I mean realistically these people are more valuable as soap as that they are in humans don’t you agree?
Should we exterminate everyone with an IQ lower than 110?
Wow you must be really smart
Then you would have to kill everyone that comes here. I refuse to believe that any intelligent person thinks that wasting time here, on the asshole of the internet is a smart thing to do. If you actually have a high IQ and you still decide to post here... You're probably autistic or something.
No that is unethical. There is also still things we dont know about biology, genetics and DNA and it could be a mistake.
It would be much better create a country, state or city where only high IQ people where allowed and incentives given for them to have more children.
We should but it's not gonna happen. Be glad robots are gonna take over stupid people's jobs though; that way they won't have any power over the future of humanity.
This place is just as good as any internet forum.
Sure, we can start with you first.
too bad all existing countries are already occupied by dumb fucks.
Yas Forums is full of retards but I still like it
Purchase their fertility in a voluntary legal consensual transaction. Bucket of chicken and some grape soda, pair of the latest sneakers, whatever it takes.
>OP five minutes after get 111 on an online IQ test
>Should we exterminate everyone with an IQ lower than 110
Anyone who passed 8th grade math would say no. Lets say you wipe out all the 0-70 tier. Since IQ is a quotient, the remaining population would now have a new 0-70 tier.
Until everyone is gone.
Seeth more dumb dumb. I’m starting my masters next year.
The feel that I won't make it.
>sad face .jpg
No make the IQ threshold for death 95 because a person is dumb once they are below 95.
Yas Forums has gone to complete shit since the Russians took over 3 years ago. All the good anons left and never came back.
Lot of black and brown people on the chopping block. I'm down with it.
I’m mostly here to troll the dumb dumbs. It amuses me.
no iq gets to be hollowed out for U shaped distribution. No Midwits in ethnostate
We could also say that we extermimate everyone who doesn’t have a reasonable bachelor degree
High IQ Yas Forums users mostly lurk, coming to this place lets you analyze deceptive behavior, sociopathic tendencies and the effects of predictive programming. Nobody above 130+ actually comes here for the political information.
90-110 IQ pol users are susceptible to propaganda
111-129 IQ pol users make and utilize propaganda
130+IQ pol users study propaganda without complying to their enemies rules of warfare
90% of the users here are below 110 just due to insecurity alone.
>not knowing that that means eventually everyone will be killed.
absolute brainlet.
Yeah but we have a bright new future were dumb dumbs who can only swing hammers aren’t really needed.
Since 2016 I was cast out continually from one mainstream forum after another until I came here.
There was physically no place from someone initially from Yas Forums to leave to.
Who’s going to do construction?
>unironically using the phrase dumb dumbs.
IQ has nothing to do with statistics or means you epic retard.
129 here, I come here to metashill
Based and lurkpilled.
what is a quotient you absolute mongoloid.
There would still be 43 people left in the end
looks like OP killed himself.
People that think IQ means anything should be exterminated
LFMOA you actually expect people to come here for reasonable information.
Around 125 according to a Dutch healthcare website I had to pay money so it was legit.
You are a moron. You would be killed in the first round.
After that first round everyone who decided upon this method would stop because OP would be killed, and the world would be a better place due to it.
no you absolute moron.
IQ is an abbreviation for Intelligenzquotient
A quotient is a fraction of something. If I need to explain this further you really are irredeemable.
Well most of them anyway. And we will gas the trailer trash white people.
we should imprison shills
People are dumb when they are lower than 110.
Instead of hitting the gym like some glorified chimp read a book.
>powerless incels hypothesize killing themselves: the thread
You arent as smart as you think if you believe this midwit at best.
At least make them sterile. These fucking degenerates will only hold us back one robots replace them.
>Nobody above 130+ actually comes here for the political information.
Seems like sub 140s dont realize you can get the best information available anywhere here you just have to use your brain to sift through the turds for the truth. A few choice examples of truth exposed here:
trayvon martin trial
trump winning '16
coronavirus prepping december '19
Ethics on Yas Forums fuck of newfag.
Cope harder
>white genocide kalergi IQ.png
NOT IQs. IQs DO NOT DROP YOU FUCKWITS! Intelligence levels drop, but not IQs.
>on the asshole of the internet
hey man, that's reddit.
You're a 110 IQ brainlet. Middle IQ is the where you get the complainers. Low IQ does what told. High (130+) comes up for things for low IQ to do. 110-130 is cancer.
Who wants smart assholes around?
This entire topic shows exactly what happens when you have enough intelligence to get yourself into a real pickle.
As they saying goes, every animal has enough brains to tan its own hide.
Go back to your cave dumb dumb. The age of orcs is over.
Its true homo there is no money to be made in a to efficent system you should know this as a smartypants
The midwits are the willing chattel slaves
I don't agree with him, but what if he means taking a snapshot of the 110 and below IQ now and leaving only the ones that meet the criteria for 110+ at THIS moment? There are many arguments against his obviously hyperbolic plan and you're not really hitting any of them.
137iq here, can confirm
If anything lurking is better bc then you don’t have to face the reality of being called a smoothbrain by some midwit