cont from weve been lied to. Last time that part of underwater was above water, was roughly 50000 years ago. Altough who knows the truth, but yea
>'Lost city' found beneath Cuban waters

>New Underwater Finds Raise Questions About Flood Myths

>Submerged Cuban ruins could be man-made,3238772

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love spaghetti.

>Psalm 89:10
>Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.
>Isaiah 51:9
>Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?

>What if the asteroid belt isn't that of a planet that never formed, but one that blew up because God destroyed it, to perpetuate the flood and destruction of an evil and wicked generation of humans? That people, living many long years on the face of the earth, eventually gave in to their basest desires, perfecting their dark arts and killing everyone that opposed them? Perpetuating warfare upon brethren over petty differences and injustices?

>NYT story describing large waves causing 900 foot "chevrons" which is basically all the dirt in the wave that settled in one spot.
>Page 1 of 2
>Page 2 of 2

>Middlesboro, KY

>Lakes that are actually impact craters.

>This will probably destroy something on earth in 2029. We're screwed lol.

Attached: impact_craters.png (1290x800, 1.06M)

why do they hide the real history?
why can't we have nice things?
i just want someone to acknowledge the underwater structures in doggerland, japan, and now cuba.

that's some good pyramidomania-atlantisomania

That’s a big what if

Then you want to study archaeology. it'll be really expensive and tricky to get funding for any project you mention after your MA/MS, but its doable user. Go for it.

my ancestors :)

>posting in a schizo thread

Attached: 1525618696363.gif (528x555, 815.5K)

lol :D

If I'm right it will herald the end. I read the bible. A lot. This whole "dreams and visions" thing has me scared, because I saw it being flung into the earth at a 90-degree angle, exactly the spot where the recent solar eclipse marked an X on an island in the middle of the Mississippi river.

>Revelation 18:21
>And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

Why do meme flags so frequently call these threads schizo and why do they so frequently tell people to take their meds?

Why did the CIA censor The Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas? Why did they only release is years later with only 57 of the 300+ original pages? Why would the government feel the need to censor information about the cyclical nature of civilization?

You mentioned in the other thread you had a vision of a destroyed planet.
Do you know of Tiamat? Where the asteroid belt is apparently where the planet was which was destroyed in the war of the gods.

They're not hiding it, they're just not looking for it.
Ancient Aliens if anything motivates people to look into it themselves, meme show or not.
That Zahi Hawass clings on to the mummified "custom burial homes for pharaohs" story is just business. The idea that they predate the oldest Egyptian dynasty destroys his business, so why would he subscribe to it?
Why should any historical authority for that matter? Their science is settled, their revenue is steady. Why would they volunteer to ruin their financial security?

You got any close ups? If no, then it’s fake

It's probably the planet we're from.

To quell mass panic maybe and keep people ignorant. There is an attempt to keep the masses dumbed down. Knowledge is Power.

>bUt muH pYRamiDs

>muh memeflag
Blow it out your ass you retarded reddit transplant
I like these threads

Attached: memeflag history.png (1350x630, 86.01K)

It's easy to control mutts without history.

Mass panic the excuse for classifying and keeping things secret, an excuse to exert control through deception. Some people might panic, but who cares? Bad things are going to happen anyway, why lie about it? All warfare is deception (Sun Tzu), even spiritual warfare, and the spiritual is the intellectual. Information is spiritual, as a means of knowing if a thing is true about some physical event or thing.

They censored it because they wanted to keep it to themselves and they released to see if public could come up with somekinda good ideas for it. i say block it with moon

what's going on with gobekli tepe? are the turkroaches, kurdfags isistards and syriabros still fighting there? Have they fucked it up like islam fucks everything up?

Yes- I believed there was a war. It obilerated the other planet but took part of Mars too and the asteroid belt and Saturns rings are that planet.

there was a asteroid that ended the ice age in europe 20k years ago that easily could've flooded that

Pic is from a computer model

I also think the surviving giant folks who rules left our solar system in the end and left the gene edited higher level servants (who were on Mars and now a lot of "us" on earth with the native people of earth (highly colored).

