/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3500

► Detected: 3,084,762 (+22,352) ► Died: 212,522 (+1,073) ► Day: 110 (-12:53:53)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,650 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

As CFR increases, Johns Hopkins hides "recovered" count

Virus contains new HIV-like cleavage site

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Survivors will be immunocompromised

0.4% of all Bergamo died to virus within a month, despite lockdowns

"Germany doesn't test post-portem", Spanish biologist

Very high excess mortality in Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

▶ 22 new cases and 6 new deaths in the Republic of North Macedonia
▶ 1266 new cases and 8 new deaths in Saudi Arabia
▶ 10 new cases and 10 new deaths in Germany
▶ 11 new cases in Kenya
▶ 8 new cases and 4 new deaths in Croatia
▶ 5 new cases and 1 new death in Channel Islands
▶ 184 new cases in Kazakhstan
▶ 677 new cases in Qatar
▶ 153 new cases and 7 new deaths in Denmark


Attached: CVG.jpg (676x721, 104.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:





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>he's afraid of dying
>he wants government to take away his rights
>he's been scared and terrorized into submission
>he's willingly participating in mass house arrest
>he'll give up his firearms when FEMA knocks at the door

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Does anyone here have the virus? I know someone who does now but haven't been in contact with them, but seems like it's really creeping in on me now that I know someone with it.

So we had 50000 people die in the last month in the US under severe lockdown conditions, but we're gonna just 'open back up'? Doesn't that obviously mean that number will go up too? Who wants to go to work under those conditions? Thats a lot of fucking people.
What is this timeline


My theory is that the Chinese in Wuhan were dropping dead to something else, not this pussy-ass coronavirus you see today.

>China reported a third case of bubonic plague on Sunday after two other plague cases were revealed last week, but the disease remains rare despite its fearsome reputation and authorities say the cases appear unrelated.

Pneumonic plague (a coof version of the bubonic plague) was making a comeback just last year in November 2019, the same time that a supposed new coronavirus made its way in China. Could this have been the cause for China's panicked response in Wuhan and not really the novel coronavirus? Maybe they really DID have millions of deaths and maybe they really DID have those people being welded shut and just dropping dead but they have since then got things under control and now they're just doing psyops to have the whole world shutting down its economies over a non-existent (((epidemic))).

Explains why there's so much shilling now in /cvg/ to exaggerate the disease as much as possible. It's in China's best interest to have the whole world shutdown as long as possible since they will be the only ones to benefit from a positive economic growth rate despite taking a hit themselves.

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Go get it. No? Why not? Hmm? Makes me think.


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Remember the symptoms and remember it well.

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> It's in China's best interest to have the whole world shutdown as long as possible
Fuck off Chang
We know China is shilling /nbg/ as they want America to open up and fuck themselves

Attached: hardatwork.jpg (640x480, 45.53K)

Does anyone perceive the constant shifting of the Burgers in the collective mind?
Like one day, it seems like the Nothinburgers are getting the upper hand again, but the next day the Somethingburgers are back in full force.

>he is still copypasting his shit about virus being safe instead of rebuilding his economy
I wonder why is that.

R vs D
A broken nation.

Just woke up, anything happened in the last few hours?

Attached: BoobEnvy.jpg (3000x4000, 1.81M)

