There are armies of blacks converting to Islam every day and you want a race war?

This is a neighborhood in Philly where the whole hood is Muslim now

You simply ignore the amount of blacks converting to Islam and pretend it doesn't exist. However, this obviously does not work in your favor in the event of a race war. You want Muslims out and blacks back to Africa yet the blacks on your streets are adopting Islam every day. African-Americans are fertile ground for Dawah. I have personally converted 3 black families in my community.

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Muslims hate jews--so that'ts a plus. The only real problem with Islam is they promote inbreeding: that needs to stop.

But whitey + muzzies could solve the jew problem than they get europe and we get the US.

World saved.

islam is suited for lower races like blacks and browns, it's meant for keeping savages in check, so no supprise there for niggers converting


Yes, Islam is for the shitskins and niggers. Make no mistake.

Based and Xpilled.

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>hey user these niggers are converting to Islam, why don't you? based

>hey user these gooks are converting to Islam, why don't you? based

>hey user these faggots are converting to Islam, why don't you? based

>hey user these niggers are converting to Islam, why don't you? based

>submitting to a religion which enforces arab racial hierarchy

>submitting to a religion that wants to rape your children

>submitting to a religion that wants to destroy your identity

>submitting to a religion that encourages race mixing, interbreeding and migration

LOL. Why are muslems such dumb niggers?

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Do not care. Not my circus....

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Because they are weak willed?

You don't get it. The day our inner traitors wake up or get roped, you'll be in immediate danger. Wiping you cockroaches out wouldn't really be a "war".

What difference does it make wether or not a chimp is a muslim? Bullets will go through him regardless. Why would you even want niggers in your religion in the first place? Just tells me you guys are so desperate, you really don't have any standards at all

Given that Muslims were by far the longest and most extensive slavers in human history and those who enslaved blacks by far the most of all groups, the love of blacks for Islam while they hate whites who abolished slavery really demonstrates their astonishing intelligence. Also Arabs are SUPER racist towards niggers. Last genocide was Darfur. Done by Arabs against blacks in South Sudan.

It's really hopeless with the 70 IQ squad.

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I guess yanks dont need to fight a race war if the blacks convert to islam their quality of life will drop to match muslim countries and so thye will die out on their own.

Why are muslims so proud of their large orc armies? Let them come. Today is a good day to die.

>promote inbreeding

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Lmao, blacks and pakis despise each other as a general rule in my experience. If people want to play at stupid religions why would I stop them? That has nothing to do
With the fact that they are equally racist to each other.

Also, almost forgot
>1 post by this ID

Muhammad(pbuh) weeps at the thought of those beasts joining the ummah. Shame on you for celebrating this madness.

> LOL. Why are muslems such dumb niggers?
1) start semite
2) add negro
3) inbreed for centuries
VoilĂ  !

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Only a fucking dune coon would be happy about niggers joining his religion.

>niggers LARPing as sandniggers

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yeah I hate Christianity too

Are you 12? Blacks have been into Islam for decades. Gives them an excuse to beat their ratchets.

Until they show up on your door baring "gifts".

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Mohomid fucked his sister and cousins.

Even the king of saudi said it was a problem -- this was after the EU medical industry published statistics about inbreeding in europe specific to muslims causing genetic problems.

You're in denial if you think the Muslim religion doesn't promote inbreeding or you just don't understand fucking your sister and first cousins--over generations--is bad.

Actual Arabs hate niggers more than Europeans

>Mohomid fucked his sister and cousins.
>You're in denial if you think the Muslim religion doesn't promote inbreeding
Fucking degenerate primary school dropout.

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Lol imagine having two good reason to shoot these niggers in the face now that their muslim sand niggers instead of just being niggers. They made it twice as easy to justify it lmfao

Bukhari 62:88

religion doesn't promote inbreeding
Fucking degenerate primary school dropout.

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>(((1 post by this ID)))

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You stupid sand niggers are dumber than regular niggers. Yes we want a race war to eradicate all you shit skin sub human fucks.

By converting them to Islam, Islamdom is gaining the biggest (and the most powerful) weapon against whites - the BBC

>Murder evil government people and evil business people
>Throw rocks at women who refuse to act right
We should at least try it. And add a socialist-leaning economic structure. Now there's moral imperative (social shaming) for people to positively contribute.

Free market, atheism, and "legislation" is nigger shit. People just skirt around and nobody enforces anything

lol Pakistan has the highest rate of interbreeding in the entire world.