How many groups are raiding us ?

Media Matters
Correct the record

Did i forget someone ? Are they achieving their goal of subverting this board ?

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not really. they're easy to spot if you've been here long enough.

Also there are shills clearly shilling for Trump as well.

>posts with meme flag.
How's the weather in israel?

You basically just said their argument is invalid because they have an anime profile picture

>pissing into an ocean of piss

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>cuck fetishists
>asian incels
And I'm sure more

The elephant in the room is all the alphabets all around the world. Jeez, are you new?

>Are they achieving their goal of subverting this board ?
All they can do is disrupt by posting the same shitty repetitive threads over and over again, hoping to do what the left always does: simply deny its opponents a platform or an audience. But what of it? Repetitive and shitty what Yas Forums has always been like, and /new/ and old Yas Forums before it. The best analogy for this is still "they're pissing into an ocean of piss and thinking it'll make a difference". I wish them all the best, but they're not going to get what they want.

The difference is we do it for free. KAG TRUMP2020 TRUMP 2024

Who cares, it's funny to call them faggots and niggers then red pill them with the truth

you know they're losing when jews use the Brazillian flag as a proxy.

Too new of a fag to know meme flags were here first.


Are we? I noticed that the cancer is slightly higher, but i wouldn't say we're being raided .

raiding ultimatly fails. their pasta NPC brains can't defeat the filters. the 43% of shills that don't commit suicide ultimatly get bored or take the redpill.

Forgot JIDF and CIDF

That is true though

Leftists shills and bad faith actors are really easy to spot individually and in very small groups since the only power they have are as a hive(large group) at which point the subversion also becomes apparent. They don't stand a chance here, we see them from a mile away.

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The CCP are our latest guests, say hello to our Ching Chong shitposters.

a shill is a shill is a shill

>Are they achieving their goal of subverting this board ?
lel please, those faggots are useful idiots but they arent quite that useful that they can actually achieve such goals

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>meme flags were here first
Literal fucking retard.

We've been getting raided hard since February, how have you not noticed?

Fun part is they do it because they had to be paid to do it or just pure blind hated of their target.
We do it out of boredom.

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Nope. Shills are paid, supporters aren't.

I am sure there are, i dont give a fuck about Trump but all the raiding faggots make me hate them much more than i could ever hate Trump. The only consolation is that they leave their echo chambers and seeing as they are so easily indoctrinated, you just know some of them are questioning their philosophies.

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They can't subvert us because unlike their space spaces we don't ban people for what they say, and instead debunk shit with evidence and debates.

Yas Forums is also very decentralized, there is nobody with an identity here that people follow, unlike reddit with their karma and name system.

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As i said, the cancer has been slightly higher for a while now. Almost undetectable.

Space spaces? Safe spaces* Fucking lol.

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Raids are pointless if the catalog is continually filled with threads of fruitful discussion, and if the userbase mainly posts in threads of fruitful discussion.


Make a thread about interracial and photoshop jews in it and you'll see them popping from under the rocks.

t. paid shill

so true, most of the raider threads seem to be the_donald posters vs the tranny foot soldiers cooming over baiting each other.

They're really bad at it.

You homos got raided, past tense. When was the last useful project /pol got across. All you faggots do is argue over who's white. The board is done. powerless. meaningless. impotent.

House of Saud owns majority share of Twatter.
China flooding media with communist propaganda.
Both groups pushing shit here, too.

>When was the last useful project /pol got across.
The president of the united states.

I'm in their discords as well. I'm in a a few commie ones where they "interview' you and demand your dox to join them so they can blackmail you. I give them stolen ID cards. It's quite interesting observing how they organize to do protests and online raids. Most of them are jobless and have been even before all this lockdown shit, or working some lowend wagie job. Then there are the tranny programmers which is Goddamn hilarious to me all the time. I have to not talk to them because I can't keep my cool around them.

I'm in the process of utilizing that deepfake live video program on github to further develop my persona with these guys. Most of them are fucking clueless.

Some of these guys really want to kill you by the way. Discord is full of straight out antifa and commies.

77TH Brigade
CFR sub contractors

>taken over by kikes
He always was one.
>Yas Forums
Cringe. Go back.

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Once they come here they never get out. We will shuffle them down to the point when they come here and shit post against the people they are working for. I for one welcome them.

That was 4 years ago. I fucking hope he's re-elected this year. The lulz will be endless.

This. Any based thread and they pop out of nowhere.

fuck im old

you’re doing good work fren
any documents of their rules of engagement or strategies we don’t know about and should look out for?

lol fuck off you zionist faggot

I don’t think their efforts are working. If anything it makes people hate jews even more.

