Animated porno has been spotted on Kiketube for the second time despite it's strict rules and COPPA! This is a second...

Animated porno has been spotted on Kiketube for the second time despite it's strict rules and COPPA! This is a second time that an animated porno that has been uploaded on Kiketube.
This Video is about that Blue Cat having sex with the Man with the missing Foreskin.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 5.47.51 AM.png (2130x1508, 1.76M)

theres seems to be a lot of mexican retards uploading furry porn on youtube for some retarded reason
recommended videos from op's link shows at least 2 videos


Reminds me of the porn animations that I've used to watch back in 2006

Attached: Nicole about to give handjob to Goy with the missing Foreskin.png (2288x1206, 1.36M)

This is peak Yas Forumsitics

so youtube deletes white nationalist videos but keeps this?

Its not real porn
its ART / Drawings
This should not be illegal or censored
its literally just lines drawn on paper / a computer
Let me guess, you are PRO censorship?

That's 2D porn Rabbi!

This is high quality content

how else are you supposed to introduce young kids to sex?

It makes a long time since I saw something of this calibre on YouTube.

They've been pushing sexually nuanced gumball episodes for a long time now. (((they))) want to finally sexualize kids and normalize pedophilia

And would (((they))) lower the age of consent?

No. YOU are the Rabbi trying to enforce censorship. Let me guess. You work for Google?

built for big black BBC

>No. YOU are the Rabbi trying to enforce censorship. Let me guess. You work for Google?

Attached: happy-merchant-talk.jpg (119x125, 3.55K)

digits confirm
youtube will delete a piece of music about love and nature if it was made between the years of 1933 and 1945

Attached: 1587881917787.jpg (236x306, 16.93K)

Lowering AOC is based
Fuck roasties

>oy vey you jew you gotta let the children watch cartoon sex goys, waa are you persecuting me??

Yes yes and here soon we’ll see this tag defending pedos

go back to 1840 Prude
Nothing wrong with them exploring their sexuality

does this count

If that’s what you need to tell yourself while you diddle kids then go right ahead

>upload video

>literal porn video of a popular cartoon to atract children

Plebbit has actual rape porn, child porn, revenge porn, abuse porn, public porn, tranny porn and also for some reason AMAs from just about every important person in our government.

If you think kids arent wanking off to porn when almost all of them have internet you are delusional
i first did when I was 12 and that was in like 2001
i KNOW they are getting down and dirty now
There is no way to stop it. Its just human nature.

It’s almost a guarantee that the reply will be a deflection, or a smear against opposition, instead of simply saying ‘no Im not’ or ‘I think poorly about pedos’

It’s the same when you confront the Jew for their tricks. Instead of arguing against themselves being painted in a bad light, they start screeching and throwing shit, like niggers. Fucking desert niggers

>Im a filthy Jew
>I have a bleak future

I love drinking in the cope of fag trannies mmmmhhhhmmm

܂oh fuck yes

Not enough people died at that Youtube HQ shooting

Attached: 1572474069239.gif (576x432, 2.62M)

gas yourself kike pedo faggot

this thread is still up?

>In the future loli's will be legal
user i....

nobody fucking died, you put your trust in a nonwhite woman

Fuck niggers

Attached: 4E3D6AE1-0CD9-459C-BA2F-700BA328934B.jpg (750x885, 581.44K)

Wow you're right, deflection, no denial

nobody died at that shooting.
it was as real as sandy hook and vegas.

Attached: david hogg adam lanza.jpg (375x466, 20.63K)

It’s the fact that they are allowed to slip through tha algorithm and be recommended along with kids videos. Lazy parents who pacify their kids by sitting them down with an iPad are the main targets. Why else would the children of tech giants have there tech used severely limited. Modern tech is grooming and harming children on m massive scale.

>Johnny Rebel songs banned on contact
>porn directed at children can stay up indefinitely

Attached: 1561845272706.png (512x512, 214.21K)

>cartoon porn to lure children
>porn literally in the title
>still up 2 wks later
i guess youtube is too busy banning conservatives to worry about the little things. hilarious.

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I understand your concern but I fundamentally disagree. I do not thin nudity or sex are harmful to see. I think murder (even fake murder in movies) is much more damaging. I swa porn as I child and I am fine. I was trolling in my earlier posts but seriously I dont think porn is that bad.
This video will eventually be removed so I am sure you guys will all be happy soon.
Still not going to stop little jimmy from typing in "PORN" on his phone though...

yeah youtube condones whacking off in front of children

Attached: faggotry.png (1110x998, 619.5K)

>this thread is still up?
one time a made a stupid shitpost thread, went to work, did an 8 hour shift, came home, had dinner, checked in with Yas Forums and anons were still replying to it

Yas Forums = /b2/

>This should not be illegal or censored
It's not. It's a violation of the Terms of Service on YouTube though, and it's proof of selective enforcement.