How does Yas Forums feel about Televangelists?
How does Yas Forums feel about Televangelists?
they should fucking die
they will be the first to burn in hell
Pretty good during this shutdown. My pastor is streaming on facebook live though. SOmetimes they have nice music on the televangalists.
A fool and his money are soon parted. If it wasn't going to these clowns, it would be to some other bottom-scraping pyramid scheme, or addiction.
I watched the OP video out of morbid curiosity, and Copeland actually loses his composure and starts laughing at the absurdity of what he's doing for half a second in the middle of it. They didn't bother to edit that out, and they clearly didn't need to.
Based and tithingpilled.
They should hang themselves publicly.
Alex Jones is a televangelist.
They should be terrified.
Using the Gospel of Christ to hoard carnal wealth is deplorable in the eyes of God.
>No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
You can not serve both God and money, and it's clear which one televangelists choose.
Wait is that what this dude looks like know? Because I remembered seeing his shit on TV about 15 years ago and he looked exactly the same... I always thought he looked like a demon wearing a human suit. His head looks like it's struggling to hold something in.
Jesuit Cathcult infiltrators
no he is not
He is a jesuit though.
this guy used to be on all the time, and you could go to that channel and within one minute he would ask for money. that's all he did, praise god and ask for money.
They are scammers and deserve to burn in Hell for their greed.
They're based.
You faggots should be hanged and castrated for going against God.
Yeah,I see the point of your comment, its like he is preaching to his audience.
You telling me that prosperity gospel isn't some grotesque mutation of the Protestant work ethic?
low effort
Ultimate grifters
When me and Kenneth Copeland stand before God, I like my odds.
Modern Evangelicalism is basically a Pharise cult to serve jewish-zionist interests. This is understanble since Jews/Pharisees own the world thourh America and if you want riches in this life you have to become their cattle.
I actually read a book on the origins of it.
Apparently if grew out of the Assemboies of God in the 1950s and split off into Full Gospel around that time.
Romanian post best post.
Copeland literally said "the protest is over" retard. You Yas Forumstards are so biblically illiterate. I'm sick of baby sitting you spiritual CRIPPLES.
They take something beautiful and try to exploit it for financial gain. I dislike anyone that ruins the reputation of a religion
he should enjoy his stolen wealth now.
for he is literally going to burn in hell for eternity.
We need to find a way to shut it all down
They're based. Know exactly how to manipulate christcucks and become fabulously wealthy.
Idiotic exploiters of gullible people. That particular one there is worth hundreds of millions and said he could blow coronavirus away. Even if you think the abrahamic faiths are true which they arent. These people are obvious con artists just in it for the Money. This is where kanye West got the idea from.
This. They're a pack of fucking idiots.
>gospel of prosperity
They're fucking heretics. The fact that the pope hasn't lauchned a crusade against them is another indication that he's the anti christ.
Jewish handprints all over it.
They are good on everything except Israel and sometimes foreigners like ALL religions
this is not a lie...alex is selling and steal souls...
Imagine being so god damn stupid you fall for this semitic scam of a religion. Fuck chr*stianity and their jew worshipping shabbos goyim.
Based. Parting religious ideologies from their money is doing everyone a favor
yes he is...wake the fuck up or else
>How does Yas Forums feel about Televangelists?
Fake & gay like Jeebuz.
This. but send his trump bucks to them.
>My pastor
How fucking pathetic.
dont your dare blame Jesus for man sins...
Kenneth copeland is a kike n8gger fraud
This guy's smile... It, uh... makes me the opposite of comfy.
just replace god and jesus with his conspiracy of the week
>biblically illiterate
LOL! Like that’s a bad thing.
That was the first and last video I watched of that guy.
>Buy my le hecking awesome overpriced merch!!!
But why though, you cancer on society? So I can support you spoonfeeding me opinions because I'm too fucking dumb to read something I googled?
>Hello this is holy ghost support, we have detected satan on your system, where you aware of this? Yes sir this is very bad. Now i am calling you father certified from our official offices in heaven. There is good news. For a small price we can fix this problem for you Sir.
Money changers in the house of the lord
Jesus knew how to deal with them
Ask me instead how I feel about a Masonic Government with a criminal DOJ, FBI, CIA that are involved in Child-Trafficking, Child Organ Harvesting, Child-BDSM/Snuff Rings, who allow criminal Televangelists to operate unimpeded.
Low iq
The enemy within and cause of all the holocaust and Israel worship.
The Apostle Paul stepped down from being a lawyer with political connections to spread the Gospel further than any of these men. But did he gather wealth from the public for teaching about Christ? No, he made tents in his spare time to sell to people so that he would not be a burden on those he was there to feed spiritually.
Christ didn't ask for payment. He gave freely to us. And likewise he told his followers to give freely also.
Certainly there has always been a priestly class of Levites who accept enough to be comfortable. But the idea of making a profit off of selling Christs free gift that he suffered to give me is...well, probably not a great idea.
Yeshua was a jewish con man, just like this guy is today. Same faggot, different era.
They are the perfect example on why Protestantism was a mistake
Catholics are corrupt to the core
Pope francis is the beast which rose from the sea
Yeah you're actually too stupid to figure out whats truth and fiction. I pitty and loathe you i hope a kanagroo rapes you and when the day of the emu comes your entire bloodline is wiped out while you watch impotent to do nothing
Guy is nearly a billionaire on this shit. Look up his net worth.
Now i dont know exactly the Kenneth COPEland pipeline. But it’s probably being Old and wishing there is a Nice place you go to when you die, and then you get referred to this manipulative fuck.