Napoleon Bonaparte

What's Yas Forums opinion on nappy?

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I liked its depiction in Times Bandits

based time bandits

Murderous bastard who was destroyed by the other murderous bastards.
tl:dr kike's puppet theater. Die you fucking goyim, kill each other.


>Exiled to "EL-Baaaaaaaaaa"

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At a certain point he became the very evil that he set out to destroy when he butchered all those royalists in the streets in his youth.

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War of 1812. US had his back. UK burned the white house down when they found out we borrowed money from them and gave it to Napoleon and his war effort. They came straight for New Orleans. His nephew founded the FBI. he's enshrined in Washington DC

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The Louisanna purchase was essentially borrowing money from the UK to pay Napoleon

>Reverted acievements of French Revolution
>Bathed the whole Europe in blood
>Lost. Twice.
>Turned his country into a desolate hellhole

Well, I dunno, user


Yeah, fight for Germans, what Russia did, was better. (Sarcasm)

Who started the partions of Poland? They were before Napoleon. How can you claim him, if the european balace was destroyed not by him.

Well actually his height was normal for the time. True manlet cutoff is 5'5"- still is today.
>t. 5'9" chad

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Actually not Alexander however was

user, the manlet, eviently enough, was planning on ((unifying)) Europe under ((his)) rule. We fought for orselves.
Also, fuck Germans.

user, Pooland is hardly a balance to anything. By the end of XVIII they were merely an oversized buffer state.

wasn't he cucked by his first wife?


Told the church to fuck off. Crowned himself, then his girl.

Ousted nobles and kings.

Awesome legal system.

Hated Brits. Loved America.

>was planning on ((unifying)) Europe under ((his)) rule
Ugh ugh what could've been
Zoomer should stop taking words they don't know about

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Napoleon Bonaparte was basically the leader of a post revolutionary France and presided over the destruction of France and the degradation and degeneracy of the entire European continent. Napoleon Bonaparte's defeat was the first ever resistance in modern times against a pan European monstrosity dominating the continent which destroyed nations and erased national borders. Restoration of the Bourbon throne in France would then be the first step in finally restoring France to its former glory and, hence, repairing the rest of Europe. pic related is credited with the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo however it was a coalition of forces, including the Prussians.

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>reverted achievements of French Revolution
Napoleon's influence on the modern world brought liberal reforms to the numerous territories that he conquered and controlled, such as the Low Countries, Switzerland, and large parts of modern Italy and Germany. He implemented fundamental liberal policies in France and throughout Western Europe

Ye, then he stayed married to save face and fucked a different chick. He actually really loved his first wife, and when she cheated he was quite distraught. Apparently he treated her pretty shitty after that
Based but bluepilled

Don't forget usurping main powers for himself with extra dip of nepotism.

He also undermined top-down liberalisation of many countries, such as Austrian empire and Russia.
The worst part is undirectly turning Prussia into a powerhouse.

French Hitler

No. Napoleon Bonaparte was more like a French Ursula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel combined with the military power to back it up and enforce the pan European globalist vision for a brief period of time.

He reconciled with the church during the end of his life. Also, he became a Rosicrucian.

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She was a turboslut and half of Paris was dicking her while he was out fighting. His second wife's family also took the first opportunity that presented itself to stab him in the back.
For a guy you claim wanted to unify Europe he sure kept cucking to the Germans, in failed attempts to make himself seem reasonable. The victors write the history books, one of Napoleon's greatest mistakes was thinking the Germans would ever accept him ruling France, and making overly generous peace deals with them, even though both Austria and Prussia had been completely crushed, it's very ironic that German historians went on to paint him as a crazy conqueror.

The only thing Napoleon did wrong was giving Jews rights and going to Russia in the winter.

He was Based af and fuck any other person who say otherwise


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The whole "He tried to invade Russia in the winter, what a fucking retard", thing is also misrepresentative propaganda. Unusually heavy rainfall, the Russians doing a great job harrassing the French army, and the French greatly underestimating how underdeveloped Lithuania was greatly delayed the invasion.

No. Monarchy must be reestablished and it must be of the Bourbon line.

Also he was a Military genius. I mean what do you call Austerlitz then ?

> Muh Russia

I said Military, on the battlefield. The problem of Russia was not a matter of Battlefield but of logistic and population.
It was a mistake of going so far in Russia, he Should have make piece with Russia and stick with the rest of Europe.

The last true Frenchman

One of the greatest leaders in history

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Fuck you Russia, he burned your shithole country to the ground because you people couldn’t stop propping up England’s economy.

England started war after war to keep their money laundering and banking cabals afloat across Europe

Anyone who isn’t pro Napoleon is uneducated and ignorant (or a slav shit)


This is wrong. The Russians burned their own country to the ground in order to leave nothing for Napoleon.

God I fucking hate you people
You act like women, choosing leaders based on nothing but their height