What’s the most painful red pill you’ve ever had to swallow?

What’s the most painful red pill you’ve ever had to swallow?

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Don't take pills, they are both flawed, search inside your own mind and find the answers.
When someone forces you to take a side is because they don't want you to be truly free.

That Balkan people like me really are low IQ subhumans

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Irish are niggers.

We will not rise from the ashes.

That women are actually sub-human, yet the entire world revolves around pleasing them.

The college/university generally doesn't make people smarter, actually educated, or provide useful skills.

Unconditional love between people doesn’t really exist.
She’s not yours, it’s only your turn

Blacks really do not want equality. They want total genocide of all races and cultures that are not Afrocentric.

you misunderstand what they represent, it’s about staying ignorant and unaware or understanding and fanatical.
One pill is the decision to remain in the box you were born into, keeping the rules that were given to you, where as the other you are seeing things from a perspective much closer to “your own”

Don’t tarnish it with measly political preferences

that white girls prefer the British Broadcasting Company more than what I can give them. I should know.. my gf only listens to that broadcasting company now.. she not listen to my white free radio broadcast any more.

Everyone on this planet is a fucking retard and there were people from thousands of years ago that were likely more intelligent than the average mong alive today

That the 5.5inch average penis size in North America includes Asians and Indians, the white average is 6.8inches

>Balkan people
Literally everyone

coffee is not really good for you

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women dont like you because youre a weird pussy who wont talk to them or spurg out at stupid shit

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God really exists. Can't explain it, He just came and let himself be known.

>thinking all this can be done in one presidency
also, show flag

I walked around for years cocky as hell before I learned that I was only average for a white guy. And some women think I’m small too.

Single motherhood is a blight on humanity.


That only rural and suburban retards voted for trump. city people voted for Hillary

I get laid regularly, though. That’s like saying a cat not letting you pet it makes the cat superior to you.

You need the Blackpill: Women don't like you because you're genetically unattractive

My country was sold out to communist terrorist niggers by boomer whites that now live comfortably, and that I have to escape my country of birth because I'm surrounded by orcs who want to see me dead

Follow what you believe, if you think that the red pill is the way. Take it.
Im tired of letting people control me and those around me.
I can see through the veil. Yas Forums is a reflection of this, everyone tries to judge and feel superior to others, just because they are from some country, have a certain color, or believe in certain values. All this does is stem hatred and create segregation. What the elites want.

What really matters is. Are we doing what is best for humanity?

That every negative stereotype held about everyone is absolutely correct. Regardless of whose saing it - because the average human being is fucking trash. So have a men v women exanple first

>Women say: Men are prone to fighting for no reason! They just want to fuck young girls all day but would never take a woman whose been fucked by more than one other person! They don't communicate and would rather kill themselves than admit to having feelings
>Men say about women: Stupid bitches can't get anything done without bursting into tears. Literally cannot think abstractly about problems at all. Mental incompotents with a streak of lies in them.

Both are absolutely correct. Take every negative fucking stereotype a middle eastern religious retard has about westerners and they are all correct - fickle, honourless, inhospitable, two-faced, godless. As are ours about them - retarded, idol worshipping, staid, sand jockeys with no culture except reverence for one fucking book written by a warlord pedo.

Take the fucking BLACK PILL you loser.

Aren’t you supposed to swallow those with yer butt?

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Yeah I've had a few white women almost laugh at my 6.7 incher. On the flip side, I've experienced cock worship from some fobby asian chicks that a pornstar would be jealous of.

Cancer is ubiquitous and it affects both the young and old.

Ah, and given your gay little fuck peace sign you want me to believe that voting democrat will

- reverse the demographic decline
- minecraft the gloablists
- etc

Nice try, shlomo.

My Bosnian friend is working on a doctorate in physics. Don't let it get you down.

The only one worth taking

We never really belong anywhere.. the people we like, our families, our party, our country... Honestly, these are just formed cause we have something in common and never really belonged anywhere else

That the only way to become a man is to give up on women completely.

What a lot of people work for will be for nothing.

I'm with you bro. It was a tough pill for sure that regardless of the decades of "gibs" from my taxes the subraces got - it will never be enough and ultimately they want me dead.

>built for BBP

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Goddamn it, you kiwifaggot. They weren't ready for that.

Shhhhh user don't tell pol that this African drink turns them into niggers

Fact that most of Yas Forums are larping niggers, kikes, liberasts and mudslimes that are dividers.

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That equality is a lie.

There are genetic differences between all groups and the current society structure on supporting the downtrodden will drive a regression of society - be it intentional or not.

The pedos are in charge and they dont even bother to hide it anymore

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>turns them into niggers
Go suck off a shotgun, you're so dumb you need to be removed from the gene pool right away

That my country was just as shit as I always thought, I had hope that I was wrong.

No, its the fucking truth and how it was up until feminism, when (((they))) made men actually have to give a shit about a woman's opinion.

God is not real. What makes this more hard to swallow, is once you get over God not being real, it becomes easier to see what the end goal of the elite is. What is crazy, is that it's not as bad as it seems and seems to be the only way humans will be able to live free without infringement on others happiness and pursuits. The matrix will be real, and people will live their lives hooked up in VR doing whatever they want.

Guess I'm right meme flag nigger

God is real is the black pill

Conservatism leads to narcisistic personality behaviors and frankly nobody really likes these kinds of people, even their friends.

Meanwhile progressivism is too easy to coopt for identity politics and the parties are full of narcisistic, nepotistic, bureaucratic position chasers

The two party system inherently results in voter suppression due to being forced to choose

But none of it really matters because reality is an illusion

The brainwashing goes way deeper than I could have possible imagined. Even when I finally put 2-and-2 together that mainstream media on billionaires payroll is likely going to be manipulating me against my own interests, I still had no idea.
Recently I was looking into investing and how business works to escape wage slavery.
There I realized that the politicians literally see you as taxable income and votes and more people working = more taxable income and votes.
Also corporations staying in America = more taxable income because of more jobs.

This means that the great replacement is real but it isn't even an international conspiracy. It's just how capitalism works.
More women working jobs they hate = more money for the government.
More 3rd world shitters running the country into the ground but working cheap jobs = more money for the government and lower wages for corporations.
More gibs = more taxes for the government that corporations wont pay = harder for people to become independent and start a business because small business owners get taxed more (making it harder to survive) and individuals get taxed more (making it harder to save up and start a business)
Universal Basic Income = CEOs aren't required to give themselves a huge salary anymore thus they save a shitload on taxes since their business provides them everything and they make their money off selling off shares which have an extremely low tax rate
Universal Basic Income = harder for individuals to save up and start their own business

This isn't even taking the votes and shit. The death of the west is inherit in this design. Politicians and CEOs who get 3 hours of sleep are all actively working to do everything they can to squeeze every penny out of this system. Meanwhile you see left and right wing retards worshiping the people killing them off. I have never been more blackpilled than now.

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Fuck you faggots. You have no idea how painful it is being a chink in a multicultural country. Every white woman Ive taken to bed just gave me a look of disgust, blew me, and never talked to me again. I’m 5.7 inches for fuck sakes.

And all the chinese women in my circles just treat me and my friends like their gay friends since they have all fallen for white guys. They literally openly describe how great their cocks feel to us and talk about how big they are. It is so emasculating. Fuck this country.