I’m a nationalist and I was wondering, does Yas Forums think the navy or any other military branch is worth it? If you served what was it like in your experience and what was the usual routine?
Navy Thread
If you care about this country you should run for office instead.
People go into the military to either A kill people B free certificates + training
Die for Israel, goy
>being a zogbot
just kys now retard
or C welfare queens
it depends on your goals.
if you want to be a sailor, then the navy is worth it. if you want to make money then the merchant marines is where it's at.
sailing is a job, but it's also a lifestyle. there's a lot of crap you don't think about not having until you're at sea.
it's definitely something you should give serious thought BEFORE signing up.
also, if you have the ability to think, then there are better ways to serve your country than the armed forces.
something else that you should be aware of is that it's all pozzed. all of it. every single government job is now pozzed.
Do you speak Tagalog? Because you'll need to if you're in the navy. It's not a service for white people. For whatever reason flips join the navy specifically in droves
>militaryfag makes another military thread to remind everyone how special he is
almost forgot to mention.
someone will definitley bang your wife/girlfriend/whatever. it happens so often that you'll hear the name jodie tossed around and everyone knows what you're talking about. your wife will take your kids. you'll lose the house. etc...
just be mentally prepared for that shit or you'll break. i've seen it over and over again.
your apartment/house will get broken into and all of your shit will get stolen and the police won't do shit because the break-in happened months ago, so get really good insurance.
a bunch of shit you don't think about.
and stay away from strippers. they look like people. they sound like people. but, they have no souls and they'll take all of your shit and fuck their boyfriends in your bed while you're underway.
you've been warned.
there's a reason many sailors are alcoholics.
Basement dweller you smell like shit from here
Don't do it... I was in the Navy 96-05. Don't do it... everything changed on 9/11.
Given the current state of world affairs I would not want to be tied to the next 4 years of American foreign policy, Trump or not. Keep in mind the modern military is programs and extremely feminist and due to the military system you cannot question your orders to attend 3 day pro-tranny brainwashing courses.
Buddies unit comes back from a year long deployment. Month later several dudes all test positive for the same STD cocktail. Turns out the guys' wives were all banging the same nig and he gave everybody some fun infections.
You kys retard. With all the benefits he can get he's jewing the jew.
yep, seen that.
it's not even uncommon.
you start to lose faith in humanity.
Good thing im lonely kek. Still an alcoholic though
I wouldn't do it. Doubly so if you're white.
And they all get jobs in supply dept...
It honestly baffles me that this shit isn't considered a national security threat. There's no way in hell I'd ever join the military knowing shit like this happens.
if you join just go airforce. The other branches are usually staffed with low iq plebians. once youre there, just join intelligence. After 4 years you can leave and join the CIA, FBI, or any wall street financial firm.
i don't recommend it unless you're black or a woman. The left has completely fucked the military.
Don't do it.
>does Yas Forums think
The Founders did not include "thinking" in our genetic template, as it does not serve Israel.
I went in for B, but now it's C.
I got screwed by the legal system in this country so I don't really care to defend it. I was patriotic before, now I'm just glad I get disability.
t. honorable discharge
Why do women cheat so easily?
Did 8 years in the Army. It wasn't all bad, but I don't recommend it. There are some great men in service and you'd learn a lot about the world. Just be ready, because it's a steep learning curve, and there are some pretty harsh lessons.
I got options A, B, and C.To be honest, I'd rather have the ability to walk without pain than have taken C, but that option kind of forced itself on me. At the time I joined it was out of a sense of duty. I got red pilled (hard) about five years into my career.
>wake up at 0430, roll over into bunkmate
>snuggle for an hour
>get up at 0530, shave and put on make-up, skip breakfast because of last night’s pozzed loads still fill up muh tummy
>PT at 0630, looking fierce!
>everyone has a profile for made up injuries so they just walk around bullshitting for an hour
>work call at 0900, spend two hours watching videos about sexual assault prevention while holding hands with bunkmate
>1100, time for lunch! Everyone drives a V6 convertible mustang to the food court
>pile into the bathrooms for more pozzed loads while the 50% female workforce buys food
>1300, attend memorial service for a guy who wanted to be part of the 50% but ended up being part of the 43%
>1330, braid hair of the females in the parking lot because working is gay
>1400, do paperwork in an air conditioned office while telling myself I’m a hero
>1440, barf up pozzed loads from all the work stress
>1500, visit behavioral health clinic to cry about how the trannies are getting all the attention, social worker assures me that she would attend my memorial if I accidentally killed myself during my attention-grabbing suicidal ideation
>1600, drive back to quarters in convertible mustang, mad at all the pilots that have been home since 1300. Fucking officers.
>1630, gather in common room to watch Top Gun and jerk off
>1700, hear rumors that we’ll have to ship out soon, fantasize about pretty memorial ceremony on the deck
>1800, jerk off to implausible rape scenarios from the videos earlier in the day
>1830, you guessed it! More pozzed loads
>1900, look at picture of myself in the faggoty white uniform with the foreskin cap and pretend it’s not as queer as it looks. Daddy is proud of me.
>1930, drink vodka with fruity sodas until I pass out in my bunk holding hands with Danii (she/him/barkself)
>, I'd rather have the ability to walk without pain than have taken C,
Thanks for your service blah blah....
But it's a Navy thread. Being in the Navy now is pretty damned safe, you just better be aware that IF some shit goes down, it's going to be a goddamned nightmare made worse by the fact the Navy has a bunch of fat-ass Navy-issue hipped weak-ass fucking women in it now, so instead of 100 men on a flight deck foam hose crew, you now got 60 men and 40 victims, as you well know from the physical nature of the Army.
Pounding around on steel decks does knees in but most people do fine, you're not humping 80lbs. PCBs and asbestos are almost gone, Milspec lubricants are pretty much all safe, the aviation community still has some shitty ones.
Our food kicked ass and I'd say was even better than the Air Force's on deployment. I ate a lot of steak.
>why do women cheat so easily?
the men do too. female sailors lose their shit when their husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends bang people while they're underway.
it turns out that most people don't act like a disney special in real life.
if you find a good woman, keep her happy. the bible is right, she's more precious than gold.
all of the people cheating on each other really makes you appreciate what you've got while it lasts.
>work call at 0900, spend two hours watching videos about sexual assault prevention while holding hands with bunkmate
why was it always in the morning
If you want to learn how to give an excellent blowjob the Navy is the path for you. You know what they say about aircraft carriers; 2000 people go out and 1000 couples come back. The navy guys were alright, the chair force fags are something else.
Your Jew Bosses put the common white man below women and niggers. That's why you are having trouble convincing whites to go to war with China. (Think about it.)
It doesn't happen the majority of the time.
Remember, you are with a peer group of like-aged people in the same stage of your life, more concentrated than in the Civilian world. So confirmation bias.
My buddy got a pimple on his thigh, went to Medical turns out to be super ghonorrhea, a drug-resistant strain straight out of the PI. He was shore-duty on an east coast base.
Turns out a thot he was banging at his shop got it from her Husband who got it from a Filipino hooker.
It's because they were all 23 years old and moving all around, not becuase cheating is the norm in the military. It's not.
23 year old people cheat all the fucking time kek
This is a Navy thread not a USMC thread.
Because the officers got yelled at the day before at the training meeting to unfuck their numbers for the quarter, and they have to report updates by close of business, and, of course, watching one hour each of sexual assault and equal opportunity videos every three months ensures the feral niggers don’t rape that worthless slut in the unit after she inevitably becomes nondeployable for a pregnancy by one of twelve men she fucks voluntarily.
t. retired army officer