Michael Moors New Docuementary - THERE ARE TOO MANY HUMANS

Debunked Malthusian nonsense, altho this time with a twist

>All renewable energy technology is as evil to the planet as oil
>Resources are about to run out
>The planet is about to blow up
>Making money is evil
>Too many people on planet urf, we need to get rid of them
We have an unhealthy addiction to being alive and need to learn that we must die
>Eat the bugs


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he is 5 humans

wtf i love michael moore now

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Actual Humans are a global minority numbering below a billion people while being outnumbered by non human people 8 to 1.

fat old fuck is nearing the end of his lifespan and pretending the world is ending with him

tale as old as time

Why do we never talk about reducing population in Asia and Africa?

why stop the left from fracturing and destroying itself? any attack on neoliberalism is a good thing

That's why we should kill all the niggers.

this. he should kill himself.

he is the ultimate irony

Why care about some old Jew who is about to die.
Why pay attention.

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this. it's not the quantity but the quality, that's what fat fuck will never admit.



If western civilization cuts all foreign aid the problem (cited by Fluffy Von BitchesAlot) will fix itself.

this fat nigger should be gagged for life, preferably stowed away somewhere like gitmo


>We have an unhealthy addiction to being alive and need to learn that we must die

You first, fatty.

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>incoming call from Iceland

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The grin on his obese face, as he tours the world doing conferences telling people to consume less resources

i almost think hes trolling

Imagine ever thinking that this guy was credible even for a second.

The distributor of the film pulled it down after a few days only to put it back up as a 'teachable moment' regarding media literacy. They were BTFO by their own product.

'Green energy' is a scam.

Watched it last night. It absolutely eviscerates the entire renewable energy fraud industry. There's a reason the media is fucking silent about it.

>like/dislike suppressed

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OP what did Bill Gates just TRY to do for us?
If it wasn't for that Darn Trump and those meddling magapeds…

nigger death rate vs white...who invented ebola and aids nigger? the "elites" are not niggers, they are whitey and they were trying to do us all a favor.

Yea, green energy is a scam (up to a point)

But they are also opposed to fossil fuels and human civilization in its entirety

Their solution isnt nuclear power, its stop using electricity and go back to living in caves

thank god for planned parenthood killing all those nigger babies, you christians are FUCKING RETARDED!

How is it not obvious this disgusting fuck is controlled opposition?
He will never make a documentary about the (((truth))) behind 9/11 or the Federal Reserve.
He’s probably a blackmailed pedo. Just look at him.

Stop giving this fat dyke attention

He must love Corona-chan then.

Green energy regulations only make large corporations with giant R&D budgets and patent lawyers rich. No “backyard chemist” can pull off some miracle chemical that magically conforms to green energy standards.


he also leaves out nuclear

but he btfo's al gore so there is some good in it

Is he building a solid case for exterminating liberals and thus drastically reducing the population? I can't watch his shit but I want to know.

Suicidal cults run amok it all started with Christianity.

I've learned my lesson from his Sicko film, that is not to trust that fat bastard
He wants to talk about there being too many humans, well he can start with himself given he's about the size of 4 of them
fat bastards need to stop expressing their opinions or telling the rest of us how to live our lives

The proper response would be to send them back and let them have their 37 kids each, I still won't condone abortion faggot. I understand what they grow up to become but we're partially to blame for allowing it to keep going on and not having an ethno state. One dead white baby isn't worth all those niggers, so it should be stopped all together. Saying, "let's kill babies because most are niggers" is lazy mental gymnastics hedging the bet that it will sort itself out. No, not how that works, we need to get off OUR asses and solve the problem. Not just sitting back and letting white babies get murdered because you're too lazy to actually face the problem at hand. Besides, niggers will still have back alley abortions regardless of the law. Quit being lazy

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because its the jews reserve army for when they get found out (again) silly.

its a circular thing.

And of course it never occurs to this fat fucker that he can an-hero to decrease the "surplus population."
But no, he's special and gets to stuff his pie hole.
Gluttony for me but nor for thee.

This is what I explained to my girlfriend. She couldn't comprehend why the alternative to this fraud isn't just nuclear, or honestly, just do what we've been doing. I had to remind her again that they hate western civilization to its very core.

then overwhelming answer to clean energy is Nuclear energy, its not even fucking close and that includes price and cost per watt hr

solar and wind is a fucking joke , a waste of space and an eye sore and too expensive.

Took you up until Sicko? Lol Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine weren't enough to show you what a disengenuous piece of fat shit this faggot is? In all fairness, you could be young, I'm in my early thirties so I grew up watching Michael Moore films because they showed them to us in school, no joke. Though, I would have to admit that one of my favorite movies was also made by Michael Moore, though I didn't know it until a few years ago because I didn't realize it was the same Michael Moore, the movie is Canadian Bacon. The American actors played Canadians and the Canadians were played by Americans, I believe. Or it was the other way around and they played their nationalies, but whatever. Funny as fuck and I wish he had stuck to making shit like that