They are so obvious. Maybe they trick the odd newfag or scare him away with bbc porn that otherwise would of stayed here

The "I got my refund from Bernie" was good for a few lulz. IOTBW is becoming a yearly tradition.
The "YOU'RE NOT WHITE" / imaginary ethnostate treehouse threads are JIDF demoralization propaganda.

No you're not


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Doing God's work, fren
I wish I had the patience and discipline to do this.

yeshivas from the us & israel too
and a kike discord that tries to 'subvert and replace pol' , the one with
>hecking cuckerinos
>oh nonono

also kikes have one of theirs as a mod and he steals our IP adresses, make sure to get him thrown out folks

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>Fed takeover
just to name a few... they literally shut down the world as the last gasp of their NWO

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That's a nice list of buzzwords that retards screech whenever they're losing an argument.

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Besides this you got them all I think: They're ineffective at changing minds, but they're effective at being annoying.

tranny discords

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Not enough to make a notable difference
>Pissing in an ocean of piss

Is this the same ThatGuyWhoCamps from YouTube years ago? Kid made call of duty videos

I thought leftypol was pretty much disbanded after infinitechan got shutdown

>When was the last useful project /pol got across
Unironically, Q.

Every world's agency has interest in this site because it gives ground to people who openly oppose their nation and their nigger-hugging therapy circles.
We know they are here.

Oh yeah and also a bunch of upset niggerfaggots that are upset that orange man won the candidacy 4 years ago while a bunch of trumpletons say everytime he says "die for israel" is actually seventy-five dimensional settlers of cataan or some shit.

JIDF doesn't just "interfere"
They've been abusing 5 eyes to do it
They should NOT have access

No, anyone who comes here is slowly corrupted by truth no matter how staunch their ideology.

Who cares?
I haven't noticed shit and they're doing a fucking terrible job.


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This is a shill.

you people are stupid
enjoy the honeypot dickheads

Forever meme war.

The more they come here the more demoralize they feel. But they always come back for more! Because in time they figure out that we are right all along. They cannot subverted us, Not for very long anyways. We are used to information warfare. We can spot them in a nano second. We play with them, We mold them and then we just humiliate them!

They are stuck with us and the ride Never end.

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Probably stole his name. I think the youtuber killed himself on a livestream a year or two ago by drinking himself to death

That could be true,
but They don't act like total dicks.
Raid fags are total dicks.

Isn't that a video game Youtuber that just came back after going missing for 10 years or something?

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>how many groups?
all of them.
How much of a newfaggot are you? Everyday there are dozens of shit tier threads posted by shills, another dozen posted by trolls and autists. Half the reason I come here is to respond to the shills and tear them down with arguments....or to expose them to being called a retarded nigger faggot kike.

Correct the record/shareblue
Various tranny discord servers
Various lobby groups ala pharma, oil, GMOs etc
Probably a bunch more

True, and they seem to be the worst shills.

>a random anti-Q slide thread here is meaningful
How many people has your global information operation reached in 2 years? Just curious.
It started here, then anons from here went there to start it initially, then it grew.

>The board is done. powerless. meaningless. impotent.
Two terms.

Yeah, that hypothesis that failed to deliver on most if not all prophecies.

>Are they achieving their goal of subverting this board ?

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Mommy!! I'm Scared!!!!!

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>bunch of trannies raid pol
omg we are so important, lets hope mos$ad wont ddos us

>Some of these guys really want to kill you by the way.
I wish stand you ground laws where normal and comman place.
So many wanna be tough guys would get shot and die.

They are because new fags keep responding to slide threads. Itll die after the election though, they just don't want a repeat of 2016 when meme power got a candidate elected into the presidency

Q is targeted disinfo by someone from the Trump network. Not for the "normies" but for the adversaries.

Anons using it to spread information is the point, not Q. You can say what you want about Q's posts, but anons have effectively spread information and redpills to millions of people and triggered the MSM by doing so.
Best LARP in history of LARPs if true.

>Maybe they trick the odd newfag or scare him away with bbc porn that otherwise would of stayed here
Just hide those threads.

take your meds or kys do humanity a favor

I would like to point out to the CSIS officer assign to interact with this board to just shut up and lurk a few more month before posting.

You are making Canadian look bad! To the point that everybody is starting to think that All Canadian are retarded. Or At least use a meme flag.

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That's a pro-Q thread, brainlet.

>groups funded by Israel
>groups funded by the J-Left diaspora
If you could trace the funding back far enough you'd probably they all have one source

Fucking memeflags, for one

Yes. Big global corporate. :)

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It kind of makes you feel important knowing that this many high level (and some low level) groups think you are enough of a threat to dump millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours into. It proves we have not lost.