Yas Forums will deny that white male terrorism is a problem

Yas Forums will deny that white male terrorism is a problem.

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i thought covid had destroyed garbage media

Does Nova Scotia have anything BUT white people?

no i won't
it is a problem
for nonwhites

And here’s why it affects immigrants the most

>Robyn Bourgeois

Remember ladies it all started here. Yas Forums-chads are BAD bois

Wasn't Wortman Jewish, though? If that's the case shouldn't we call it ...

>implying niggers are anything but terrorists by nature

Yes, there's way too many niggers. And they have been mass importing muds for a decade.

Let's call getto shooting what it is: nigger on nigger crime

Just their credibility. They pretty only exist now to mildly annoy people and to get hate clicks.

>niggers shoot up and mass murder every weekend in democrat cities
>nobody talks about the nigger problem

>one white shoots a few people

Take your NWO agenda and KYS OP

How is it terrorism?

That took more than a week.

I fucking hate how they get away with writing this shit. You could never say let’s call what Chicago’s murder problem is, black male terrorism. The double standard is so blatant yet can’t even be questioned.

>white male terrorism
The shooter only killed white people, so wouldn't he be ANTI WHITE, (((Robyn Bourgeois)))? Stupid cunt.

And fuck you OP for making me look up the article.

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I hear you user... if you even mentioned that to this same crowd, their heads would implode. God damn mad.

why should I care what happens in Canada?

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Leaf here. No one gives a fuck about this.

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Is this Robyn? She looks like she's a big fat fattie! Mean bitch should think about the starving niglets in Africa before she puts another bite of God knows what up to her gob.


it only appears that way because of their lower time preference resulting in a one time high body count. a thousand niggers killing one person is a much bigger issue.

>Yesterday's Milwaukee mass shooter: Christopher Stokes

Just shut the fuck up faggot
You just wanna take away people's right to bear arms and establish a dystopian state
White men just happen to have a track record of rising up to challenge people in power

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get the fuck out of our countries and you won't get assblasted

the word terrorism has lost all meaning

Slide Thread
Also the (((shooter))) wasn't white.

Alot of people in Canada are straight up unhappy and close to breaking down.
But nice to see this bitch blaming white men.

(((Alt-White))) male terrorism

I swear there's going to be niggers living in Antarctica because our government needs niggers everywhere.
I hate niggers, go back to Africa.