They left us just like that. I wonder where. And if they return someday.

I relate to your vision of the ancient past OP because I too sometimes have visions. I dream everynight but this was no mere dream. I had an experience of flying through multidimensional hyperspace, I couldn't comprend it now it was beyond human perception. I then found myself to be what felt like a powerful godlike giant in a prehistoric age coming into contact with a savage looking proto-human. I felt like I wanted to smite it with a bolt of lightning of something. I honestly feel as if I was being shown a historical event. It felt like a presentation that had been shown not just to me but others as well, about the true origins of our history and the destruction of ages past. Before this I wasnt sure about the Annunaki myths being based in reality, after this it made sense to me that they are. I think you may well have seen a historical event.

Spaghetti, part two.

>Go to Guulag
>Type "maps" into the search
>Open first link
>Hit the "satellite" button

Many impact craters, go look. Research "liquifaction" and its effect on particulates in water, specifically sand/silt.

Attached: impact_craters2.png (1120x915, 780.1K)

Did you guys know that the sun is fake?

I mean though, did you have prior knowledge of this idea before hand?

Asha Logos on youtube if you want to know ancient history

>What is liquefaction?
If a bunch of impact craters made particulates in water become suspended in water as if it were water itself, a large volume of debris can cover large areas of land in mere seconds. Think of the ash cloud from Mount Vesuvius burying Pompeii, but under water with cubic miles of sand, instead of fine ash in the air.

Attached: liquefaction.png (1099x478, 357.23K)

>why do they hide the real history?
why are they blasting laser cannons into the bermuda triangle all fucking day every day

those pyramids were discovered by Carl Munck using his mathematical techniques.

>Did you guys know that the sun is fake?

Yes exactly. About once a year I have a dream that feels more real than reality.
Heres 2

I once (2 years ago) felt the multidimensional thing too. It went like this:

I was out with my friend in a nightclub. I came home. It was saturday, 5am. I went to sleep 8am. I woke up 2am, sunday. I slept 18 hours.
Thats a megadose of natural dmt. I didnt even take alcohol (bsically never)

I only remember the end, i was falling through sky, sky like you see from aeroplane but there were skyscraper sized mechanical things like in a pocket watch.

I was going through them. I could feel on an intellectual level that im seeing reality itself open up to another reality.

I could also feel my heart rate go up and a subconscious feeling that im playing with my health.
I told myself I wanna go deeper and see more, I could feel falling deeper and I could see how the universe was really built.

But then it was too much, I could feel my heart beat too much and I had to say myself "abort abort".

I woke up, could feel my heart beat and I jumped up and measured it, it was something 140bpm.
Also, about 6 months before this, I saw a similar feeling real dream. I was in a green field with pyramid sized and shaped silver colored ships taking off, several of them. They just lifted off into the sky and left. Then I went underground to a hangar thing, there were robot vehicles driving. Like car sized but box looking robot things.

One went pass me, then stopped, came back infront of me. I said to myself "shit i got caught" and booooom I woke up.

I wanted to see more.

So I entered something in my dream which I believe was partially interactive since I was not supposed to be there.

Now, were the ships leaving, heading to earth now, from a distant place, or was it a memory when they left once from here for example.
I couldnt figure that out.

Attached: 69697195-3d-rendering-of-many-silver-and-gold-mechanical-parts-in-different-planes-on-a-dark-background.jpg (1300x866, 156.8K)

all the real birds died that time they sprayed paraquat

/x/ is a click away fags

Attached: cool-story-bro-2.jpg (571x570, 61.37K)

No. I didnt even read the cia mars viewing paper except until the coordinates mentioned in the paper.

In the cia paper ( , a person sees somekinda tomb a million years ago with a "person" in stasis in somekinda tomb/temple.

I didnt read that part myself. I only read until the coordinates which the Cia instructor told the remote viewer dude to concentrate.

Then I concentrated on those coordinates and saw also a tomb and what I wrote in the x/ link.

After I saw what I saw, I continued to read the Cia paper to the end and was surprised the cia remote viewer dude also saw the same thing. Thats why I think its scary that I saw the same thing.