How are you celebrating Ramadan lads?

How are you celebrating Ramadan lads?

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I just had a knock off egg McMuffin.

Forgot it's bacon and pork rib day. Thanks.

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I miss braais man

Mohamed was a child raping, cock smoking faggot.
Get the fuck off this board you camel jockeys.


By sexing some hijabi grad students who are stranded here cuz of covid


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Burgerception. Matriburgerska.

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Pork is literally the trashiest und most unhealthy meat out there. Poisining yourself to own the muslims is probably most retarded thing a person can do.

by shitting on a qua-ran, them papers is thin.

The mcrib is back!


>south africans cook pork like this

how kind of you to make pork that muslims can eat because they will immediately throw it up

It's lamb actually. Nice digits, but as a kraut you should embrace your porky heritage.

By not eating you fucking pig

Americans don't know how to cook meat on wood, saw a bunch of them with each one having their own sausage on a stick, rotating it over open flames lmfao.

>lamb on an ISLAMIQ-inspired MANGAL GRILL
>close to coals
>not 30 yards away like shitty American Weber
Al-khalifa as-Afrika welcomes you user

May the fleas of one thousand camels infest your moustache

>How are you celebrating Ramadan lads?
Sacrificed a muslim refugee to the volcano gods. Not many tourists around anymore so I had to make do.

>Doesn't know about waiting for coals to be the right temperature.
Weber's suck because if you use wood instead of charcoal you can expect them to be full of holes within 2 years


I celebrated by eating a whole package pf bacon

cheeseburgers and beer how else?

Cooking a ten pound pork shoulder.

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Pretty good Alhamduillah.
Missing praying in the masjid but hopefully they open it for the taraweeh prayers

I would only advise this if you want your meat to taste like paraffin. I'm using Namibian hardwood because I like the taste. Best option is actually half an oil drum on a frame.

Lotsa kikes rocking this flag lately. Imagine being so easy to spot, kek

How to get 1 billion muslims to want you dead: EASY

1. Convert to Islam
2. 30 seconds later, convert to anything else

It's THAT simple!

And niggers say we don't season anything

Is it true Portugal and Spain made pork and shellfish dishes national dishes like paella something everyone has to eat if they're really Spanish or Portuguese to keep Jews and Muslims out of their countries ?

Pork is the best meat. Don't be a faggot for the sake of it.

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Ok Muhammad