Trumpfags explain this

Trumpfags explain this

*crickets chirping*

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Thank you Jared!

100% globalism from day one Trump admin

I love you Trump. Thank you for improving the lives of Indians 100-fold. You are my King.

this post is an attempt to cover up the discovery of a vhs tape.
bleachfags want us to talk about anything other than joe biden raping tara reade and her mom calling larry king about it in August of 1993.
they are running smoke screen for the rapist named joe biden.
they freaked out when the tape was discovered, which is why there were so many bleachposts for such a short period of time.
whenever you see a bleachfag post, remind the thread about biden raping reade so as to defeat their effort.
save this pasta for easy re-use.

Doesnt that mean hes allowing poos for 500 of our largest companies, meaning... all of them?

Yes, of course. #BelieveallWomen

wasn't the plan just to oppress poor minorities right?

The next president might make technology great again. At some point we are probably expecting too much

look man, Q needs us to let in millions of mexicans a month and the h1b indians, it's all part of the stopping child molesters thing. You don't support child molesters do you?

it's real cocksucking move. i hate him for this

They are all too stupid to work these jobs anyway and they have no idea what's going on.

bIdeN iS wOrSe

pretty based, I'm all for educated immigrants coming in to fill the gaps that lazy Americans won't fill in

we can also slowly redpill them on the (((democrats))) and get them to vote Republican when they get their citizenship

you guys are finally realizing that trump has been using immgrants as a scapegoat to distract workers from their real enemies, the capitalist class. Great work!

>implying h1b subhumans aren't poor
Maybe not compared to the subhumans in their native countries. These smelly retards are the reason engineers are paid such shit these days.

kys boomer.
We should make you live with indian and chink retards so you know what it's like.

The deal was in exchange for contributions to Tara Reade, meToo, and the Wall... motard

Welp, I voted to MAGA in 2016. Now I'll be voting for Jesse Ventura.

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Go dilate shareblue

explain pls.

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t. lazy american

your kind ashames the great american history, that's why we come here, we have more american values than you mutt

kys shareblue rat!
you're gonna die you fucking shill!

" Austria to send 181 containers to Greece for refugees
Containers will meet needs of asylum seekers at camps where overcrowding may lead to spread of cornavirus"

Hmm; I see.

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We actually WANT immigrants that are skilled/useful/productive. The ones the Democrats want are the useless welfare sponge professional voters.

>We actually WANT immigrants that are skilled/useful/productive
Thats not what poos are, here or outsourced. Just because they dont commit crime doesnt mean they arent shitty workers.

Oh wow, a democrat is a pedo and rapist?no way! Plz tell us more

The values you're espousing are that of post WWII America. You will see why we're not exactly happy about lowering labor standards and increasing corporate consolidation when the living conditions of your children decline tenfold

imagine living in a post second world war world lol; where did you leave your meds, this is what you have to adduce to blatant retardation, fuck me.

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Threads with a screencap but no archive link should be autobanned.

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>Trumpfags explain this
>*crickets chirping*
Explained months ago, 15 Jul 19:

"Whatever happened to America First? — A Theory of Corruption."

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>pretty based, I'm all for educated immigrants coming in to fill the gaps that lazy Americans won't fill in
It would be better to be lazy rather than someone who is not only economically illiterate, but stupid enough to open their big mouth despite that fact. There's no such thing as a labor shortage, that's industry speak. You raise wages, eventually it will reach a proper price point. It's a mechanism that raises wages unless companies can ask the government to intervene and dilute the nation via immigration, even IF it means the country eventually votes for some weird cosmopolitan socialist. It's worth killing your country so long as it happens over a period of 50 years if it means you make money and then die before any of that happens, right?

>The next president might make technology great again.
To do that, we'd need to hold big-tech to account.
Pic-related + anti-trust + applying other laws the flout regularly.

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Quick show this to the /ptg/ fags

This. Trust the plan fellow pedes. Awooooooooo

Inflation after this is over is going to be nuts and Americans will suffer for it with stagnant wages and being underemployed because the billionaires want slave labor and white women only care about themselves and not their sons futures. Once white women become a minority in their own country it will be too late. You can see it is starting white women are just starting to be pushed out and demonized their time is coming to an end and will eventually join their white males in the fire. If we burn you burn with us.

>pretty based, I'm all for educated immigrants coming in to fill the gaps that lazy Americans won't fill in
...about that...

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>fill the gaps that lazy Americans won't fill in
lol this has to be a troll
no one could be this retarded about the H1B program

Trump had the right instincts when he ran, but he undelivered on his immigration promises. Still, the left is far worse.


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Hey hombre where is your daughter and your job? I'm in charge now gringo nigger. Your country belongs to Aztecas holmes. Keep looking at some demented old fool. We rule you now.


Enjoy your Pajeets


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