/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3501

► Detected: 3,086,832 (+24,422) ► Died: 212,665 (+1,216) ► Day: 110 (-11:31:19)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,650 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

New reports suggest virus might not be harmless in kids

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

"Recovered" men show half the normal levels of testosterone

Virus might spread through pipes

88% death rate for patients on ventilators

10% of Wuhan cases get reinfected after "recovery"

NHS officials say Muslims are hardest hit in the UK

"Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

More Somalis are dying in Sweden than any other group

▶ 157 new cases and 1 new death in Moldova
▶ 1791 new cases and 136 new deaths in the United States
▶ 45 new cases and 6 new deaths in Finland
▶ 3 new cases in Myanmar
▶ 5 new cases in Sierra Leone
▶ 3 new cases in Iceland
▶ 222 new cases and 6 new deaths in Serbia
▶ 39 new cases in Azerbaijan
▶ 22 new cases and 6 new deaths in the Republic of North Macedonia


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Is this the REAL thread?

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>50000 people died in the last 30 days to their own imaginations
>people actually believe this

We should institute a Majora's Mask style countdown to the first of every month. Every single month, without fail, the situation will worsen for the masses while essentialprepmaskchads will get comfier and comfier!

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If we get hit with Gary posts and nothingbirgers then yes.

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imagine telling someone in December europe would have closed borders

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Ouh, baby :) Im comiiiing! Are u ready? I have a video of my first trip! YEAAAH. It was so fun. They did put everything for order by force. Best hospitality and u know what? Europe is my new favourite

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If you only knew how bad it really is.

That's very creppy

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My theory is that the Chinese in Wuhan were dropping dead to something else, not this pussy-ass coronavirus you see today.

>China reported a third case of bubonic plague on Sunday after two other plague cases were revealed last week, but the disease remains rare despite its fearsome reputation and authorities say the cases appear unrelated.

Pneumonic plague (a coof version of the bubonic plague) was making a comeback just last year in November 2019, the same time that a supposed new coronavirus made its way in China. Could this have been the cause for China's panicked response in Wuhan and not really the novel coronavirus? Maybe they really DID have millions of deaths and maybe they really DID have those people being welded shut and just dropping dead but they have since then got things under control and now they're just doing psyops to have the whole world shutting down its economies over a non-existent (((epidemic))).

Explains why there's so much shilling now in /cvg/ to exaggerate the disease as much as possible. It's in China's best interest to have the whole world shutdown as long as possible since they will be the only ones to benefit from a positive economic growth rate despite taking a hit themselves.

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Another day with no treatment or significant progress. Kill me now.


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>83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced
>3,650 strains have been sequenced

How much autism am I going to get when I have to get 4,000 vaccines for every version of Coronavirus that every year is around 20% of all viruses?

All the states are opening back up. I don’t know what to think

#1 United States 1,012,147 (56,933) #2 Spain 232,128 (23,822) #3 Italy 199,414 (26,977) #4 France 165,842 (23,293) #5 Germany 158,768 (6,136) #6 United Kingdom 157,149 (21,092) #7 Turkey 112,261 (2,900) #8 Russia 93,558 (867) #9 Iran 92,584 (5,877) #10 China 82,836 (4,633) #11 Brazil 67,446 (4,603) #12 Canada 48,500 (2,707) #13 Belgium 47,334 (7,331) #14 Netherlands 38,416 (4,566) #15 India 29,451 (939) #16 Switzerland 29,264 (1,677) #17 Peru 28,699 (782) #18 Portugal 24,322 (948) #19 Ecuador 23,240 (663) #20 Saudi Arabia 20,077 (152) #21 Ireland 19,648 (1,102) #22 Sweden 19,621 (2,355) #23 Israel 15,589 (208) #24 Mexico 15,529 (1,434) #25 Austria 15,357 (569) #26 Singapore 14,951 (14) #27 Pakistan 14,079 (301) #28 Chile 13,813 (198) #29 Japan 13,614 (385) #30 Belarus 12,208 (79) #31 Poland 12,089 (570) #32 Qatar 11,921 (10) #33 Romania 11,616 (650) #34 United Arab Emirates 11,380 (89) #35 South Korea 10,752 (244)…

