Ive seen all this blacked spam stuff and BMWF in all media from advertising to TV shows and I dunno whats real anymore. Do white girls really prefer black guys these days? Whats going on?
Do white girls prefer black guys now like they do in the media?
Proportionately they don't but the small amount that do take one for the team and end up ruining their lives or being laughed at on social media.
"The data shown above come from the Facebook dating app, Are You Interested (AYI)"
"AYI analyzed some 2.4 million heterosexual interactions"
"Unfortunately the data reveal winners and losers. All men except Asians preferred Asian women, while all except black women preferred white men. And both black men and black women got the lowest response rates for their respective genders."
Only when it comes to sex.
>middle eastern women love white cock
>my ex was middle eastern
Lmao get cucked ahmed
they do if they're really damaged or otherwise low-class
how long is your shift today, shill shillenstein?
you sure do spend an awful lot of time worrying about what other people are doing especially when it comes to black dicks.
Are you trying to tell everyone something?
The media loves to push the interracial couple shit but there’s really not that many of them. White guys and Latina girls however is a different story.
Down here in Louisiana, you always see white trash girls fucking hood rats and eventually disappearing from their typical social circles.
Here's a redpill for you: the majority of the world population is fair skinned or slightly tanned at most. This is because throughout history humans have had a sexual preference for fair skinned people, this is well documented. Further more, it is extremely likely that this trend will continue.
If anything, on the long turn it is the blacks that are going to go extinct (and before modern medicine and energy abundance, blacks really weren't all that populous). It's quite likely that if civilization does not collapse, and globalization continues unabated, that humans overall will steadily become more and more fair skinned. This is simply due to sexual selection.
Do normal white girls like them?
Southern blacks are pretty fucking nasty. Decent white girls know better and don’t mingle at all. If white girls down here fuck with black guys. They virtually solidified their future as a nigger lover by their friends and family and any potential dates with white guys. Louisiana is a unique special place where the blacks and whites for the most part are friendly to each but don’t usually mix. The ones that do are often not heard from anymore.
no one "prefers" niggers. not one single race. not the men or women. even niggers are included in the study
> no one "prefers" niggers.
The LGBTQ community on /pol seems to prefer them.
>dudes who chopped thier dick off think niggers are cool
cool man that info doesnt really matter to me
I'm a black guy. I can assure you, white women do not prefer black men.
According to dating website statistics, no, they clearly don't. You should do some more research.
Most white "escorts" refuse to deal with niggers, as do most rational human beings.
They don’t prefer them but they would still fuck them because they’re dumb sluts who don’t know any better about how impulsive and non cognitive blacks can be which is why so many of them get tolled
An the end though a tall blue eyed blonde haired white man will mog any black guy
>inb4 muh bbc
Nothing gets women wetter than a good looking face they couldn’t care less about the cock
ask any non-white male on a dating app this question. they do not.
It's the faggot spammer again
coffee isn't good for you
Lana dates whites. Bad pic.
they would take body over face any day. are you joking or are you a boomer
no. it's all propaganda. niggers smell anyone who has lived with a nigger knows this, they are intolerable selfish, and really bad at being hygenic. also their dicks are average size, the bbc meme is jew psy ops. fuck kikes, fuck niggers.
How do I know it’s true or they’re just lying or pretending to be something they’re not. Seems to me everywhere I look they are preferred on television and social media
How many threads do you faggots need? I know you're trying to spread fear and destabilize everyone here but Jesus there's like 15 threads on this shit.
you are now aware you're posting in bot threda
dont forget to sage
Just asking an important question
Younger girls do. I hear a lot "black guys are so hot" comments from younger girls as well as I want a black boyfriend.
Lebanese guy, I dont like white chicks, I prefer black chicks, fuck off you cuckold spamming faggot who deserves the rope
>t. go back to lebanon
whats the point tho?
maybe site that you posted has bot that makes threads based on 4chin to bring traffic in
psyops, or a faggot nigger spammer, who deserves the death penalty
psyops should also die, would love to trace all this shit to origin
As an Asian male yes they do just how Asian women prefer white men