Aus/pol - Dick pussy the new queen of spades edition
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Now he will feel black dick up his boi pussy
Naa no way, he'll be treated as a cop killing hero
Hey VicPol,
My name is Dick, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day harrasing motorists. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun fining people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I drive my Porsche at 420 km/h on the highway while on coke, and chase the skybus to get free wifi. What do you do for fun, other than abuse the public? I also got straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's my cool Porsche
only cityfags hate cops
b a i t
last thread was so comfy with mainly good well thought out discussion. This one is unfunny shitposts.
Repost from the other thread, fuck commies
socialism and communist policies always attract people that bring nothing to society, such as having no actual skill or useful degree. That’s why they are attracted to getting free money from the people that actually have skills and jobs.
Gender studies degrees won’t get you anywhere, that’s why they shill socialism and marxist shit.
Keep this in mind next time you see a commie, i guarantee they’ll have some useless degree and either no job, or some shitty cafe job or something like that.
They post this shit here because they know jewbook will ban them if they post it to their friends to show them what fucking edgelords they are.
No one cares, no one's interested except the under 12's, but they do it anyway. They have no lives. Pathetic.
Praise Him
Fag detected
>behind bars, just like that cunt.
I bet he's taking it up the arse from Bubba or a bent screw as we speak.
Only bootlickers like cops.
what is the motivation for progress under socialism/communism? It seems like they just want to bring the autistic succeeders of society down and give them no reward for being autistic succeeders? Do the lefties just think once they achieve socialism/communism, that society can just relax for a few thousand years?
Can anyone steelman a response to this?
t. genuinely curious
Press P to Praise
ok cityfag
The daily ride
The workhorse
Fuck lads just praised him and fuck it felt good, might praise him again later idk.
Nice city.
fuck top kek
someone copy the police memes where he puts a stick in the wheel but make a big truck smash into the copper
A blogger called Spandrell has this theory that anyone who was disadvantaged by the rise of capitalism join forces to create a new status-making political machine which he calls 'Bioleninism'.
tell me user, what useful skill or degree is it that you have?
The Jew fears the indoor rabbit farm.
Good evening gentleman, I'd like to take this opportunity to say, FUCK NIGGERS.
Thank you very much.
Thank you sir, I agree. I also have an announcement to make: SEX work isn't REAL work.
Thank you for listening.
fuck off outta here, nignog
You lads have given me a lot to think about.
>smoking cig out front of house minding own business
>5 foot derro fatcunt starts mouthing off to me out of the blue saying he'll do this and that
>walk outside my gate and say let's do it then
>he pulls out phone and starts recording saying he'll call the cops, and that I'm 'breaking social distancing'
>'the fines already $1000 wanna make it more??'
>I say okay call them, he says 'I will, I'll get compo, drugs are in your system CLEARLY and this isn't the first altercation we've had'
>literally the first time I've seen this short faggot, drugs definitely not in my system
>he's recording the whole time spinning a story in his favour
>is barefoot
>keeps walking away and when almost out of view starts mouthing off again saying he'll do this and that
>'Show me your man titties' I said
>literally midnight, just trying to smoke a cigarette and some fat little manlet derelict fuck is begging me to hit him with his phone in front of his face
>'I'll put it in your bum cunt' I said, as he walks off into the distance mouthing off once again
Why must people like this exist, this is the third person I've had threaten to call the police on me out the front of my house in 2 weeks, when all I've done is mind my own business. I don't want to live in a world with these kinds of people.