Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.


--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]
youtu.be/xfLVxx_lBLU [Open]

youtube.com/watch?v=yyj0dMfFqOI [Open]

>Corona BTFO by USC
youtu.be/3iYrkQXhPwQ [Open]

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death
youtube.com/watch?v=KpGpoGuQtF8?t=83 [Open]

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

Previous thread:

Attached: 1177E31F-F2E8-4CAE-A7FE-78FC2683EC91.jpg (690x954, 78.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally just a bad flu season.

>chink bat flu
Lame pandemic

Attached: old.jpg (500x500, 67.43K)

lol your info graphic suggests we've hit the four moth death rate in three months


Attached: 1588070785855.jpg (600x548, 70.33K)

can someone give me images with stats on how flatten the curve was never needed

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Watch it. Spread it.

Attached: Dr.-Erickson-COVID-19-Briefing-1200x630-cropped.jpg (1200x630, 51.18K)

>elite Filipino intellectual saying "it's the flu"

The windows Yas Forums gives you into some people's lives is fascinating

From Sweden.

Attached: sweden2.png (783x285, 23.72K)

>Muh vaccines


Attached: Fauci Gates Foundation.jpg (727x932, 148.22K)

>no lockdown
We fell for the lockdown meme lmao

Attached: F5231C40-64F0-4E08-8C79-F5EF313E62AF.jpg (656x1024, 144.88K)

Something like this?

Attached: 8BE28465-ADF0-4857-88BB-C08B34124B19.jpg (1242x1547, 737.7K)

You the butthurt retards that got their asses rustled with my trolling in the other thread? lol

> shillboy
> :)
All you did here, is prove that I'm right and how mad in the butt you are.

Attached: 1586887464752.png (569x802, 793.57K)

someone needs to bake a new bread about this. the plague is a fucking scam.

That help at all?

Attached: 6D81895D-F75C-4532-AD9F-74AA1199131B.jpg (1242x766, 358.61K)

this is literally a worldwide pandemic and you guys think it is a fucking joke. I can’t believe this. I went to target the other day to pick up some groceries and a few nintendo switch games and literally 30% of the people there weren’t wearing masks. when I got home and told my wife and her son, she was so appalled she forgot to give me gold stars for doing the grocery shopping. do you have no empathy? don’t you care about anyone but your fucking self you little racist pieces of shit? I can’t fucking sleep at night knowing there are selfish fucks like you out there. Even sleeping in the bed with my wife and Tyrone didn’t help me sleep. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Not only that, during a lockdown not seen since 1918, these people are genuinely mentally ill and mods should shut this down as its literally giving people the idea things are normal.

I'm certain this is made by china or some shiposter whom wants people to die. Otherwise how dumb could you actually be?

Panicking happooners btfo

The earlier thread-it got pruned

Attached: 7BDDB39F-E3AD-4C07-9E02-D206007877CB.jpg (1242x1320, 901.71K)

Attached: lockdown (uk) vs no lockdown (swe).png (798x389, 58.75K)

Amazing digits
Kind of-- i was hoping something like how capacity in hospitals were never reached as deaths peaked

>jimmies rustled
Kek! Sorry shillboy. Maybe change the meme flag and stop spouting the exact same narrative as the MSM. Maybe the. people might take you more seriously.

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Attached: Police powers_ Shopping bags searched.png (714x815, 434.09K)

Are they conflating all deaths with covid over there the way we are here? Liz warrens bro had cancer, pneumonia, and covid, guess what he died from?

you ain't rich until you have at least 100 billion in your name, otherwise you're just another smalltime goy trying to join the big boi club. and the big boiz will crush you.

>them digits
truth confirmed

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I really want to coof near some /cvg/ fag.


A quarantining of the healthy has never been done until 2020. You're fucking retarded man.


And people unironically don’t have a problem with this. Absolute NPCs

Kek, nice

Don’t have data on that specifically sorry user. but the fact remains that hospitals have been empty during this entire pandemic.

Attached: 4A82228F-FE39-4B95-87D9-56C3B63FFEE7.jpg (1242x1982, 943.12K)

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Based pasta burg

>Sweden is the only western nation that doesn't panic and act like a giant sissy

What the fuck is going on in 2020? Sweden is the big dick chad? The US shutdown over nothing? What the fuck, this entire situation makes zero sense. I'm very suspicious Trump is on doomer damage control, why not just test a few thousand in major cities to see what is *really* going on? It would just take a few thousand tests and it would tell us so much.

In leafistan, almost *all* of our cases are in On*ario and Que*ec. Why am I forced to stay home?

Attached: 1588057511038.jpg (2048x1191, 190.66K)

real CFR would be on the Diamond Princess.

i remember some statistician on twitter was speaking about this with regards to NYC hospitals in particular

Ausfailia and The UK sometimes look like North Korea, minus the cute Yandere Imouto.

This. The ruling elite are practical beyond money altogether. That’s why power and control are their currency.

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Deaths started peaking in the UK at a point where the lockdown couldn't have been relevant because of incubation time ...

..Just gonna leave this here..

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What destroyed it then?

Bro, da coof is lethal, guise! guise! guise!

C'mon, I'm tired of Coronatards, I need my job back.

Diamond princess age is like 60ish average so you couldn’t extrapolate your anyone younger

i did

You tell me user..

Attached: 561B6E07-76E7-4377-8F94-B66CA458C454.gif (280x203, 693.18K)

Yea if only we could have 50% mortality like sweden!


Heckin' rude bro
I mean, the obvious answer is they pulled it like lucky Larry said. Are they trying to say falling debris caused it to collapse, though?

Bush pls go. Also why are you in Poland?

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Now compare deaths per million.

More deads than threads

Attached: flattenedburger2.jpg (700x627, 65.03K)

>Are they trying to say falling debris caused it to collapse, though?
Literally unironically use google and think for your self you simpleton

Let’s not derail the thread. CovidHOAX is more pressing tbqffamalamalam

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