What did he mean by this? More importantly, is this the guy that's supposed to beat Trump? He will get slaughtered at the debates and pity whoever he runs as VP because they too will get wrecked by Pence; just ask Tim Kaine.
Joe Biden wants more economic intercourse
He wants to fuck your wallet as President
Vote for Joe! Put the pedos back in charge.
That's an old fashion term for rough anal.
If Trump said it CNN headlines “Trump demands you wrap stimulus check around your cock!!!!”
What I, as a consenting adults, choose to do with my money, is totally not the same as what that senile creep tries doing to kids. Money was always a whore. Kids don't deserve that shit.
Also wash those notes before snorting coke with them, they had a rough night
senile old pervert
Biden has dementia. How sad he's just not allowed to retire and go enjoy what little life he has left.
I'm curious, how do Biden supporters defend this? These are genuinely disturbing images. Has anyone even called him on this, like to his face in an interview? Has he attempted to explain any of this behavior? It makes zero sense to me that this goes on unquestioned, especially with Biden's reputation for being at best a womanizer and at worst a literal rapist.
There are no organic Biden supporters, no one that isn't paid would vote for that
They don't want Trump to lose, even though they have to look like they do, because he just keeps cutting checks for people who already have excess money, like the Dems and all their donation scams. The whole system is fucked.
He's been watching too much OnlyFans
Yet Trump says stupid shit all the time
I hate how plausible this sounds. Fuck, bros. Just, FUCK.
>Corona virus needs to be cured world wide otherwise global trade will be damaged
Literally all he said, and I fucking hate sleepy Joe , but this wasn't a dementia moment like the wife sister thing was.
Democratic voters will seriously vote for this child molester?
He wants the govt to fuck people out of their money.
Not really a puzzler Sherlock.
The Dems have TDS so badly that they'll overlook anything so long as they think that they can beat Trump.
>economic intercourse
Joe wants to legalize prostitution.
They don't. The lefty forums I'm watching are arguing over whether to vote at all. With the sex assault allegation and his belligerent statements against voters ("you're full of shit!" "don't vote for me!"), they either aren't voting at all, or are planning to hold their nose for the lesser of two evils.
They're so defeated, divided, and hopeless it's hard to imagine any scenario where Trump loses organically.
I can't believe I need to say this, but please don't put money on your penis.
Does dis cracka bust his gun?
Hell yeah he busts his gun
Does he fuck em till they cum?
Damn right he makes em cum
In the north, head south, head east, head west
Joe Bidens gonna show ya niggas who rides the best
>not using the word "commerce"
thank you, you've made my day
He's retarded and probably on drugs. The drugs being child female shampoo.
>u lost white boi?
That's not the point.
It's the fact they are saying that Biden is better than Trump yet he does shit like this. Say hello to another 4 more years of Trump.
Now look here fat, I can tell by your face you don't know jack about that. In my time we called it the Money System, that's where all the gold went. Now, if you want to go back and say it was fine, you can vote for the other gold. But you can't talk to me that way about pushups, I know they work and Corn Pop knows it too. I oughta smack you right in your lying mouth and take you out for dinner.
At least you don't have to speak german
Now let me tell ya' something. When I was eight years old, my mom took me to see a motion picture for my birthday. Ma was the kinda woman who would just love to stroke your leg, you know, and the golden hairs would pop back up. And as we were walking out, we came face to face with that damn Cornpop. He and I both locked eyes and someone had to say something. My dad had fought at Bull Run, he was a tough dude. And he always told me to stand up for myself. So I yelled at him "Listen fat, you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier!" That got his attention. So he comes at me with a rusty straight razor, and I told him "I'm sorry I called you fat. But I'm not sorry that I called you a lying dog faced pony soldier. If you come one step closer, I'll wrap my mom around your head." So he backed off, and my mom and I hopped in our horse and buggy and left.