what the FUCKKKKKKKKKKK there's a giant civilization under fucking antarctica too
what the fuck is this world when will we get our true history
apparently last cataclysm there was a flood or some shit that happened so rapidly and froze soo quickly that there's tons of advanced civilization shit under both greenland and antarctica
we're also maybe from mars wtf what is this timeline
Illuminati. Face on Mars. The story is told. The Freemasons. They're in the bible:
Act 6:9 - Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen.
The Freedmen of Alexandria Egypt. The stone cutters. The masons. The ones who built the pyramids.
I saw a tall giant sitting in a palace/tall pyramid like temple and stuff was falling from the sky like rock.
He ordered me to go to the evacuation ship. Evacuation ships were commanded by a long headed priest class.
We landed on earth and the priest class tried to re-establish the kingdom here which they had on Mars which was destroyed. What is remote viewing did it work? No clue but thats what I saw. I also saw bracelets in my hands with gold and I was somekinda working engineer/inner security core unit overseerer
Not you user. Not from Mars. But some yes. Do you have telepathy and an IQ in the 200s? Then you are not a Martian. They are not friendly. They're warlike and essentially forced humanity's evolution but what we got instead was devolution.
Tyler Gomez
And the one in the ocean next japan And India And UK And Italy And just about every fucking where, just a coincidence.
Gabriel Roberts
wonder what race they were or what was happening heard from the files that their civilzation was facing some civilzation ending event and were waiting for someone or something
I saw these people command the evacuation, the old giants who ruled accepted their fate, something that they couldnt live here on Earth but only in Mars.
>we're also maybe from mars MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS When will people realise all these gazillion year old phrases are actually facts? Seriously just think about some of them, they're all true. Women are literally demons
Robert Powell
yeah I've heard there's various ways of knowing like the bump in the back of your head or the prominence of your brow or some shit could also tell I forget though
Abrahamic religions is maybe made by a demon God to keep us stupid
Austin Lopez
Hm maybe im martian. Ive seen dreams where I jump high and I have a bracelet device or a belt which makes me lighter. I also have a longer sleep period than earths 23h58min, more like mars 24h30min.
>Trump somehow subverted them Imagine being this deluded, it's funny how such idiots claim to have connected the dots yet can't see Trump for the golem he is.
Cameron Brooks
Also, the natural human circadian rhythm is NOT synchronised with the Earth's rotation. It moves to nearly 25 hours long when we are removed from any natural sunlight, the same time period as a Martian day.
thats not remote veiwing. That was you seeing either an echo of the past, a projected vision, a hallucination or a lie.
Remote veiwing is essemtially using the natual abilities of your brain to "see" locations from a distance. Pretty much everyone can do it, but it takes practice to see with clarity. If you are to be believed, that was something else.
Kevin Foster
Hmm, would be a good experiment. Some fucker needs to do it.
Grayson Morris
you can remote view different time periods
Jaxon Perez
>A new heaven and a new earth Heaven in the Bible is space A new earth means world or soil
Maybe the whole Mormons space meme is true and we will reclaim mars our original garden of eden.
Chase Jones
I want to believe
Nolan Morgan
how mad are libs when trump greets them first after disclosing our true history
Maybe i saw genetic history of my own memory since I felt it was me talking to the king. he was tall, looked human but squary face. he was married to a total human looking woman.
I write of a catastrophe which was caused by cern kind device where they tried to open a portal and energy came from that, but i have since tried to refine what I saw and it was a planet explode next to it (Mars) or somekinda conflict.
Wow really? You need to have a wide base and build upwards so it doesn't topple over? I can't believe humans figured out to copy fucking mountains when creating tall structures when you don't have modern foundation.
Also all fucking modern towers also taper towards the top if they want to achieve height.