbass media happy

Let me know when we start sniffing 2.2 million dead.

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while (1):
print(‘Orange man bad. Orange virus bad. ‘)

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