Telegony: have women become worthless?

Telegony is a theory of heredity holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent; thus the child of a woman might partake of traits of a previous sexual partner.

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Retarded theory by insecure volcels. Entire thing is predicated on a misunderstanding, same as the hilarious “women retain DNA of previous partners!” misconstrual
If you think telegony or sperm DNA retention are real, then simply read the “source data.”

Yes, I think this is real or very likely.

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I believe it 100%

It's actually been proven true in other specie.

I think (((they))) know it's true but don't talk about it because they want everyone a mingled mutt reject population.

I personally know a girl that had a kid with a guy but it looks IDENTICAL to a guy she was with before him.

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It's real and has been observed in many other species, especially regarding farm animals. Some farmers, when trying to create high-quality breeds, will end up killing the female if she has sex with a mate that wasn't intended. Even if pregnancy didn't occur.

It's crazy to seriously think about it in terms of the human species. I wonder exactly what each implication would be entirely?

That's a good thing for nerds. Imagine you have a weak chin, but if your future wife got fucked by lots of chads that means your child may have a chance of being a chad with a strong jaw himself.

wow, this is some noospheric shit. I just had this on my mind.

I think there's something to it.

They damaged as fuck. Not sure if you can salvage them without a massive culture swing.

I don't think its genetic. I think that women are worthless because they been socialized that way, and have thus reduced their fitness. They will pass on the "social genes" of the people they were with... which is something i do not want.

So, I banged a girl raw in college, and creamed in her pussy. I didn't think about it. Just did it. No pregnancy, we both graduated.
Saw a picture of her family few years later. Her first born looks like me. Not like her husband. Its not mine from when we fucked since the child is too young. Then I ended up here with this theory of passed on DNA. Weird.

anecdotal evidence,

the best kind of evidence :)

>theory of passed on DNA
it's not DNA... they say its some next "imprint" that we have yet to characterize, like quantum entanglement or something.

>I personally know a girl that had a kid with a guy but it looks IDENTICAL to a guy she was with before him.
Thats cos the child is the other guys, bitches cheat

Even if she took birth control?

Fuck niggers

well, if she took birth control you actually picked it up from her blood supply through your dick... its a thing, look it up.

and its quantum entagalment. You might be mutilated, but your foreskin is still quantumly entangled with you buddy.

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Alohim.

It's not theory it's a fact. Chink faggot.

its not just a theory it is proven that when women become pregnant DNA from the father is absorbed in to their brain and body forever.

"Microchimerism" is the technical term

From wikipedia

"In humans (and perhaps in all placentals), the most common form is fetomaternal microchimerism (also known as fetal cell microchimerism or fetal chimerism) whereby cells from a fetus pass through the placenta and establish cell lineages within the mother. Fetal cells have been documented to persist and multiply in the mother for several decades.[1][2] The exact phenotype of these cells is unknown, although several different cell types have been identified, such as various immune lineages, mesenchymal stem cells, and placental-derived cells.[3] A 2012 study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, has detected cells with the Y chromosome in multiple areas of the brains of deceased women.[4] "

This seems like a nothing burger bc most women dont become pregnant with the dudes theyre fucking - right>?

wrong. any woman using the pill as a contraceptive become pregnant on a regular basis, 99% of the time is just dies and aborts itself within the first month and is never noticed.

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No,you have become worthless.

Yas Forums stop hating women. I love pussy, don't create a war over shit that doesn't matter. No one should become gay because you spent your young years playing vydia while they were having sex.

"Roasties" are your form of degrading people who had fun while they could and should, not you expect a 30 yeard old hot virgin model. Top kek.

American education in action. Yikes.

I slept around in my 20s and it was a complete waste of time.
Brought me nothing but wasted money and some cooms.
You might as well be a drug addict.


Is this why the God told ancient israelis to kill every nonvirgin female from Jericho?

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Where’s the evidence huh?
Because it’s not a theory it’s bullshit.

>hnnn*sees tat* dropped

The lost generation, hundreds of thousands of women indoctrinated by:

--Seinfeld- a show about a bunch of single childless people living in NYC doing nothing with their lives.
--Friends- a show about a bunch of single childless people living in NYC doing nothing with their lives.
-Sex in the City- a show about a bunch of single childless people living in NYC doing nothing with their lives.

Now the the time has come, they are desperate for a long term mate

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2nd from right

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What it would take to save the modern whore won't be done because too many men have been successfully indoctrinated to be cucks. The best "fix" you can hope for is when society collapses and women become war brides and rape slaves as they were historically because daddy government won't be there to help them larp as men's equals.

>Yas Forums stop hating women. I love pussy
Literal simp or baiting faggot, either way opinion discarded.

A 40 year old woman not only has inferior eggs and looks to a younger woman but she's had 25 years or more of cock run through her. Imagine the smell.

The Greeks had it right. Be bi/homo to learn who's the most Chad. Impregnate his cast offs.

Define worthless.

"Become" worthless hahahaha when were they ever anything else?

I'll take pink shorts on the right.

Can't really blame them, they were force feed this from early one.

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