Move to Spain

Spain is the perfect place for an ethnostate, good weather, and the front line of the migrant invasion of Europe. Spain is neck and neck between the right and the left. A sudden influx of racist White nationalist chads will not only slightly bleach Spanish people a bit but also swing the country in favour of protectionism. Imagine Amish tier White nationalist communes in the Spanish countryside with hyper birth rates. Muslim and Black migrants would be met with swarms of fanatical Altright gypsy-nazis exploding out of the wilderness killing and raping all nonwhites after they started moving through the Spanish countryside. Iberia is self sufficient decently religious and has the capacity to close its borders.
A lot of Whites in Australia South Africa and the American Midwest and South will be used to the climate.

Spain is Ethnostate.

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they're cucked

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I would support this. The country itself is kino. Great landscape. Half of Spain use to be called Castile, castle. Beautiful, perfect for defense and ethnostates as well.

We could Alhambra x10 the shit out of Gilbratar and make that the ‘New Constantinople’? Great walks that can stand up to over a 1000 years of Muslim waves

Everywhere is cucked. The whole point of creating the ethnic Tate is to kick out the parasites and build paradise.

You won’t find paradise anymore on this planet chili. We have to MAKE IT

*ethno state

But look chili muh holy digits confirm. We must MAKE paradise, finding it is no longer possible because of ((them))

I, for once, welcome your refugees, but cut it out with your "bleaching spaniards crap". As long as you are a right wing hardworker and you hate islam, you are welcome.

Fuck off we're full

Honestly never thought about that. Based idea user I would never think of Spain as an ethnostate but in a way it's perfect.

Google Pioneer effect birth rates btw this can actually work

Spain is pretty based, I haven't seen a single fag flag there (although I haven't been to Madrid or Barcelona). I only saw one tranny and a handful of nogs there.

Leave them alone, the last thing they need is anglo poz.

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Ok ignore that sh*t but just imagine all the volunteers helping the Spanish socialists except the other way around

Except it's the Nationalists getting support from whites/white Christians


Put religion behind and join the workforce, together we become one, the reason we are so easily controlled in because we are constantly fighting each other.
There is a reason why they create wars, send our mates to die in a retarded war, then let people who are suffering in then keep on promoting racism, to disrupt society.
We are being controlled, rise of hatred against neighboring countries, look at all these retarded people in power, trump, bolsonaro. kek. We had no say in this.
Your country doesn't care about you as an individual, what matters is your family and your circle of friends. Those are the ones ill die for, fuck my country. Never gave me anything and i don't expect anything from it either. I can live well by my own means.

Yas Forums is brainwashed, im glad that these views/opinions stay here, imagine living in a world full of incels.

I walked the Camino de Santiago. Northern Spain is based.

Spain is full of nigger and Arab DNA. Pass.

I would rather do it somewhere with a community of people who are lunatics about gun rights.
Also fuck this Yas Forumstard.

I'm planning to go there ilegally and live off the goverment's tit

Started mining crypto a few days ago, I will leave this black and brown people country the moment I have enough money for a roundtrip plane ticket and a hotel reservation to fool spanish immigration

or maybe I will apply the same to Brazil or Australia, I don't know it depends how I wake up that day

Oh and the US is 100% white, nigger and arab free of course! Also spic and chinks free too I think!

Guys like you are the reason this country is sinking. That's why it may be actually a good thing that Germany stop giving us money.

Keep on being a puppet, don't think for your own, thats what the elites want.
You are weak minded, watching the reality from your window,afraid to step outside or becoming friends with black people cause they are niggers and all criminals. Top Kek, love the ignorance of this board, so amuzing.

I hope they put you in an inmigrant center and some muzzies kill you

I love how npc bugmen like you call "ignorance" not guzzling down the mantras repeated on media 24/7. Go live with your pet niggers, don't go preach about it here though, roll in your own filth as much as you wish, we'll pass.

What happened to some good ol hispanic love between whites my friend? I might even work if I get a job, anything from food industry slave to car washer to being a jani but realistically I will end up living in a beach drinking wine as a hobo, enjoying life until I die in the streets in a year or whatever time hobos in spain make it. Maybe some hispanics will have pitty on me though right? no?

I hope so too

How hard is it to become fluent in Spanish?

How does Spain compare to Southern Italy?

Today like in the past there were always some cuck traitors that will enjoy being replaced by non-whites and see our countries populated by nigs ars muslims and south american goblins.

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No queremos más parásitos en España, tenemos una de las tasas de paro más grandes del mundo, así que o vienes a trabajar y a aportar algo útil a nuestro país o te quedas en la Pampa haciendo chistes de gashegos.

Spanish and english share some significant vocabulary, but I would say it would be harder for you learning spanish than german. They aren't from the same family.


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>I haven't seen a single fag flag there
He hasn’t heard of Sitges pride

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Hence why we make white communities and breed like rabbits

Beautiful Bahia, Brasil

Hahaha, our races will eventually all collide, what are you trying to defend? What will you win with it? Youll soon be dead, and the world will continue to go on.

Stop dreaming fag, your views belong in games or movies. Since the stone age races have been mixing.

Your retardness is beyond measure. Get some nice indian or black pussy, im sure those views you have will vanish. They all taste wonderfully when clean.

lmao based

Damn, why are Eastern-Europeans so violent?

No, We got enough spics in this country with their subhuman fucking language. Why would I move to an entire country of spics speaking a subhuman language? I fucking hate the spanish language.

>Damn, why are Eastern-Europeans so violent?
Denisovan genes seldom aren’t.

If you learn spanish i'd gladly accept inmigration from countries like yours, before than this aztec or mayan alike south americans, the tons of moorish and the gypsies

tbf spoken by us it sounds radically different than when spoken by spics, the difference is much greater than british vs american english

Spanish is a beautiful lenguage thagt comes directly from Latin, the start of west civilization, amigo.

Even it's true sougth american accent sounds horrible. You won't find a single spanish liking their accent. Even films or series are translated to "spanish spanish" ( castalian) or "latin" when they mean south american accent

fuck off, we're full. and you wouldn't like it here anyway, the people are very rude and will spit in your food.

Don't Forget your Roots spanishbros

2 Timothy 2:19
“The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”

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No fucking way
Spain may the the historical significance, beautiful landscapes and timeless culture but the System there is a fucking mess
Not to mention that I wouldn't be able to bring my guns over

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We are defending our nations you dumb immigrant tard. We don´t want to live in third world shitholes with hige crime rates and where our culture, population and nation does not exista anymore.
KYS scumy

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