Who are these people???? It's like something out of a horror movie

Who are these people???? It's like something out of a horror movie.

Attached: Down Syndrome.jpg (2452x2176, 929.52K)

----- ????

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Mongol rapebabies.

They are mainly EHG mixed with Cordered Ware, the only reason of why others europeans don't look chink is neolithic admixture
PD: You own blonde hair and extreme light skin to EHG admixture.

said the chink gook bugwoman


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No chink here. French Canadian. Not sure why a chink would be puzzled by the Finland types.

Heirs of the ancient Finnish Empire

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>cavemen flee in terror from the sight of a true Hyperborian
As it should be.

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The hockey player looks a normal person, the other guy, jeez.

Who can blame him? Who wouldn't like to see the Arabic city of Al-Toronto blown up?

Inbreeding. However, I'd tongue the anus of all these women except the two bottom left.

Purest white genes

Attached: B3A9C3CD-5A77-454C-BAFD-6910876DDC5E.gif (630x420, 254.67K)

the most powerful race on Earth

name a country with more butifel women

you cant

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Nice English.

Got any problem, canadian cuck?

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In all seriousness, are there a lot people that look like this walking around the streets, or these are just the bottom of the barrel?

Most Finnish hockey players we get in Canada do not look like these types at all. Maybe cause they're all athletes.

nice genes mr immigrant

She reminds me of Roger from American Dad.

Attached: AmericanDad_09_Roger_v1F.jpg (360x360, 9.98K)

Take the Finno-Baltpill and you too shall become more powerful...

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My ancestors

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The more East you go, the more pic related you're going to see

Its a collection of the ugliest/most asian looking people who are known in the finnish internet. Quite probably russian propaganda to distance Finns from the west

you trying to say the 4th one on top row and 4th on bottom row are not beautiful?

Fuck niggers

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Just your average Mongoloids

Not gonna lie, that does look like someone i wouldn't want to mess with.

The image is close to the average.

does the entire country have fetal alcohol syndrome?

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Interesting. One day I have to visit Finland. Must be similar to Canada in many ways.

A4 and C4 are pretty cute.

To be honest, most of us look like pic related. Though there are ugly people in every country.

Attached: 61FFE958-7A6D-49BA-AEF4-B8814BF191E0.jpg (658x370, 29.46K)

Literally no one cares about you here

häkkinen is literally the most finnish looking man alive

Attached: getty_hakkinenschumacheryhdessapodiumillamikajuhlii-696x554.jpg (696x554, 97.8K)

That's a good looking guy. "Pure" Caucasian face.

I know at least 3 guys who look exactly like him irl. Couldn't agree more.

Sure sure, Russians dont care about their biggest embarrassment. Russians are always looking to steal something from someone and looking to expand their lands at the expence of their neighbours.

The almond shaped eyes must indicate a bit of the Asian blood. One seems to see a a lot of that in many Russians as sell.


This is Finland's prime minister, Sanna Marin.

Attached: 603px-Prime_Minister_of_Finland_Sanna_Marin_2019.jpg (603x480, 47.64K)