New StoneToss comic

He’s lost his edge

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He did. This one was better.

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I mean it’s not his best comic but it’s not bad either

He was always an incel

Stonetoss is fucking cringe

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if you can't understand the difference between lgbt pride and white pride you're an idiot

Yeah one hates themselves and the others hate everyone including themselves.

bitter little puckered assholes.
Maybe if your message wasn't full retard

You don't need to announce your retardation to the entire board

Yes, white pride is healthy and normal in a non occupied nation-state and LGBT pride is made up bullshit for perverted hydonists to feel morally superior to regular people.

i giggled at his face in the last panel, he's gotten quite good at conveying complex emotions

He has done some good stuff and really riled up the beehive that is the webcomic scene.

Beehives produce something useful, though.

The amount of salt that the future husband comic created is fucking astounding

Remember it's for the general public, you cant have a "pol" mindset when you think about his artwork!

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Faggots get pride in defying God's order and racists get pride in defying God's hierarchy.

We are all God's creatures, any other evaluation that doesn't apply to an individual is nothing more than egotistical and by extension the work of Satan.

Wormwood is vastly superior

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I never understood a single one of these

love how his hairdo looks like a massive turd.

But he hasn't updated in 3 months.

Did the corona get him?

Fuck The Times and their liberal bias

>racists get pride in defying God's hierarchy.
What god? Lol.

Not posting the original

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Reminder that any form of pride is one of the 7 deadly sins

Your just not working at Stonetoss level.

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Chaos doesn't exist. What we identify as chaos is simply events beyond our understanding. Because of this everything has a pattern, purpose and/or reason for existence. Reality doesn't happen at random, because chaos doesn't exist, this was created. Whatever personality or characteristics this Creator has I don't know, but I know one thing. It created all of the universe and it created me. Our ability to think, to choose and to create is an extension of the creator and, in essence, our divinity. When I choose to create and I choose to believe in the creator, the creator responds and I ascend. Only do brainlets who worship the vacuum of space and chaos not believe in God and it's because they possess a vacuum in their minds and souls.

Sort yourself out.

Don't you mean LGBTP? Don't forget the P's

Because you are a brainlet, they are made so that even normies can understand them.

Yay we're in what I like to call the "1920's" phase! ;D haha

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It shows the reverse of the logic. Its very good. There is no gay gene so being proud of being a fag is a choice. However you being white is not a choice therefore you should be proud. His showing how the Marxists invert reality.

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If you can't just reply with a counter argument explaining your position and instead you only adhom you're an idiot who just admitted you lost to the original argument idiot.

I can't wait for the edits from assblasted leftists

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Keep up the good work William

I like big tits, should I be proud of that as well?

hell yeah bro

Please explain, you will notice philosophically that it is not as easy as you think, lgbtq is inherently Marxist so you will inevitably be hypocritical while explaining it, 100% guarantee you will have a flaw in anything you respond with.

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Yeah, it's implying that either it's stupid to take pride in being gay, or that being gay is a choice. It's ironic because the gay guy can't even recognise his own hypocrisy.

You know you're doing good when faggots constantly try to edit your comic strips because they hit too close to home.

Both human freaks.

Do these fags realize conservative and LGBT is an oxymoron


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>implying being gay isn't a choice
Cold take Stonetoss

>fake blond hair
>fake blue eyes
Man, it would seem that the entire world is still caught up in the
>hate us bc they ain't us

White pride makes sense not the other one, faggot