/APG/ Anti Porn General

ITT we discuss ways to combat the porn industry and redpill newcomers on how damaging it is to men.

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hello JIDF

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A custom virus that looks for porn on a computer / server and once found it bricks the system.

May need some work but with technology as it is laws alone won’t make an impact.

it's a good idea. We need more variety though. There's a facial recognition algorithm that cross references social media with faces seen in porn videos. This would be a good tool to shame the thots .

i don't want to make a thread so i will post it here
with my coomer superpowers i have identified the other kikess slut in the H3h3 party photo. It was pointed out that the one on the right was probably Riley Ried. The other one is Abbie Maley. You can easily recognize her by the mole on the upper lip. She seem to know also Justin Roiland (Rick and Morthy)


actually now that i scrolled the archived thread they already identified her. Still, this is a relatively fresh finding

oh wow I did not know that whore was a jew. Probably why she fucks so many niggers

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pmohackbook.org should be posted every time btw, its mandatory reading. I'm 100% porn free for almost 3 months after reading it, no urge to watch at all.

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i don't know if riley ried is jewish, the other one seems jewish to me, but i don't know either for sure, i just assumed it

she's an annoying bitch anyways. I hope all those porn whores and directors die off in the collapse

What the fuck is this picture

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you tell me mossad. Reveal the secrets of American DUMB's

Haha funny
But seriously

screenshot from an episode of The 100

ok here's a TLDR
>tons of missing children and hikers
>most around national parks
>most national parks are around disclosed Deep underground military base locations
>also hubs for human trafficking happen to be close to DUMB's locations
>Phil Schneider (got whacked after speaking about it) said the government are in cahoots with the ayys and they live down there and harvest adrenochrome from the 'lost' children.

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earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/#{"autoUpdate":[],"basemap":"grayscale","feed":"1585776015009","listFormat":"default","mapposition":[[7.623886853120049,-136.31835937499997],[55.825973254619015,-32.431640625]],"overlays":["plates"],"restrictListToMap":["restrictListToMap"],"search":{"id":"1585776015009","name":"Search Results"%2C"isSearch"%3Atrue%2C"params"%3A{"starttime"%3A"2020-03-02 00%3A00%3A00"%2C"endtime"%3A"2020-04-01 23%3A59%3A59"%2C"maxlatitude"%3A50%2C"minlatitude"%3A24.6%2C"maxlongitude"%3A-65%2C"minlongitude"%3A-125%2C"minmagnitude"%3A2.5%2C"orderby"%3A"time"}}%2C"sort"%3A"newest"%2C"timezone"%3A"utc"%2C"viewModes"%3A["list"%2C"map"]%2C"event"%3Anull}

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So the theory is that the Watchers organization (which I remember reading about a bit but don't know much about) is still active and is trafficking kids via DUMB's?
Any further reading I can do except looking up Phil Schneider?

Ah thanks, god fuckin spooked for a second

>ITT we discuss ways to combat the porn industry and redpill newcomers on how damaging it is to men.
The only way is to make it look like a cult.

why are there so many people that say that they have seen frazzledrip video on the dark web but nobody has it? i get it that it's illegal to download it but come on, just record the screen with a camera. Come on curiosity is killing me

Does having skype sex with women count as porn?

you're kind of right. It's more than just the finder's cult. State sponsored pedophilia/sex slavery/sacrifice is real. Look into Pizzagate and Franklin Coverup to get an idea of how they operate. As far as reading goes, you can read the official FBI report on the finders cult and the Franklin scandal documentary & book

How do you face the holocaust nightmare, Avi?

I make porn, AMA

Can someone give me factual based evidence on why fapping is harmful to me? Genuinely interested bc I want to stop cooming to the vidya.

Also if you have the info can you also reply with tips to stop?

Thanks, will look into it. Thought pizzagate was happening somewhat under the radar of the state up to now.
Every night I repeat "Mischlings belong to the people's community and can become citizens of the Reich" until I fall asleep.

can't guarantee if true

its an antiporn thread, not nofap but here are some links I copied from a thread some time ago:

Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization researchgate.net/profile/Alonso_Fernandez-Guasti/publication/6536830_Relationship_between_Sexual_Satiety_and_Brain_Androgen_Receptors/links/54b6c2970cf2e68eb27f0321/Relationship-between-Sexual-Satiety-and-Brain-Androgen-Receptors.pdf

Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788

Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681994.2019.1677883

Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/spermidine-rich-foods-may-prevent-liver-cancer-extend-lifespan/

Masturbation decreases dopamine levels sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/

Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html

Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949

Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706

Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 cir.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Genital-Image-Sexual-Anxiety-and-Erectile-Dysfunction-Among-Young-Male-Military-Personnel.pdf

Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603/

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no problem moshie. are you actually an ethnic jew or a gentile living in Israel?

do jews neck deep in Yas Forums still believe in the holocaust?