>Its just a coincidence they say
>Im loosing my mine they say
>Im seeing patters that dont exist they say
>"No user, of course hollywood is run by pedophiles, thats just silly!"
if you do not think pizza gate is a thing you are part of the problem

Attached: wbUnPfo.jpg (1494x991, 250.75K)

I'd like to get into a rhythm with those gymnasts

It is actually.

who gives a fuck? not my kids not my problem. they can get all raped to death lmao

Mouthy Buddah’s latest video is very disturbing

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imagine the heckin smellerino

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This is fake right? Can someone confirm? Im super scared right now, guys


Attached: Get'Em FBI!.jpg (480x319, 24.01K)


no it's real

>busting their fresh asses
Wow 2005 was a different time

No way..why do they always make it so obvious tf

Ok, how do I keep them from getting my daughter from doing stuff like this?

C'mon guys. It's just an ad for ice cream. You lick ice cream. The girls are just showing off their gymnastic skills, presenting us with a little taste of their abilities. Nothing to get all twisted up about.

mmm… tasty…

it's a fake ad.

Ah nvm its fake

Don’t put your daughter in these situations to begin with. A respectable parent would’ve never allowed this.


Doesn’t matter. Girls that age shouldn’t be filmed in poses like this.

Its real but some of the text was added later
Lick her cunny.

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Why? Because men like looking at it? We can't allow things men enjoy.

this has to be fake

Pizzagate ruined pizza for me.

because *pedos enjoy it

sorry bud you're not a man if you want to diddle kids

good. stop eating (((carbs))).

this thread made me nostalgic for old Yas Forums

Attached: living_a_dream.jpg (1200x628, 78.84K)

But it's so tasty.

It's just a rostie; leave her alone.

Can you imagine the psychology that these people are in? Often old, but obviously rich and successful. Can do and wish to do everything. Including for some reason torture literal children.

then a synthetic adrenarchrome come along and suddenly they dont need to kill kids anymore. And they still go bonkers because they think they are seeing visions from gods.

It must be truly something that often young, and non rich folks here managed to fuck them over somewhat, by the virtue of them simply not being cool and kinda lame. Apparently making jokes about niggers is so extreme that even they dont dare to touch us.

Fucking lamo's. They dont have great personalities, they are not clever.

the devil made carbs tasty to get you to eat them and thus become fat, diabetic, low-energy, inflamed, arthritic, have weaker immune system, age faster, heal slower, and eventually get cancer and/or alzheimers.

take the saturated animal fat pill.

>Fucking lamo's. They dont have great personalities, they are not clever.
seriously this is your concluding criticism?