NASA Live stream had technical difficultues

NASA had technical difficulties today in their ISS Livestream.

Sensitive information was leaked in the stream, including information in the videos including Subnets, IPs, subnet masks, ports.

Here are two links to screen recordings that were uploaded to youtube with captions of the conversation.

If anyone could translate the Russian that would be great.

Attached: nasa-logo-web-rgb.jpg (3400x1700, 263.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA

NASA has two jobs:

A) Propaganda to hide the actual march of technology.

B) A subsidy for IBM and Lokheed Martin to conduct space based material sciences while allowing tax payers to pay for the overhead of maintaining a space station or delivery platform.

It's basically money laundering and kike word manipulation--so it fits right in with the jew cartels already scamming the world out of wealth and knowledge.

Attached: Topological_Insulators.png (346x444, 175K)

What was the IP?

>not invested in LHM...
Enjoy being poor.

IP Address 10.11.27 subnet mask Port: 112580

You can probably hear it better in the video, I managed to transcribe some but I'm not sure if I was accurate on the numbers.

Fiat money isn't real. The knowledge is the only wealth here.

The biggest lie pushed by modern science is that major advancements in technology and science require large and expensive labs.

Retards chase money--the minority of actual scientists still on earth seek truth and abhor notoriety.


Thank you!

Here is a transcript for one of the videos that I put together;

Can you read the names of all of those network comnection options? (russian) Okay, so using Microsoft computer QOS and DCCIP internet protocol. (Russian) Alright, Ivan.. Lower right hand corner where the clock is located, you need to click and wait for a while until a seperate menu appears and then you will need to change the internet protocol to DCIP 4. (Russian) Okay so it's opening a folder for reconnection after I keep clicking on it long enough. Okay you should have only one active connection... 2B it should be working right now. And you need to check on the properties.
Mastva Station? This is ISS on (inaudible) Go ahead. (Russian) Protocol DCCIP is what it's supposed to be. Yeah that's in the network connection properties. You need to click on properties and it should be subnet mask in properties of the network. Could you read them to me? IP Address 10.11.27 subnet mask Port: 112580. Copy. It seems that we have successfully re-established the network connection. And so I would like you to proceed to the next step. For the (inaudible) payload. Copy. I will be putting steps (inaudible) Copy.


It's a Bogon uh oh

The ISS is fake and gay. It’s a studio in Texas. There isn’t any footage of the ISS being constructed in space.

I'm guessing that's bad news!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA


Well the subnet is listed as private

Wtf is this

I did find this interesting book with the IP numbers in it

Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas

and some stuff on oppositional angles.

ip must be in 4 octecs (if ipv4), port cant be higher than 65,535

unless this is some of their own weird shit

You can catch shots of the ISS with a telescope, retard.

Maybe in the video you can hear and understand it better. I don't have much knowledge on this type of stuff,maybe I missed a few numbers I'm not sure

yeah that happens when millions extra people look at your site out of nowhere

what footage did you want?

I don't think it had anything to do with the livestream website, I'm pretty sure it was some sort of network / connection issue

Isnt 10.x is a private net like 192.x?
And port can't be over 65535 without a different ethernet stack?

well if there is footage you want there are ways to inquire for the footage pretty easy to do bro, just a bunch of people over there sitting by the phone not doing much some times

>The worlds leading space agency and leading edge of US technology
>Can't keep a website online for a live stream
You do realize EVERY FUCKING TIME NASA live streams shit like this it crashes. EVERY FUCKING TIME.

They suck at their jobs at every level except for the part where they spew propaganda and hide corporate research results.

Most of the ISS crew doesn't even know what half the experiments are doing--they just follow instructions from the ground and push the buttons when told.

I mean, it could even be something like

She doesn't say where the breaks are

If you WATCH THE VIDEO, the livestream is working perfectly. It hasn't even crashed here like it did on the other ISS streams. This is a lie stream of an internal section of the ISS, and you can somehow hear a conversation being had.


How does she say it

ten eleven 27?

"Warning: is a private IP address."

>They suck at their jobs at every level except for the part where they spew propaganda and hide corporate research results.
well it is a tough job that often involves matters of national security

but you should call them and make a relationship if you're so concerned, those offices were created to deal with angry citizens calling up to bitch about costs, call them up and complain, see what they say, they're just waiting for you to pick up the phone,

Ten One One TwentySeven

Subnet Mask Two Fifty Five Two Fifty Five Two Fifty Five Two Fifty

Port One One Twentyfive Eighty

Thank you very much.

It seems to be as it's private like the subnet

NASA is using Debian. Good luck doing anything with that IP