Are any of you guys actually wearing these?

Went out with the gf the other day, we're not into the whole mask thing. She made a comment that for the first time it looked like the majority of people were wearing them. I asked her if that officially makes us the assholes and she was like yeah kinda. I just cant bring myself to do it. I'm young and healthy in my 20s, I'd rather get the virus and build immunity. Not avoid it so it wrecks me later down the line.
What about you guys are you wearing masks? I saw someone wearing it like pic related, they looked like a fucking retarded

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Wear your mask. Stay at home.

brother asked if people were wearing them at the village gas station. i said no and they'll call you a faggot if you do wear one. he goes "ok that's really what i needed to know" as gay as i think masks are, i still get disgusted when i see some trash person without one.

No. I'll keep my identity and not lose myself to the needless hysteria.

>Went out with the gf the other day, we're not into the whole mask thing. She made a comment that for the first time it looked like the majority of people were wearing them. I asked her if that officially makes us the assholes and she was like yeah kinda. I just cant bring myself to do it. I'm young and healthy in my 20s, I'd rather get the virus and build immunity. Not avoid it so it wrecks me later down the line.
>What about you guys are you wearing masks? I saw someone wearing it like pic related, they looked like a fucking retarded
Slide thread.

Only NPCs and schizos wear them.

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only faggots and niggers wear those
would rather die than wear one of those faggy ass masks


>I'd rather get the virus and build immunity.
typical 80IQ amerimutt post, the ones in your pic do not prevent you from getting infected but lower the chance you infect someone else

literally not allowed to leave the house without those
decreed on the 21st of april

I got dirty looks from a couple after openly laughing at them for wearing these.

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yes, but only because it helps protect against CCTV

I unironically wear one when I go out grocery shopping where I live, because I live in CA and we're overrun with filthy third world shitholers. Literally got Parvo B-19 off a goddamn shopping cart in 2012. My ankles and knees and hands swelled up like a balloon and ached for months. I couldn't walk for a few days. Fuck that shit. My best friend got tuberculosis working in downtown Oakland; thankfully it responded to medication but he was lucky, because sometimes it's resistant these days. Fuck. That. Shit.

If nothing else, I don't feel like getting the flu this year.

Ha, yeah that too.

Makes sense the nigger can't follow the law and has no will to live, he even posted a picture of himself.

I have to wear it by law but fuckem, I share my love wherever I can. I also don't use hand anitizer and eat out. If you can't survive a simple sniffles as a young person you should have never made it out of infancy. I hope those ghoul like boomers rooot in hell for destroying everyone under 40 and their health by making us dependant on (((vaccines))).


I was asked yesterday if I was going to be a good boy and wear one
>Tfw rant about Jewish conspiracy

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>I'd rather get the virus and build immunity.
Ahaha you think that's how it works?

I love wearing it. Along with some shades. Keeps my identity secret. I don't have a smart cellphone. I use the flip phone with removable battery. I like my anonymity. Its like the old days.



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Basically that's it faggot

Only nutty women, boomers and the really old wear them.

>I saw someone wearing it like pic related, they looked like a fucking retarded
all ive been doing lately is taking pictures of people wearing masks like that

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Im honestly surprised at the amount of bootlickers in this thread. The virus is literally a nothingburger in every sense. You faggots really have to go back if youre not going to at least even make an attempt to not be bootlicking retards.

Jewel Osco is a supermarket chain around Chicago

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>wear the mask

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No. I walk into stores that have signs on the door saying "Must wear mask" without a mask and no one says shit. If they do, I write the name of the business on my list of places to never give my money to again.

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There is no immunity you stupid nigger faggot. But go ahead. I hope your lungs fill with 5L of fluid and you choke to death.

masks are for cucks

Unless it has a respirator, masks are to protect others from you, so yeah, you are just being a selfish asshat since the virus is better gone forever than being resisted. Even the ancient civilizations realized this, that's why they actually enforced quarantines with death punishments.

>why are my blogposts not relevant?
Because it’s literally an opinion poll where you’re encouraged to talk about your feelings.

kill yourself nigger

ew look At those disgusting poo coloured lips. omg i feel sick lookin at them
look at that stupid oversized nose, and weird shaped cheeks. wtf how does this creature exist

They're literally the mark of the beast at this point. I'm pissed that they're required for Walmart employees, despite telling us a month ago that "it could make customers feel uncomfortable". Nigger fucking please.

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Based, I'm glad you're destroying your own country. America is the ZOG state.

There is immunity, that's why they are testing corona survivors for antibodies to use to heal those unable to get through on their own, retard.

Once people see me not wearing one they remove theirs. Bunch of fucking sheep.



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working at wallmart through this shit must be hell
god bless walmart user


This. Cowards and faggots.

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wear your mask, goy

>implying I'm going to do physically demanding work with a mask that makes me feel like I'm breathing through a straw
Yeah see you there faggots. How's that CO2 buildup working for you?

Why does wearing a mask during a pandemic make you an asshole? Are you fucking retarded? You use snow boots in the snow, you wear sunglasses on a sunny day, you use an umbrella during the rain but for some reason wearing masks during a pandemic is too much? Why?

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>Majin Juu

I do this as well. They never ask me to leave. I think they know they can face some backlash for refusing to serve.

>What about you guys are you wearing masks?
required by law. otherwise they won't let you in the stores. I don't wear a mask when I don't interact with others.
Don't want to pay a fine to the (((state))))

wearing a mask actually builds up the lung muscle.

this happened at my work.
everyone was given a mask
about 4 of us just said fuck this and didnt wear them, about 2 boomers got mad we werent wearing ours
within 2 days nobody but those 2 boomers were wearing them

>based chad that died to corona a week later

>My mom worked for Atari and she says nah uhhhhhhhhh
Ok faggot if it was super serious current situation is sub par for 28days later for a snowballs chance we'd be sitting in martial law waiting for the CDC to deliver gibs with anyone seen on street shot on site... But that's not being alive

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Not a slide thread though. Slide thread implies that I'm deliberately off topic in an inflammatory way in order to hide something. It's a political issue and we're in real neet hours right now what's wrong with a little conversation

think of this. you'd rather think you already have covid and you are doing a favor of not being contagious.

Plus you could pretend to be a ninja

no one cares if you get covid user

>not wearing a full hazmat suit


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No masks, no gloves, no hand sanitizer. I don't see a point. It's a novel virus so I'll get it eventually. Don't see a point trying to prevent something inevitable. Am I wrong?

Funny how all you cultists get so worked up every time someone mentions the word "immunity"
So easy to get a reaction lmao

Flatten the curve only keeps hospitals from being overwhelmed. That’s been done.