So my family made me a persona non grata a decade ago for speaking out about my delusional aunt. She basically has munchuasen by proxy and tried to make my cousin believe she was trans.
3 weeks a go my cousin reached out to me, starting to form a good relationship after both escaping our crazy family.
>my mum and aunt are both bat shit insane progressives >10 years ago my cousin comes to visit. She's wearing dungarees and has a shaved head. >barely notice or say anything cause she was 8 >aunt announces cousin is no living as a boy >next day cousin is playing woth my sister (10) sister offers her a Barbie which she starts playing with >aunt goes nuts, rips the doll out of her hand, chastised my sister for trying to enforce gender norms >next 3 years my aunt posts every fucking day about her joy of being a trans mum >talks about the issues she has overcome when there was literally 0 resistance from anyone the whole way >school instantly accepted it >cont
>she got bullied a bit but the school stamped it out >aunt comes round over Christmas >speaking to cousin and ask why she wants to be a boy.(at the time I was quite liberal and had qualms but sort of accepted it >"it makes mum happy" >she basicslly told me my aunt would cry and rant of she expressed liking any feminine things. >aunt arranged for her to see a therapist >"transphobic" therapist says she is a girl (cauae she told the truth) and should be allowed to express her self >aunt posts lengthy rant on FB about this (500+ likes) >Cousin sent to another therapist and then an NHS counsellor >is diagnosed with gender dysphoria >aunt family comes round over Easter >Literally only topic of conversation is my cousins upcoming transition >cont
Bentley Johnson
nobody cares nigger go blog on plebbit
James Lee
How is living a lie and forcing others to accept that lie as truth redpilled? That is the definition of bluepill in fact of course. You will never be a women, you will never pass. You aren't fooling anyone or trapping anything. Look in the mirror, you can't lie to yourself.
Easton Wilson
Keep going user
Cooper Morales
>Keep going user This. Wanna hear moar
John Myers
>I snap >"she's only doing this cause you force her to" >ask my cousin if this is what she wants >she goes red but doesn't reply >My mum starts yelling at me >Aunt says I need to educate myself >leave dinner table >Cousin comes to my room 2 hours later >crying doesnt want to transition but only thing making my aunt happy apparently my aunt looked up loads of shit on the web to coach her on what to say to the counsellor >speak to my mum the next day say we need to contact social services my aunt is abusing my cousin >mum starts yelling at me. Dad sides with her. >Threatens to take my PC and cut off internet as I am "reading hateful stuff online" >tells my aunt, she tells me to never speak to her family ever again >consider contacting social services anyway but no idea how I would even do that. >Cont
>try again the next day to persuade my family it's abuse >even try dropping in blue pills "being trans is real but cousin is not, aunt is making her do this" > blazing row breaks out goes on for hours get told i am not welcome at the house anymore >I have 3 weeks to find a place and move out "how could I have raised such a hateful child! I don't even know you anymore" >I had a part time job applied and got a student loan for uni which I was starting after summer >send a fuck you message to my aunt via email >she sent me back a huge email I never read on trans "research" and all sorts of bullshit for "education" >bizarrely she never blocked or unfriended me on FB >watching her reaction to Brexit and Trump may have been the funniest thing I ever seen. Posted like 60 minute ranting and crying viedos >cont
Mason Cook
Left can't meme and kikes can't meme. Fuck MIGA and fuck you in your gaping manhole.
Owen Davis
Okay. I'm the only one waiting to op fibally getting his cousin pregnant?
Brayden Hill
You gotta get your cousin out of there? user.
Lincoln Ramirez
tldr: your family is a bunch of cucked faggots, aka your family is quintessentially british.
Jaxson Thomas
Yeah.... I’m thinkgen BASED
Alexander Hughes
Report it to social services you fucking slowpoke. Common
Ryder Rodriguez
I'm a trans individual who has been on Yas Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.
Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.
Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need
Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.
Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.
I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.
Dylan Cox
Nice larp faggot
>trans are bad >THINK OF THE CHILDREN
Kayden Watson
If he reports it to social services they'll send the police and have HIM arrested for transphobia.
Logan Lopez
God damn liberals are turning the tomboys into trannies. Bumping for interesting thread; please go on, OP.
You're in a faggot cult. People cannot change their sex. If you chop off your dick you don't magically become a female, you just become a dickless faggot. You are a male eunuch.
Alexander Morales
Lolol got those pictures ready to go pretty fast huh
Almost like you’re trying to push some sort of narrative
He can do it anonymously. Pretty easy, just claim his aunt is abusing NHS and tax payer money for a girl who doesn't want to be a boy because she (the aunt) is a woman hating sexist who psychologically abuses her daughter.
Tell them about the doctor who said she was a girl. They hate public money fraud.
Lucas Sanchez
Why do you people think we care about you? You're a tiny tiny tiny TINY minority of people. Your issues are IRRELEVANT to greater society. If you would all just shut the fuck up and stay out of the limelight nobody would give a fuck. But you have to go and be all egotistical and 'LOOK AT MEEEEEE, I'M TRAAAAAAANS' Earning our wrath, scorn and contempt.
You should have just shut up. Nobody gives a fuck and now you've made enemies.
Nicholas Harris
Those pics have been floating around Yas Forums for years you dumb faggot.
Adam Collins
Suddenly, all these 50%ers come out of the woodwork to support child abuse. All around the same time, posting similar material. It's almost as if it's all one faggot using proxies...
>still have good relationship with my brother and dad >I meet up with them occasionally but have never spoken to my mum or aunt since >2 years ago my brother mentions that my uncle now has custody >My cousin identified as a boy at that point but had not undergone any treatment >basically 2 months after living with uncle in Edinburgh started living as a girl >aunt tried to get custody back (she voluntarily let her live with him due to issues with her other kid) >rants on FB that her ex-husband is enforcing gender roles on her kid (that absolute fucking irony) >Never thought much about it since >out of blue get a friend request from some 18 year old girl >away to ignore it as spam or some weirdo >"wait why do I recognise her?" >OH SHIT it's my cousin but now she has long hair and seemingly is identifying as a woman >tells me her she broke off contact with my aunt >my aunt was literally on the verge of having a court order to get her back when she basically begged her to let her stay with my uncle >thanks me for being the only one to realpy stand up to my aunt (apparently my dad stayed out of it and my brother tacitly supported her after she moved). >cont
Sebastian Johnson
Its a cult of sickness
Zachary Thompson
Yeah, but the crazy aunt will immediately tell the cops it was him.
Camden Diaz
Anti-psychotics have a way better therapeutic outcome than gender reassignment surgery.
Austin Phillips
Ethan Gomez
kill yourself you mentally damaged monster
James Thompson
>dungarees go back to your containment board faggot
Ayden Flores
No proof
James Cooper
> But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved.
You are psychotic. Friend feels like he is a cyclops, decides to cut out one eye to live his best life. Kills himself when he realizes he wasn't a cyclops and actually was just mentally ill. Still made a sound life decision according to your faggot logic.
>Within two years I was visually passing
Nope. Your faggot friends are lying to you, you do not pass and never will.
slap your dumb bitch mother and your aunt. And their mom for being such a dumb bitch she raised both of them.
Liam Sullivan
Let me guess what happens next; your hot cousin is so grateful to you for defending her in her time of need that she develops a huge crush on you and fucks your brains out.
Charles Gutierrez
I wonder ((who)) is making the big bucks by promoting and performing such "reassignment procedures".
If trans people weren't to be so obsessed with how they look you wouldn't need surgery at all. The real problem is in your mind.
Sebastian Stewart
Probably one trans fag calling for backup on a discord server.