Was this the beginning of degeneracy and the end of western culture?
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1789 was
Bretty much.
Still, I want to go back
What was it like in Italy in 68? I'd like to live there in those times...
A left-leaning conservative governament against chaos and revolutions made by students
Hart-Cellar was in 1965, so probably before 1968.
Elaborate please, I'm curious
US history
french revolution
1776 is american revolution
Yes. It was the fucking Hippies. You can't blame all baby boomers because they are some who were not of age during the 60's.
The 60's generation destroyed following generations. The 60's generation turned America into the wrecked fucking gloryhole it is today. The 60's generation control business and politics today and the dirty old fucks can't die off fast enough because they are all dope smoking vegans.
Yes I know, but why should have been the beginning of the end? I mean, it introduced concept as liberalism, but in my opinion the 19th century and part of the 20th were fine
The year was 1954. McCarthy failed and the Communists won. They quietly assassinated him three years later.
yes, fuck 'em. 68ers the niggers of white generations
1066 was
Point of no return was the failure of Operation Barbarossa.
No, 1963 was.
A reminder that LBJ had to have Kennedy knocked off before his jewish masters could enact their plans
Nah, man it's a cycle. You could argue Rome or Greece was the height, fell, then Renaissance Italy, then the 50s, then the 80s..... this shit will end and something new will come
Things went to shit in the 60s, but picked up in the 70s and early to mid 80s. Anything after 1986 is shit.
>inb4 hippies were 70s
No they fucking weren't nigger.
marked by a transition from sci-fi to fantasy in popular literature.
arguably 1884
oh shit you might be right, a lot of old school sci fi was written by people who really did their homework
when women were given the right to vote
What makes you think 1968 wasn't western culture?
What makes you think 1789 wasn't western culture?
Every single one of these things is a direct and logical extension of western thought.
Giving women the vote, or full rights, is a uniquely western idea.
no. we were still relatively innocent in that era.
the degeneracy came strongly in the mid to late 70s, when the anti war crowd ran out of legitimate bitchings and drug addiction became more overt.
at the time R&B was introduced it was considered the devil's music. Uptight fags have been crying about culture for probably 1000's of years
The Renaissance was the beginning of degeneracy.
Homesexuality and transgenderism are western culture, tracing its roots back to Greek and Roman Empires.
If Mexico ever gets its shit together, you can at least expect most of the immigrants to go back, same with a lot of Africans as the continent continues to improve. I don't know what's the deal with Asians though, South Korea is a first world country and Socal it's invaded with them, even when their countries are successful they leave, that's how shit their people must be.
Degeneracy has always existed in opposition to civilization.
If you're going to pick one event, pick 1687.
I would not say "they" are western culture. Deviancy happens in every culture. "They tend to not get their heads chopped off" in western culture is more appropriate.
Cristodiddio, certamente. Prova a parlare con uno dei ragazzi del '68 in ambito privato/familiare e tutti ammetteranno che i risultati sono stati del tutto negativi.
Mio padre conosceva personalmente Mario Capanna ed a volte fà cadere la maschera ed ammette che l'italia è una merda anche per quel periodo.
il 6 politico
R&B music by definition is degenerate. Civilization is created by the suppression and redirection of primitive sexual drives, which negro music brought back into pure expression.
But the same people up in arms with twerking and hip hop would prefer to listen to Elvis. But Elvis was the unpure thing at his time. So who is right or wrong and what is actual degeneracy? I say focus on yourself and don't worry about pop culture
It was Edward Bernays who turned the American, and by extent the European, from citizen into consumer
>Civilization is created by the suppression and redirection of primitive sexual drives
wow. you really believe this? what ultimately drives capitalism, then, in your mind? how the fuck does revlon make so much money and simultaneously define the niche for itself to make money.
some epic music emerged in '68
Yes, the 68 movement was huge in Sweden too
Did 68-vänstern fuck up Denmark too?