Is this Right?

Not all Right Wingers are evil but their ideas are pretty much textbook Wrong Side of History. Maybe they are just sick and need to be healed?

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>textbook wrong side of history

Who's writing the textbooks?

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Also. This explains a lot about the American Right

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former ancom here, I've literally never met a leftist who doesn't suffer from some mental illness or another.

How come someone from Peru sounds EXACTLY like an american leftard?

Hmmm, I wonder (((why))).

If you support incarceration of mentally ill people who can safely and more affordably be treated in the community, you are right wing by definition.

Right wing = brainwashed
Left wing = brainwashed
Anarchist = free thinking man

I have never met a healthy weight Republican voter.

Anarchists are left wing. But yeah, they're smart

Nice VPN Jewboy

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>textbook Wrong Side of History

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What is that, some sort of Aussie regional flag?

Dude there are plenty of brainwashed anarchists out there. Back in 2016 there were real problems with "comrades" ditching out on actions to fucking campaign for Clinton.

>Anarchists are left wing
>People who don't want government are left wing

fuck off anime fag

Centrism is the correct option, but right is preferable to left.
Textbook evil against Niggers is ok.

> believing most government means Left wing
The American has spoken

Depends on what you mean by "sick". Progressive ideology reduces fertility and literally leads to a society dying out.

The majority of people think "right winged" there is no such thing as being on the wrong side of history

But the community would leave them to.die

>Anarchists are left wing

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>He believes an anarchist supports a certain wing of the government that anarchists denounce

Did you learn everything you know about politics from the back of a cereal box?

nah it's sideways Austria

Anarchists aren't opposed to government, they're opposed to the state. Baby anarchists rage when confronted with this fact, but what they actually advocate is stateless governance.

Centrist is the biggest asshole of them all. You get your Bush/Obama/Clinton state oligarchy that murders shitholers and steals from you to make them and their wall st buddies rich.
The centrist is a literal sheep to be milked and bled until it's dead

i've met rich, libtarded Peruvian art school cunts irl and they are awful

>Anarchists aren't opposed to government, they're opposed to the state.
What did he mean by this?

Is anarchism a spook?

Basically both sides can lead you off the cliff given enough power. One will take your guns the other your freedom. Same cage different door. Its 1% world just ask pedo and tyrannical commie sympathizing globalist Bill Gates

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Yea we are so evil for opposing 10 year old children getting irreversible surgery and castrating themselves for life.

Also why is it that left wingers are all on either anti depressants or ADD meds? For people who have supposedly "respectable" views, they seem to really dislike their own lives despite living in the most progressive era in history.

Can you heal me op?

So because you are lukewarm— neither hot nor cold— I spew you out of My mouth!

>Not all Right Wingers are evil but their ideas are pretty much textbook Wrong Side of History. Maybe they are just sick and need to be healed?
>wrong Side of History

You don't even have a working concept of what is wrong/right/truth/good/evil.

So even if there was such a thing as "right wingers" AND you correctly defined their ideology , you would still be unable to discuss anything political let alone understand the issues

being in favor of racially exterminating european and being a faggot subhuman cocksucker is vermin mongrel level tier of wrong side of history

>Wrong Side of History
let me borrow your time machine faggots because you are wrong

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duh fuq?

And how is that worse than being sexually assaulted by staff in the asylum? Or subjected to unethical medical testing? The movement to close the asylums was a left-wing response to the gross abuses occuring therein, and it started in the sixties. Besides, they weren't and aren't "left to die." The community supports they need are underfunded but they do exist. Some people slip through the cracks, and that should be fixed.

Imagine still believing there's a genuine meritocratic system to become an American elite

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"the left" sure as hell is.

History is written by the winners

stop thinking in terms of the american political theatre

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Anarchists are retarded because they assume everyone would magically get along in a society with no state or laws. Feudalism is the true redpill

no it goes if you're right wing you're right about things, but choose the left remain bereft.

>wrong side of history
hilarious and inaccurate.

Are Jewish exclusive genetic disorders on the right side of history?

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Yeah, it is. Right-wing views are a product of a primitive mind lashing out over the fact that the world is not as simplistic as its idea of it.

Right wingers are mentally ill, and this includes Liberals.

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i think you dropped this

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A state is that organization which enjoys a monopoly over the legitimized use of violence within a defined geographic region. A government is an organization that makes decisions on behalf of groups. Technically, a Quaker congregation that acts only on consensus is just as much a government as the government of the United States of America is.

Justify it however you want but a government is a form of a state. Plus Anarchists believe in overthrowing the government to collaspe the current system, but how would they create a new government under those conditions?