#1 United States 1,010,507 (56,803) #2 Spain 232,128 (23,822) #3 Italy 199,414 (26,977) #4 France 165,842 (23,293) #5 Germany 158,768 (6,136) #6 United Kingdom 157,149 (21,092) #7 Turkey 112,261 (2,900) #8 Russia 93,558 (867) #9 Iran 92,584 (5,877) #10 China 82,836 (4,633) #11 Brazil 67,446 (4,603) #12 Canada 48,500 (2,707) #13 Belgium 47,334 (7,331) #14 Netherlands 38,416 (4,566) #15 India 29,451 (939) #16 Switzerland 29,264 (1,677) #17 Peru 28,699 (782) #18 Portugal 24,322 (948) #19 Ecuador 23,240 (663) #20 Saudi Arabia 20,077 (152) #21 Ireland 19,648 (1,102) #22 Sweden 19,621 (2,355) #23 Israel 15,589 (208) #24 Mexico 15,529 (1,434) #25 Austria 15,357 (569) #26 Singapore 14,951 (14) #27 Pakistan 14,079 (301) #28 Chile 13,813 (198) #29 Japan 13,614 (385) #30 Belarus 12,208 (79) #31 Poland 12,089 (570) #32 Qatar 11,921 (10) #33 Romania 11,616 (650) #34 United Arab Emirates 11,380 (89) #35 South Korea 10,752 (244)…

#1 Russia +6,411 (+73) #2 Spain +2,706 (+301) #3 Saudi Arabia +1,266 (+8) #4 Iran +1,112 (+71) #5 Brazil +945 (+60) #6 Belarus +919 (+4) #7 Mexico +852 (+83) #8 Sweden +695 (+81) #9 Belgium +647 (+124) #10 Bangladesh +549 (+3) #11 United Arab Emirates +541 (+7) #12 Indonesia +415 (+8) #13 Ukraine +401 (+19) #14 Portugal +295 (+20) #15 Romania +277 (+9) #16 Panama +242 (+2) #17 Poland +187 (+8) #18 Philippines +181 (+19) #19 Netherlands +171 (+48) #20 Pakistan +164 (+9) #21 Denmark +153 (+7) #22 Kuwait +152 (+1) #23 United States +151 (+6) #24 Morocco +126 (+1) #25 Afghanistan +125 (+1) #26 Switzerland +100 (+12) #27 Austria +83 (+20) #28 Hungary +66 (+11) #29 Bolivia +64 (+3) #30 Armenia +59 (+1) #31 Honduras +41 (+3) #32 Israel +34 (+4) #33 Malaysia +31 (+1) #34 Macedonia +22 (+6) #35 Bosnia & Herzegovina +20 (+3)…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 339.67K)

> 24% deaths against 76% recoveries
> of course excluding the faggot numbers from infected & confirmed because billions will be affected anyway

Attached: Screenshot_20200428_212304.png (720x576, 78K)

>working makes you a slave
>I want free gubmint money on the backs of others' labor
>why would I provide for myself

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The political system is a shitfest that I'm embarrassed to have associated with my countrymen.

Those recovered lungs don't look too good faggot

Attached: radiol.2020200843.fig2a.jpg (1015x925, 132.19K)

Found the shill.

>0.4%-0.6% death rate
>doctors speaking out against the shutdowns after data became clear that there is no outbreak


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And how many of "recovered" are dead people like in chile?

Virus likely to be seasonal, 40% of deaths in the UK are from it, FIP could be a thing in humans and carriers could die in 6 months
No need to worry

>friendly reminder


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You do realize China used this to kill dissidents, right? There were mass protests in Wuhan before all this started.

kek has spoken
nrw will kill them all

huh? these are free holidays paid for by china
we, every state besides china, will make them pay

There are two types of people in the world. Those that work and those that enjoy the fruits of other's labor.

Neets and Billionaires fall into the latter yet only neets are shamed for it.

Except the nothingburgers were never right

>Impling being abused by a boss is work

It's almost like they use a script

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>oy vey work for shekelstein stupid goyim
>you need to clear yourself of your debts while shekelstein sucks off circumised babies

>FIP could be a thing in humans and carriers could die in 6 months
What? What is that?


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coronaids is fake and gay

>FIP could be a thing in humans and carriers could die in 6 months
Got link for that m8? I'd like to read more.

