POLAND Poland Is Pretty Based

POLAND Poland Is Pretty Based


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>Yas Forums will say that the guy in the image is white

I wonder why people that believe in fairy tales always wanna control sexual expression.

child molester sect

Holy mother of cringe.

>most jewed amerimutt supporting nation in europe
>poor as fuck
Atleast we owned the libs guyz!!

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there's orthodox christianiity in poland right?
but he chose the child molester sect of christianity and claims to be against sexual deviancy.

>A New Crucade
Will they try sack Moscow this time?

lets face it. no one is more degenerate than catholics

Being gay > being a Christcuck > being a tranny

I'd rather be gay then listen to Catholics again... glad I jumped ship long ago.

Being polish is literally the bottom of human existence.

why do superstitious authoritarians want to control the sex?

care to remind me of a first time when poland rose? i cannot remember really

LMAO LOOK AT ALL THIS COPE. Shareblue is putting in those overtime hours now that everyone’s home with the rona. Based Poland. I couldn’t watch this video because the pozzed ABC kike reporter. But I remember seeing coverage for this rally. Poland really is Europe’s last hope.

Thanks for sharing user

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all girls should wear the same plaid mini skirt.
it's not a weird fetish tho

Here comes the chang with the D/C shilling

hahahaha look at all these mad kikes
national socialism benefits every race and creed positively, stay mad

>anyone who doesn't share my opinion is by definition a shill
Embarrassing. Fuck off, Christfaggot.

Imagine hating the Catholic faith so much, you bump this thread 5 times. Lmao thanks for the bumps chink

Notice all these posts are all in a row

defenders of traditional values always getting busted for molesting lil boys

Fuck, i love these based kurvas now.

he cant cope with quality comedy
yikeronies go back my bronies

>Muh Catholics are degenerate I identify with an obese dyke pyschotherapist
Typical posters all pic related

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Yep. If you all truly didn’t care, you’d just let the thread die. But you’d rather come in here, keep the thread bumped, and try to derail it with nigger tier comments lacking any single refutation of any aspect of Catholicism. It truly makes me smile how much you kikes, trannies, and general left fucking SEETHES over a Catholic nation like Poland. Lmao get fucked shareblue

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Notice how you're a conspiratard

>race bait
>what is Nuremberg laws
shills never change


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Catholicism and the rest of Christianity refutes itself

pope is a fucking pedo

I am sure you identify with the obese dyke fighting for gay rights in Poland

I get it leaf as much as you wanted the priest to penetrate your boi pussy he wasn't attracted to twinks

everytime I see one of these evangelical catholics I think he's hiding something. and the more persistent the bigger the crime

Good argument, thanks for the bump

Just because some piece of shit is preaching it doesn’t mean you have to follow that person.


If you're so grateful for the bumps, why have you been bitching about us supposed shills?

Fuck niggers

Holy shit absolutely seething, look at how many they've sent and how many posts each ID is shitting out. Nothing gets them as mad as Christianity, ESPECIALLY Catholicism, interesting isn't it?

Also for anyone falling for all this pedo bullshit, ask yourselves this: how come you never see a per capita stat of pedo priests compared to, say, per capita pedo teachers? How come there is so much focus on pedo priests, but pedo teachers rarely get much spotlight if any?

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Being an atheist myself I don't hate on christians because typically their politics align closer.

Atheism is pretty much an evolutionary dead end. It is a death cult religion that worships consensus Science which being targeted at whites leads to a slow self genocide. Atheists are actually slowly going extinct with the lowest birth rate of any demographic on the planet.

Once you become atheist you typically become just a consumer of Jew Science Religion and Jew Entertainment with rarely obtaining.
>Never Pass on their Genes

Atheists which will shit on Christians all day for not believing in evolution reject it themselves.

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>how come you never see a per capita stat of pedo priests
they're never caught.

Atheism is the lack of a religion, not a "death cult religion." You'd know that if you were an actual atheist.

Based i was there for the 2019 rally.

>catholic family
>8 kids
>plans to have more
don't you ever dare to complain about catholics ever again, or you're a race traitor


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>lack of religion

Religion is ultimately is just a collection of beliefs. Atheists beliefs are typically centered in
>Not breeding to save the planet
>Shared belief of hating Christians

The only religion they won't criticize is Judaism because their leaders are Jews. Christians may still believe in a kike on a stick, but at least the whites can replace themselves through births.

Basically an atheist couple which is almost exclusively white is just replaced by either a nigger, spic, or muslim.