Honest thoughts on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)?
Honest thoughts on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)?
It's just as degenerate as cucking
A surprisingly effective way to ostracize women from the right.
It's almost as if the movement was created by subversives, not that it's much of a movement really.
It doesn't matter because people will just scream "incel incel incel" even though the whole movement is just about self improvement and bros
Tfmonkey makes some valid points
What are your thought on it quadnigger
Lol thats not him going his own way its him getting rejected hardcore.
Also some free advice for incels, approaching random women is not the way to go unless you well above average looking. Join a group or get a hobby of some sort where there are women who also share similar interests(rock climbing is a good one) and get to know them without being aggresive and obvious you want to bang. Even if you get friend zoned you can become part of their friend group where youll be introduced to other girls.
So basically, what you're saying is that a man must be a human doormat for women and if he even goes so far as to realise that he has his own life to live with his own hobbies and interests and pursuits and considers deviating from the norm, he is a thought criminal and a reject? Makes sense.
Works for me. I really just don’t care to be around women at all. I’ve done it enough to know a rigged game before I play it
This shit is just jews getting mad men are fighting back against their feminist agenda
G a y
A well-adjusted man can balance his time and finances between hobbies/interests, friends, and intimate relationships. MGTOW is literally the saddest cope for inkwells. It's the "you cant fire me because I quit!" approach to women.
i support it. women are fucking imbeciles who cant controll thier emotions until its legal to beat them again they are a failed gender
lol what a faggot
Men have always gone it alone, it's natural. You don't need a movement for it though as it's just human nature for men. Women are the ones who need company 24/7
Artificial wombs and realistic sexbots will make opposite sex relationships obsolete in 10 years.
that faggot pedo is just farming twitch views for $
Lol no, its further destruction of the nuclear family by sowing discord between men and women. When a good father and mother are necessary for rearing stable, well adjusted children. Inkwells love talking about how sexbots will make women obsolete but I dont want a robotic fleshlight raising my son. If you fix the (((media))) then the women issue will sort itself out.
mgtow isnt about not fucking women and not having kids. its about not letting them.move in with us and leech while cheating.
>i have multiple kids but no stupid emotional tramp stamp waitress who flirts with old gessers for tips will live with me
>Honest thoughts on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)?
I'll solve your incel problem:
>Don't be ugly
>Don't be socially inept
>Don't be creepy
>Don't be ugly
If you're ugly, you can still get a grill, but you'll need to lower your standards and get with a beast. You clearly have shit genetics and don't deserve a 7/10+ to make babby with.
you say this as you let your little whore daughter sleep with 40 tyrones so you wont be racist and expect her to pair bond with one dude. till fathers raise virgins again its pointless glad i only have sons in this day and age
Whiny meninists.
Then just date a sane, well behaved women. No need to make a faggy movement out of it. Theyre especially rare in these days but good women still exist.
no such thing as a sane woman
every single mgtow has this chip on their shoulder like they something to compensate for their unhealthy relationship with women
Mutts law. Also larp harder about your fake sons faggot
yea they will be well behaved with the full force of the state and cops on thier side yea fucking right. a kid wont listen unless yoy whoop it. if a son beats up his dad the dad cant tell the son to take the garbage out anymore type of deal
roast beefs law
Ugly, terminally online faggots who follow retarded mens separatist movements don't attract sane women.
MGTOW gets misconstrued so badly it's not even funny. I mostly blame incels and MRA for turning MGTOW community to a pile of filth.
MGTOW as an ideology is fine. It's just rejecting the social norm that ones needs to be married.
It's pathetic. It's like the kid at school who didn't get picked to be on a team and then pretends he didn't want to play anyway
Single father's do a good job of raising children.
Any negative effect from single mom parenting gets canceled out by the extreme positive eugenic effect of picking the best sperm from a sperm bank.
Embrace the future old man.
They have some good points. But then they go overboard like every sad ideology led by broken depressed losers ( they're basicly feminist cat ladies).
cope and project harder you stupid c7nt woman are cancer and weak men who allow it get the rope first
>get to know them without being aggresive and obvious you want to bang
Yes the most important thing that you can do is find places to interact with women that are not "sexually charged" environments.
So no nightclubs or bars.
The point of involving a hobby is that you're doing something that you like and will feel comfortable, and you also have a conversation topic for small talk.
Whoever started the "Shy guys just go and ask out random women you meet in the club, it will eventually work!" was a complete retard.
How do Yas Forumstards reconcile
>traditionalism is based!
>I'm gonna start a family with my FuckMaster6000 artificial womb while I bust a load into it while watching VR loli porn
Single fathers admittedly do a better job than single mothers but a stable 2 parent household is the ideal.
It's what any sane white, western man would do. Let the demographics collapse, there is nothing worth saving anyway.
I don't give a fuck about traditionalism but you could simply reject some of its tenants and adapt other. Eventually you'll need to decouple conservative values from God for example once irreligious rates reach >90% of the pop. I believe in 9 of the 10 commandments, I just don't believe in the first
True but you can't get ideal irl, the huge eugenic plus that comes from single ghetto rat mom's picking elite white sperm more than makes up for it
To women, ugly faced (not a model worthy), short (less then 6ft), unpopular (less then 10k followers on instagram and poor (less then 100k salary) men "going their own way" is like homeless people saying they are boycotting Ferrari. Literally nobody cares.
At its best, it's just guys focusing on their hobbies and careers instead of pursuing relationships. At worst, it's a borderline incel group with all the focus on hating shit tier females.
I will say it's pretty funny how a group of less than two million men can trigger both SJWs and traditional conservatives alike by doing nothing.