"Positive after seven swab tests": the sad record of the mayor of Soresina
Diego Vairani, the first citizen of a small town in the province of Cremona, has been forced to isolate himself at home for 49 days

«I had bronchitis in early February, but I recovered, then just a little cough. The first buffer of 11 March was made to me because I had come into contact with a colleague of the Lombardy Breeders Association of Crema, who unfortunately died in Varese. My deputy mayor and my assessor, nurse in Soresina, also tested positive. In late March I experienced mild symptoms: for 3-4 days a severe headache, loss of taste and smell and dysentery. Also, being allergic to pollen, I keep sneezing when I have to ventilate the room, but I'm not complaining. Rather, it is psychologically very hard. "

To be declared cured, you need two negative swabs in a row: this has not yet happened to the mayor. So he is forced to stay indoors, where isolation is not easy.

«I have repeated it several times: I could never stay home two days in a row before. Now the retaliation. We try to use all the precautions: at the table we are a bit more distant and my daughter uses a different bathroom ».


Welfare trash should be rounded up into FEMA labor camps. Useless parasites.

>he isn't self employed

>FIP could be a thing in humans and carriers could die in 6 months
what's FIP?

>Does anyone perceive the constant shifting of the Burgers in the collective mind?
Its mostly televised news. I don't watch a lot of it but I've started too since I came home to the farm, just something as background noise. One day they will report something that makes the nothingburgers look validated, the next they will contradict what they said the previous day. Then there is the conflicting news coming from the White House and other parts of the globe. This mess of information should make a reasonable person conclude have no idea what the fuck is going on, however thanks to the spin machine the retards get riled up and here we are.

Unity Media?

of course not, but they are sometimes beginning to control the narrative
for instance when people start wanting to risk their health to go to the hair dresser

Thanks fren.

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Why do people want to go back to work? I feel like these people are literally insane. 50000 people die in 30 days and we just 'want to get back out there'. It feels like some retarded bizzarro world where everyone has the brain cancer.

01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110111 01110111 01110111 00101110 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110101 01100010 01100101 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 00111111 01110110 00111101 01001100 01101001 01101011 01111000 01000110 01011010 01011010 01001111 00110010 01110011 01101011

chile is the new ecuador now?


always muh deaths with you people

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Mostly a speculation from japanon but could be true



>I have been speculating that macrophage infection has caused granuloma disease with this virus. These are little clots of immune system matter that act as little time release capsules causing recurrent and wavy symptoms.
>I learned about this by studying cat coronaviruses because human coronaviruses don’t infect macrophages.

>When this granuloma disease occurs in cats it’s called FIP. This disease takes 6 months to progress and is 95% lethal. It affects kittens the worst.

>This article up top sound a fucking lot like FIP. Watch out for kids getting fluid filling up cavities inside them. >Fuck! 95% kidderinos NOOO!!!

>Georgian writing

They do. Just create a general and put /cvg/ in name instead of subject, and you get rid of them. Same in /sg/.

Imagine being this much of a shill wanting the global economy to tank so they can more easily institute their cashless socialist NWO society where subhuman scum like you will BEG to take the mark of the beast just to get your free gubmint money like the nigger subhuman you are.

Arbeit macht frei

Attached: meanwhile at the welfare office.gif (176x172, 1.86M)

I know not like we can know real numbers bro,wuhan traffiic has been weird on tomtom but i believe they are fakin since wuhan cameras show us the truth

Its old news already there were counting recovered as dead

Fuck this I’m going out to get a burger.

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is the $1200 there simply not enough?

▶ 222 new cases and 6 new deaths in Serbia
▶ 39 new cases in Azerbaijan

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feline corona.... schizo post

That would be the most retarded way to kill dissidents because now it have spread to every other province in china and why didnt they use it on the even more rampant protests in HK and especially since they have straightup killed thousands of dissidents with the world watching back in tiananmen.
It might be a bioweapon but looking at everything its very unlikely that the release was intentional, they still have to pay for what they did to the world tho

>FIP could be a thing in humans and carriers could die in 6 months


>corona is in the rain

It's not even close to enough. They want us to go back to work so we can do a trial run and see what happens to the population. We are a living experiment.

