"Daddy, the results came in, you're not my real father... will still love me and take care of me?"

>"Daddy, the results came in, you're not my real father... will still love me and take care of me?"

What to do in this culturally complex political situation.

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fuck her again

this means I can fuck her guilt-free

Take care of her. She's white, and she's apart of my people. I'll of course have children of my own too, but what are we as a people if we don't take care of one another.

I would never be in this situation.

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Dump the mom, not the kids fault. Make own kids with someone else.

yep, depends on genetics

As long as the real father wasn't a bigger you're good lil girl

looks like its time to fuck

Family is really anyone that sticks with you regardless of race, blood, or ethnicity.

cuck simp dilate you seething and coping dicsord tranny kike shill

Well, raising a kid that isnt yours is literally be a cuck.

If that the case and you really love her then blue pilled yourself and keep thinking you never heard that words


Take care of her then I would coom in her and make children with her.So I would uncuck myself.

Wrong father moron, my wife didn't fuck any one except me

Sell her to arabs

That's the right proper answer

I'd father the fuck out of her, and fuck the father out of her


>It's a mudd
Don't hate the player, hate the game!

>"Daddy, the results came in, you're not my real father... will still love me and take care of me?"
Looks like I have 2 wives now.

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Sorry kike, whites are more than just the individual.

What if you knew that all along but you were raising her as your wife?
She will now give birth to your actual children

>will still love me and take care of me?"
Sure, but I'm gonna kill your mum.

The only proper way to look at an already horrible situation.

the fact she'd asked me that would absolutely break my heart though.

>Implying anyone here ever got laid

Friendly reminder that this is actually very common and feminists are working to ban paternity tests (already have in some countries) because they believe men should be forced to unknowingly raise another man's child while she cheats on him.

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Breed with her

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>no blood relation
groom her and fuck her.

literally made for BBC

Walk away. I already have bastards I have to care of and who are my actual kids.

>divorce and sues whore wife for stolen child support

please look at all the posts above you and write something edgy next time

>one post by this ID
>not doing a $20 DNA test shortly after birth

As a man diagnosed with OAT syndrome and low chance of impregnating my wife I have accepted that biology isn't everything.

yes, every decision should be made with zero semantic thinking, this always leads to a great conclusion.

leave the postulation to us big brains, pablo

All that matters is blood. Everyone else is just strangers.

Probably keep her around. Whites have to look out for each other. Individualism is a jewish cancer.

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shut up reddit

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>Make own kids with someone else.

Bonus if it is the kid you have children with.

DNA tests are way more expensive and usually require the mother's consent. If the mother refuses, you already have the answer.

Get the fuck out of my house

I'd get her pregnant.

she might not be your daughter but is the right age to give you one

As fucked up as it is....i do wonder if she would make for a better wife at that point.....

The only thing someone of another blood, race and ethnicity sticks "with" me, is a knife in my back


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>Get wife hooked on drugs
>Divorce wife and get custody of daughter
>Destroy wifes life, get her to commit suicide
>Groom daughter to be a good woman
>Marry daughter when legally possible.
The only non-cucked solution.

You're either baiting or had a perfect family lol. No, stepkids/parents are NOT family

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Hard pass.

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>Daddy, the results came in, you're not my real father... will still love me and take care of me?
yes only because you're white

Mmm step daughter

Proof that blue eyes are superior. They're the most salient feature; if she had brown eyes she'd be much less impressive.

>Well that sucks. I guess instead of raising a daughter I've been raising my wife. Let's take this to the bedroom.

I finally beat the pipe by grooming her to be my next wife and have beautiful children with her once she's of age

>err i'm gonna go get a pack of smokes

This isnt complex the reality is that you were conned into caring for a child that isn't yours. I would look to collect against the mother for every penny I spent against my will. If for some reason the (((courts))) are designed to not allow this level of basedness, I'll just leave the country or something

El gringo del torro gordo dorito negro.

Not a chance

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Exactly. What better way to troll the mother than to own her daughters womb.

He's American.
We don't do that shit.

Wait untill shes 18 and this time make sure the kid is yours. If not, repeat the cycle.

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He’s on point actually. A society that expects its men to just behave like cuckholded faggots isn’t a society worth preserving

> oh that's why I find you so hot.

Now you can have a more genuine father, daughter roleplay.

This. Divorce the mom and marry the Loli.

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>Wait until she's 18


You can call me Daddy in a different way now darlin

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Fill every hole with cum.

Why even believe the test results though? A women should be kept at a locked home after witnessing her period, until one man with the key knocks her up.

What? Ok bye.

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>You'll understand if I'm a bit paranoid this time right?
>Good. We'll do three months social isolation before starting then continue it until pregnancy signs are shown before returning to the public. It'll probably be about 6-9 months before you see anyone other than me.

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This. Bring her with you if she want to come. You probably care more about her than her biofather.

>require the mother's consent
it should be mandatory

Or instead of going MGTOW you should attempt to spark a revolutionary movement against the kike’d system that directly lead to you being cuckholded most of you life without any consideration to you at all.

That’s what a non-cuck would do

Everyone that would fuck a child is not only fucking their holed but also their minds. Permanently.

Pedophiles are the meaning of degeneracy faggots