
Wow. Truly astonishing what Cheeto von StickFuck has to do to distract America from what’s truly going on in our country. Being ravaged to death by the #American Virus

Shame on you 45!

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>torturing Jew Yorkers with meme "disorders"

WTF I love Blormpf now

How will those poor overworked nurses be able to hear the music their dancing to?! Shits fucked up



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dam people are hating on the blue angels now?

No one on Yas Forums calls him "45," not even ironically. Get the fuck out, shill.

at the Super Bowl it's not a problem tho

The real blue angels are our brave Frontline nurses in their trademark blue scrubs. No need to bring in toxic masculinity and jingoistic imagery. Have you thanked a nurse today?

Imagine being this emotionally fragile...

thanks user that post gave me a sad.

Sandi Bachom...
She's the 'journalist' who was present at UTR in Aug 2017. She tripped and broke her arm and claimed that a 'nazi' pushed her. It was only if footage was shown to her where it shows she just tripped that she redacted that claim.

Attached: MeekDarlingCassowary-size_restricted.gif (560x315, 3.98M)

You can see her regularly at rallies where she takes photographs of the alt-right. It's rumored that she passes the pics to AntifashGordon helping to doxx those guys.
If there's violence she makes sure she only captures the right

Is he even aiming? He's just shooting round after round.

God it's amazing, To think that trump will allow airplanes to fly near NYC for the first time since 9/11

They banned all flights from NYC airspace for a reason you fucking pigs

god this is triggering

>Being ravaged to death by the #American Virus

you sir suffer from TDS. if you read the real statistics the china flu is nothing but a flu. not one bit more aggressive than the regular flu. same death rate too.

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holding the stock just off his shoulder and leaning back like a scared child so it smacks him repeatedly

I hope he fucking bombs all the faggots in NYC.

People are hating on a MC in Scotland?

>PTSD over airplane noises
Oh fuck off, planes are near the city all the time. It's like that fag never heard of JFK or laguardia

That's it!

Attached: triggered BLUUUMPH YOU WILL PAY.jpg (1280x720, 103.82K)

its only 5.30pm here in uk right now. we have to wait until 8pm until we are allowed to go ou ton our doorsteps and do our bit to save the NHS, by clapping like special needs kids

And everyone clapped

My god, shes the type of person who would be offended at her own farts.

>doesn't understand 'friendly warning'
Cuomo might wanna get his head out of his ass, otherwise it might not be Blue Angels next time.

worlds gone crazy m8, dont even know what to do anymore.

Trump is from nyc and remembers way more of 9/11 than this cotton candy ass PTSD Having pussy.

I lived in Brooklyn in 2001, I was 5 years old.
Where I live now the blue angels used to practice over my house.
I don’t understand how these people actually just want to be salty as fuck

>muh PTSD
I know several former marines and not a single one of them have ever complained about having PTSD. It's a term faggots like these use to show that they're offended over some trivial bullshit

I don't even shoot and I can tell this is very wrong.
The butt part goes in your shoulder crotch pal.

It's another Holocaust! I hope that cunt has a heart attack, she's part of the problem just look at her. I thought only the millennial leftists were brainwashed retards what is this old hag doing acting like this.

I know you're joking but fuck you you dumb nigger

Is that what those explosive loud sounds in the air is now?

I wish the blue Angels just started firing on New York. Or better yet, drop a nuke on the whole fucking city.

>millennial leftists were brainwashed retards
age isn't relevant. political affiliation isn't relevant. race isn't relevant. gender isn't relevant. some people just don't think. and no amount of redpills will ever change that.

Mental disorders are strictly for social clout.

Military people aren’t low enough to use PTSD as an excuse for poor behavior.

But females and fags will talk about their ocd, depression, bi polar, ptsd for victimhood points all day long, because they know they can be shitty and have 0 consequences. Cause

>it’s not my fault I got mad and crashed your car, I’m bi polarrrr

Forgot to mention Anxiety, if you meet someone who says they have it steal their Xanax and gtfo