It's a joke. It's already not enough and it takes a month or more to arrive, so you already need another check.

There is no virus you nigger. The test doesn't test for any virus, it tests for an RNA sequence which is present under many reactions to many different ailments including lung cancer and colds. You retards should seriously fucking kill yourself.

>shifting the goalposts
Fuck off chink.

That's what we've been saying this whole time you retard. The virus isn't the happening. It's the NWO authoritarian wetdream fast approaching and the collapsing economy. You shills really do come out of the woodwork.

Attached: 1587855789929.jpg (680x484, 94.72K)

>implying the NWO has any influence if the global economy tanks
>implying the implosion of globalization wasn't going to happen in a few years
>being this much of a fucking moron
>implying I'm rooting for this because of the free gooberment money
>calling others subhuman even though he wants to go back to work so he can earn worthless fiat dollars given out by the fed
I just want to watch the world burn and grill for God's sake. Is that too much to ask for?

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By all means, open back up.

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1200$ does not cover anywhere near a month's bills for the overwhelming majority of people. It actually would cover my frugal living, but I haven't even received it. If for whatever reason you didn't give your direct deposit info for the 2018 taxes you are hosed because they're estimating another week or more before the paper checks are out. Obviously rents are due imminently.
We have people upset that they want to get back to work to pay their bills, completely ignoring the fact that there are fucking banks trying to take their money during a pandemic. Protest the banks not the governors you fucking retards.

Only turk and arab sandnogs anyway
let them choke on it


Thanks. Well it sure is suspicious how those "recovered" South Koreans keep getting positive test results, and we have plenty of positive results in 50 days+ since infection.

>0.4%-0.6% death rate
Damn you were saying 0.01% a couple of days ago
So you're it's about 6 x worse than the the worst flu strains
It's serious then?

Attached: weliketomoveit.jpg (300x300, 23.63K)

Ummm... Cure WHEN????

>working is slavery goy
>be dependent on the state for income instead




we understand youre not a man and have no family that depends on you and a loser, we get it, but not everyone is just so you know

we're just pretending things are ok

David Icke's Explosive Interview With London Real - The Video That Youtube Doesn't Want You To See


Attached: 20200328_LDD001.jpg (1280x720, 232.28K)

>can more easily institute their cashless socialist NWO society
>implying coronavirus did not fuck up their progress on this shit
>you will BEG to take the mark of the beast
>retard can only think in 2 extremes, not realising that people with 101+ IQ don't want to get the virus and don't want to get their brains cryptomined
There were countless retards spouting the same shit and making the same fallacies. You spamming the threads with your hysterical nonsense will only backfire, thank goodness you will never realise that.

If independence is so important to you then go get an essential job

intravenous zinc is underrated

Attached: 92d.jpg (211x239, 5.07K)

If macrophage infection happens it won't be like FIP, which uses the CD13 receptor and ADE to do so.

Attached: FIPV_SARS.jpg (1063x1732, 353.2K)

>▶ 39 new cases in Azerbaijan
fucking kill yourself

Yes, how did you know? Where you in Hessia or something a week ago and did they say the same to you?

> normal shilling doesn't work
> adapt the 'no u' strategy with soi boi meme

holy fuck, nothingburgers are retarded
and yes, there will be an opening of everything, but you won't enjoy it nothingburgers

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Why the fuck does my family need to depend on me in this situation? This is exactly when the government needs to step in and just fucking pay out UBI and pay raises for everyone in critical roles. There is no reason for anyone to go fucking homeless or starve over this.

>no its not
>the economy was set to implode soon anyway
>our money is worthless
>you're a fucking idiot
>sit back and watch the show
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

Sweden pls die already *pokes sweden with a stick*

nice robot
they're gonna all have pyrometers in em soon

Mr. Kim looks better than ever!

