Yes exactly. About once a year I have a dream that feels more real than reality.
Heres 2
I once (2 years ago) felt the multidimensional thing too. It went like this:
I was out with my friend in a nightclub. I came home. It was saturday, 5am. I went to sleep 8am. I woke up 2am, sunday. I slept 18 hours.
Thats a megadose of natural dmt. I didnt even take alcohol (bsically never)
I only remember the end, i was falling through sky, sky like you see from aeroplane but there were skyscraper sized mechanical things like in a pocket watch.
I was going through them. I could feel on an intellectual level that im seeing reality itself open up to another reality.
I could also feel my heart rate go up and a subconscious feeling that im playing with my health.
I told myself I wanna go deeper and see more, I could feel falling deeper and I could see how the universe was really built.
But then it was too much, I could feel my heart beat too much and I had to say myself "abort abort".
I woke up, could feel my heart beat and I jumped up and measured it, it was something 140bpm.
Also, about 6 months before this, I saw a similar feeling real dream. I was in a green field with pyramid sized and shaped silver colored ships taking off, several of them. They just lifted off into the sky and left. Then I went underground to a hangar thing, there were robot vehicles driving. Like car sized but box looking robot things.
One went pass me, then stopped, came back infront of me. I said to myself "shit i got caught" and booooom I woke up.
I wanted to see more.
So I entered something in my dream which I believe was partially interactive since I was not supposed to be there.
Now, were the ships leaving, heading to earth now, from a distant place, or was it a memory when they left once from here for example.
I couldnt figure that out.
Attached: 69697195-3d-rendering-of-many-silver-and-gold-mechanical-parts-in-different-planes-on-a-dark-background.jpg (1300x866, 156.8K)