Happenings are a myth

happenings are a myth

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Wow a Russian operative retweeting another Russian operative's apologia for yet ANOTHER Russian operative. Bbbbut her emails!

Tig if brue

>meme flaggot

Flynn got US troops killed by giving intel to the taliban
Ever wonder why Bergdahl was such a big deal?

I wonder how is it possible to get everything so wrong and then try to gasslight everybody about it.

You have to be a bot right?

You are not immune to propaganda
Have you ever wondered why its this specific and consistent group of people of interest?
Not the later on people who joined Trump or the people before and during?
All of the people of interest have been insiders for decades
All of them know each other

Look a Chinese operative is posting on the internet again!

>he believed the russia collusion conspiracy theory

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Americans cut the dicks of their newborn sons for israel.

I like that so few read the dossier and see it lists that muh russia is a smokescreen to cover up chinese actions
page 9

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Tiananmen Square

lol crazy person is crazy

You mean the emails that proved that HRC was using the state department for pay for play via the clinton foundation?

b-b-b-but evidence of a crime.

Obama could eat a baby live on YouTube and he wouldn't be arrested. Laws do not apply to them.

Like Trump is doing now with paying himself over the secret service?
Or demanding that his post office hotel get funds?
Or his ongoing case of owning Chinese loans and seeking federal releif since he doesnt have 200 mil?

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Funny how that Trump wasn't accepting his own argument on FISA

Another Twitter post thread?

my man tom fitton coming through yet again

I wish a nigga would

Protip: it's happening every fucking day... wake up.

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Flynn dared to be critical of Obama admin war on terror. Black Jesus retaliates as always.

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Happenings are slow.

Why aren’t you promoting community card games? There’s nothing (((they))) fear more than a united community center playing card games.

1. Chance to meet your neighbors.

2. Build strong communities by building friendships.

3. Provide an outlet for conversation so that everyone can enjoy themselves while drinking beer, listening to music, and smoking stogies.

4. Learn new games and improve your brain’s skill.

5. Male bonding makes stronger better men.

6. Redpill your community via unfiltered talk.

What games to play:
Rummy, spades, War, Hearts, Batak, 31, whisky poker, oh hell, 500, 1000, Kangs in the corner-aces in the corner, garbage, spoons, old maid, go fish, kemp’s, trex, 42 (dominoes), Mexican train dominos, crazy eights (full), Chicago, (((Yaniv))), Basra, Dilote, Pitch, All fours, Skat, bridge, whist, sheepshead, euchre, tonk, Belote, scopa, canasta, Trump, Pinochle, Durak, spite and malice, rat-a-Tay-tat, golf, hockey, Beggar you’re neighbor, Coup, army ants, sequence, cribbage, all fours, Sueca, neets, 7’s, phase 10, faro, 66, 99, gin rummy, 13 rummy, tarneeb, spoil 5’s, concan, poker, Boure, blackjack, red dog, ronda, klabberjass, ombré, pit, coup

Dice: Farkle, pig, passages, midnight, ship-captain-crew, crag, yahtzee, yazy, yaht, 3’s, Qwixx, tenzies, craps, street dice, Can’t stop, left-right-Center,

Board: ticket to ride, Agricola, pandemic, pax, coin...

What’s stopping you from forming a game night? What card games do you play?

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yeah cool promote community board games during a pandemic retard

thank you for this



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