#1 Russia +6,411 (+73) #2 Spain +2,706 (+301) #3 United States +1,791 (+136) #4 Saudi Arabia +1,266 (+8) #5 Iran +1,112 (+71) #6 Brazil +945 (+60) #7 Belarus +919 (+4) #8 Mexico +852 (+83) #9 Sweden +695 (+81) #10 Belgium +647 (+124) #11 Bangladesh +549 (+3) #12 United Arab Emirates +541 (+7) #13 Indonesia +415 (+8) #14 Ukraine +401 (+19) #15 Portugal +295 (+20) #16 Romania +277 (+9) #17 Panama +242 (+2) #18 Serbia +222 (+6) #19 Poland +187 (+8) #20 Philippines +181 (+19) #21 Netherlands +171 (+48) #22 Pakistan +164 (+9) #23 Moldova +157 (+1) #24 Denmark +153 (+7) #25 Kuwait +152 (+1) #26 Morocco +126 (+1) #27 Afghanistan +125 (+1) #28 Switzerland +100 (+12) #29 Austria +83 (+20) #30 Hungary +66 (+11) #31 Bolivia +64 (+3) #32 Armenia +59 (+1) #33 Finland +45 (+6) #34 Honduras +41 (+3) #35 Israel +34 (+4)…

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>just ordered Zinc and Quercetin with me mum's card
I just hope they don't hit me

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>/cvg/ goes from skeptical think tank to MSM parrot in 4 months time

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Everything is fine user, you shouldl think about what kind of party you want to throw

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What is a non-schizo amount of days to have food stocks prepared for?
Not just for apocalypse scenario but for anything really, could be poverty or whatever

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>dat pic
damn I wanna jump that fucker with my board

no, we have antibiotics

Dont worry, America. I'm sure the 2.8 million disabled kids in schools will be fine when Corona plows through schools this fall.

Some 6.2% of children ages 5 to 15, or 2.8 million kids, have disabilities, the Census Bureau found.

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herd immunity cucks are all Jews that get off on the idea of defiling other people.

Georgia and Texas, right? Is everything going smoothly there or is it about to explode?

/cvg/ stayed consistent, everybody else just didn't

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>255416527 (No (you)s)
>MSM copies /cvg/
>"/cvg/ is a parrot!"
Can't shill shitposters get more retarded?

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Stop posting the threads schizo freaks.

2 weeks.

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We're either going to have a second wave or we're fine and we go back to the grind.

What do you want to happen? Everyone returning to the status quo? Not to mention MSM has been playing catch-up with us mostly.

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>thinks antibiotics don't exist

Ok? Look, we need the economy up and running, not a bunch of crippled kids.

Why don't you try and add something to the conversation?


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It will 100% explode in GA over next 3-4 weeks. Governor just opened huge new temporary hospital last week. Going to be interesting to watch. But lots of people still cautious.

What did you finished the first wave or you still in it?
What's this about second wave

Sweet jump

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Based flip
This theory makes more sense than nothingburger coronachan


Covid-19: Neil Ferguson, the Liberal Lyssenko
by Thierry Meyssan
In the past, European political leaders yielded to the orders of their astrologers. Today, they refer to them identically to the statisticians of the Imperial College. In the past, the latter have provided them as much justification as they needed for their liberal hospital policy. Today, they predict millions of deaths without any scientific rigour. Thierry Meyssan reveals how these charlatans have taken control of the policies of the European Union, the United Kingdom and certain states of the United States.

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Bullying criticism and skepticism from the general isn’t consistent, Sorry don lemon.

1 month is what I've got. Plus frozen meat. It's always good to have a rotating stock of about a month of food in case of job loss or natural disaster

If you have the housing space several months is ideal. The items that perish yearly you can rotate out. You can start with a small amount then work your way up.

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You just did as well. @ them instead.

>shills post the same responses
Like clockwork

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>non schizo
If you are actually worried about the social ramifications of preparing for the series of disasters befalling the West then I really think you should just kill yourself and your family.


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In 2005, the US Department of Defense was studying how to prepare for bioterrorist attacks against US troops stationed abroad. Based on the neo-conservative principle that terrorists are foreigners and that they would not be able to enter US military facilities, the department was concerned about preventing attacks that soldiers might face during their sorties. Isolating sick soldiers in hospitals and placing healthy soldiers in barracks was a logical option. Moreover, U.S. military bases are small towns, designed to withstand sieges. One can live there for months without any problems.

However, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld intended to transform society so that the distinction between civilian and military would disappear. Everyone could then be requisitioned for the total war on terror. This is what he explained in an op-ed published by the Washington Post [3].

It immediately sparked a storm of protest in the United States under the leadership of Professor Donald Henderson, who had headed both the John Hopkins University School of Public Health and the US epidemic response system. He - and all the doctors who spoke out at the time - believed that placing the entire population under house arrest made no medical sense and violated fundamental freedoms. It is nothing more and nothing less than the totalitarian drift of the administration that had passed the USA Patriot Act on the occasion of the September 11 attacks.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s ephemeral scientific backer, advocated authoritarian measures to contain the epidemic, while apparently unconscious President Donald Trump opposed containment measures in the name of freedom for all.

In order to prove the president’s incompetence, Dr. Fauci’s friends leaked some of their correspondence [4]. It appears that they formed a discussion and action group, the Red Dawn [5]

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