Answer me this, Drumphies...

Answer me this, Drumphies. How is it that COVID-19 is being handled so much worse compared to the exemplary reaction by Obama?
Protip: You can't. Your faggot Tangerine "President" failed in every concievable way and Obama would have led us through this with flying colors just like he did with Swine Flu. Drink Bleach.

Attached: MissMeYet.png (1600x1237, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Democrat govornors intentionally fucking up and then going "Drumpfy" hoping idiots like you eat it up.

Prove it, faggot.
Protip: You can't.
That's why you retards are spreading lies without any proof, because you're disgustingly dishonest. Trump's pathetic ego cost people their lives.


Inject bleach.

Tell us how Obama handled covid 19.

protip, you are a faggot that can not stop sucking cocks.

Pretty well, seems to just be chilling

Attached: Outstanding.jpg (621x451, 65.65K)

He botched handling of the swine flu. Nice b8

Obama isn't President, so that question is retarded and irrelevant. You have yet to prove how Obama MIGHT have POSSIBLY failed even slightly. Face it, your Tangerine man is letting people die and getting them killed with his idiocy.

lets see what states have not expiring stay at home orders shall we?


>Miss Me?

yup, i swerved. wasn't paying attention. thought you were a squirrel for a moment.


>Botched the handleing of Swine Flu
How? Pretending that nothing was done prior to the declaration of a national emergency is a fucking joke. It is disgustingly dishonest. Kill yourself.

Because you are a retarded pleb that thinks this is about a virus and not the fact the US defaulted on Feb 20th. Keep wondering why overseas goods are still going to be in very short supply even when the all clear is given. Neocons and liberals like yourself spent us into bankruptcy. Thank God there IS a backup plan in place for this fucking shit show you normies and every president since bush sr put us in with your fucking spendthrift positions fed to you by the media.

Attached: 1587771497179m.jpg (1024x852, 48.64K)

Take your meds, schizo

>just like he did with Swine Flu

I know this shit thread is bait, but I'm going to remind everyone that Obama literally did nothing about the swine flu. Everyone just waited it out and it went away on its own.

Obama didn't fuck up the H1N1 response.

Hate that nigger.

Attached: obama oops.jpg (170x55, 2.27K)

These Democrats are stopping people from injecting bleach!
Intentionally ignoring the advice of our wise leader.

Attached: trump advice.gif (320x320, 2.18M)

>10 year bond inverts last year
>October 2019 Fed dumps 7 trillion in the repo market to keep banks liquid
>Yas Forums predicted the crash weeks in advance

This level of economic ignorance you have is why you fucking suffer in life. And you do otherwise you wouldn't be bitching about the response and economy now in fucking Yas Forums

Shill thread

If Obama was president right wing conspiracy theorists would be talking about how he plans to impose martial law.
That's not a defense of him either, it's a criticism of how fucking dumb partisan hacks like you are.

sounds like the same way he handled h1n1

>Prove it
also, joe biden raped tara reade.
her mom talked about it on larry king in august of 1993.

Attached: nycFuckedUp.jpg (1339x1387, 1.61M)

Prove he was being dishonest.

Fuck you, I made the first Obama "Miss me yet" picture

Attached: obama-miss-me-yet.jpg (480x348, 41.43K)

4 more years, seethe faggot.

You are doing the exact same thing that you did 4 years ago to a devastating loss. Nobody like democrats anymore.

Attached: 8DABEEBA-FA54-4D0C-A56E-6E1AD00611B1.jpg (601x508, 45.67K)

Fuck Bath house barry.

Attached: barryshead.jpg (509x758, 62.4K)