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>9 april
The model now projects 60,415 people will die in the U.S. by Aug. 4
>28 april
56,803 dead

haha two German friends of mine in Baden-Württemberg and Nordrhein-Westphalen had the same issue yesterday, their internet just stopped working while some user on here at the same moment said that internet will be shut off soon

it's was a doozy

is it over? atlanta has reopened and things seem back to normal. only blacks and old fucks are still wearing masks

>thinks he needs to bump a /cvg/
It's not a nothingburger general user

Attached: dancing1.gif (600x338, 1.22M)

bls repsond XD

Does user have the "Only the deds" spurdo XDD

My friend from Azerbaijan said only pederasts use memeflags. Memeflag BTFO.

I get the end that they don't want people staying at home to make more than essential workers but they could do better. Suspending all taxes would help greatly, at the federal and state level. All these people don't want to pay their landlord but some landlords are barely breaking even after they pay property taxes.

> corona in the rain
simply impossible, sorry user but an infect mistis more likely than an infected rain

You're a nigger, get off welfare worthless subhuman nigger.

Wow i heard about mutts being fucking retarded, but never would i have imagined seeing a person with a permanently scrambled brain like this.
How the fuck in your infinite mutt wisdom would you come to that conclusion when literrally every single government in the whole world, even those who hate each other or even at war have agreed that this is a fucking virus and you can test it's presence from it's antigens and the antibodies that the infected patients developed? And all the other independent researchers and medical institutions which agrees with that?

▶ 3 new cases in Iceland

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

>is it over?
>atlanta has reopened and things seem back to normal.
Kemp is going to eating crow if cases explode in Georgia. South Georgia is not doing well right now. But, we shall see.

>>implying coronavirus did not fuck up their progress on this shit
Yas Forums is so fucking retarded these days
>shutting down global economic engine doesn't help them
It does you giga-nigger retard. Your IQ is clearly less than 80

Airlines are dead yes?

Yup, go back out there and go see your favorite film in the movie theater. Sure 50000 people died in the last 30 days when everyone was locked inside, but I'm sure that when nothing at all changed it's safe now to go out and mingle.

long live the Queen in the North

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>ur a nigger
All I'm reading is impotent whining.

Virgin Internet went down in the UK about 24 hrs ago. That's about a 5th or a 1/4 of the domestic connections in the UK. So looks like a Trial Balloon.

yes, SAS just laid off 5000 people and Lufthansa is thinking about filing for bankruptcy


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>is it over?
is there a vaccine? did you achieve herd immunity?
y'all gonna come back in full lockdown mode with your tail between your legs

I mean, it IS a pneumonia. Shit takes months to get better.

Which means that people who get reinfected are pretty much guaranteed to die.

they will say it's because of a massive uptick in usage officially though

Is that the source of that bottle head?
Got a few of these now

Attached: ifonlybottlewore.png (680x680, 1.1M)


>Virgin Internet went down
that must be tough for the uk 4channers lmao

>airborn aids
>flatten the curve
lol no
>put your mask on
only if you want to
>2 weeks
yes, forever
>stay home
no, back to work, NOW
>bat soup
no, that is only a meme to insult chinksectoid behavior
maybe, but 100% a bsl-4 breach

Reminder that WW2 had a 6 month stalemate on the western front before germans pushed through the low countries and took France

Happenings take time to reach apocalyptic levels. Food shortages are coming for autumn. Pic related

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Feels good to see SAS suffer after that degenerate commercial they made last year. Karma is sometimes beautiful.


Fuck of shill faggot!

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to be quite honest, i envy sweden.
i also want to earn money as i test how my baking soda routine will fare against the Demoness and also see slum niggers fall down left & right.


I wish i could understand what the fuck is going on with wuhan traffic on tomtom, if only the dude that made the lives allowed others to see the archive of transmission to watch any point, its fucking weird how the days that wuhan has a spike in the traffic dude is never streaming for some damn reason

It's the same coronavirus but it has become less lethal. Nature is removing the hiv genome inserts as it replicates thru our herd.