>I have all black friends
>I live in a poor neighborhood
>me and my friends do not do drugs
>we have normal service jobs
>we have never seen a violent crime
Can you explain this Yas Forums ?
>I have all black friends
>I live in a poor neighborhood
>me and my friends do not do drugs
>we have normal service jobs
>we have never seen a violent crime
Can you explain this Yas Forums ?
Your friends are black men. Not niggers.
There is a difference.
anyone who believes black men and niggers aren't the same are either chinks or jews
Truly, a mystery for the ages
like unchecked immigration, the unchecked emancipation of slaves in north america was a disaster.
>ok guyz you can go do your own thing good luck the state says you cant live here anymore because some uppity spooks didn't like the answers they got from the people who literally took care of them from cradle to gave
also stop voting for democrats or welfare based policy. aid has only caused poverty out of reliance on that aid. look at africa, look at inner cities, if these places and policies worked, decade after decade of trying would have produced something other than sustained poverty.
That may all be true, but I still want to live in an ethnostate
I never understand why you guys make us seem like super villains.
Yas Forums is full of all groups from anarcho-communists to literal national socialist nazis and everything in between who have total anonymity to say anything they want with zero repercussions and you are surprised some people say racist things?
Good for you fren. Keep it up and don't stray away from what's right.
I more surprised by the low iq black and white thinking . I have a higher chance of experiencing and dying from a car crash than dying from a violent crime . We live in the most peaceful time . Honestly I hope racism on Yas Forums is ironic.
He obviously thinks he can do no wrong so it's only a matter of time when he gets shot over Skittles.
I don't need to explain it, I lived in black neighborhoods and hung around all black people. I am not a wigger, didn't act like a wigger or any of that, I was just poor.
Most black people don't break laws and are just living their lives.
It's the incredibly high incidence of Teens that is the problem.
Even if 3/4 of all young black men don't commit crimes, that's still millions of Teens robbing and raping and killing, and that's a huge number.
>national socialist nazis
Yes I can; you're lying.
Look at all of your black friends
Now look at their fathers
Notice how they are all there and supportive.
There’s your explanation
good job, dont be retarded fren
White flight solved this issue for me. I simply don’t give a fuck about black people except they still do cost me quite a bit of money.
>Can you explain this Yas Forums ?
Yes. You're lying.
easily half is ironic, poes law
Was going to post this
Except that we are trying to avoid dying from car crashes while keep on inviting niggers and don't punish them properly, shill
White flight was called 'Negro Relocation' by a black professor who observed how it worked back in the '70s.
It actually harms you and black people. They get moved into new, declining neighborhoods where everyone moves away like they are lepers.
You lose your community and get moved to shitbox McMansion in a suburb with no community at all, so you can consume more products and media instead of interacting
White Flight/Negro RElocation is the biggest cime against humanity happening in the US, dwarfs Human Trafficking and Drugs.
Cause if you don't think losing all your old neighborhoods with the churches, b-ball courts, parks, pools, and all the other shit a comfy white city has to offer, you are a fucking NPC robot.
So why do you think all black are evil super ? I am genuinely curious
I'm going to assume your father was an active presence in your life
Hey everyone hes lying. Unless sheltered and doesnt know what really going on in his town ir city. Fucking idiots. So he turned out to be a lying nigger fucking with the wrong board
>why aren't these americans wirring to have a race war? What wong, I tord americans fight race war wahhhhhhhhh!
You're a normal person hanging out with normal black people. Black people are actually pretty based when they're normal. The problem stems from niggers and black people hate niggers too.
The remaining white urbanite population is all hipsters and semites and the old ethnic enclaves that still exist outside of the gentrifying and ghetto neighborhoods are still getting more non white. That would be happening now still even without white flight just on a larger scale. Inter community relations and trust are higher in suburbs that are only 64% white(Caroline county Virginia) then urban neighborhoods that’re 86% white(Fishtown, Philadelphia).
>I more surprised by the low iq black and white thinking .
>racism always bad
hmmm seems like you’re the light switch brain here friendo
>t. Ching Pang Shekelberg.
you're lying.
You’re black anime virgins who don’t leave each other’s basements.
It takes a lot of maintance andd strict social surrounds to keep a significant number if blacks and mixed from acting proper. And thats through fear of thenlaw and upbringing. The modern urban immoral criminal minorty. Style dominating all of media or at least popular music. There were still problems with african and mexican statistics pre 60s
Its not that everyone in black communities are criminals, its that so many a complacent that crime is a lot more open and common in black communities.
well maybe you are blind
OK nigger
nice proxy btw. whoever taught you english fucked up punctuation spacing
>granite counter tops
poorfag here, living in the hood. there is a congolese nigger living adjacent to me. one of the nicest dudes i have ever met. super friendly, turned his nigger rap down when i asked him to one time, just a cordial guy who is trying to assimilate. way cooler than the filthy brainwashed wiggers who live here.
guesa what, i dont hate him. but i will NEVER relax around him and will always be on edge and ready to take action because you people are volatile and unpredictable. it is and always has been a geneyic issue. just because there are outliers/anomolies doesnt make my caution invalid.
What city?
all of them
Wow so you want a fucking medal?!? Kys
the explanation is easy. you are a lying nigger.
im in the midwest. thats all im willing to give.
Even niggers can get things right sometimes even if by accident.
I don't think all black people are super evil. But, i was raised in NYC, in queens, right on the border of east NY. Based on my life experience, there's no way I none of your black friends do drugs or aren't criminals. And its surprising that you haven't witnessed any violent crime. I saw assaults on a weekly basis during my early teens - I went to the same jr high as Nicki minaj - and the blacks there stabbed people and mugged people all the time. I don't think blacks are violent because of some shit i've heard on TV, I know they are because I've seen it first hand.
Long live the nigger
no there isnt cuck
for you
>im in the midwest
Midwest is full of whitebois with guns that know good places to hide bodies. Having too bad of a reputation with the neighbors may result in disappearing and never being found, historically at least.
hipsters and semites aren't going to live in the old comfy neighborhoods, they're still going to gather in the unusual street-arrangement towns within the cities like they always had.
It's just that now that's all that's left.
Of course certain affluent suburbs have higher trust than certain cities, that has always been true in 100% white examples of both.
The point is there ARE no white cities left, not even Pittsburgh.