What are your honest thoughts on modern Sweden?

What are your honest thoughts on modern Sweden?

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Lost their pride and nordic aditude. Libtards shithole. Can't be repaired without cleansing

I honestly hate them more than I hate Cananda.

I spent a few days in Malmo while backpacking across Europe. It sucked. Lots of muzzies.


The netherlands is the same deal


We're fine dickheads. Move along.

Swedish anons here seem nice enough, feel pretty bad for them desu. Their women are beautiful but traitorous whores. Much like ours.

Their women are beautiful.

oh god sweden, all I can think about when i hear Sweden is rapes and Da ninjaz (swedish music band)

Looks fine to me

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One of the most developed societies in the world.




They sacrificed their future to prove they aren’t racist. 9 million Swedes cannot take in millions of refugees without swarming and overpowering their culture. And all the refugees are yong. It was nothing but a ploy by people that hate whites to turn the next generation 50% white. This essentially robs whites of democratic majorities in our own homelands as soon as our parent’s generation passes. We could have helped 100 people in their homeland for every one that came to the west, even more for how much Sweden spends on them. They went into impossible debt and it was nothing but giving away their inheritance and power. Now the future will be chaotic and possibly include vast amounts of violence, all some some boomers could feel good.

My opinion is that modern Sweden and the picture of the girl you’ve posted, whomst I can only assume is Swedish, is, was and always has been, literally made for BBC.

I want an actual answer. Why did they import the Somalis?
>no Nazi guilt
>not bordering third-world shitholes
>everyone liked them until the 80's (muh socialist miracle, ABBA, Playboy bunnies etc)
>functioning economy with high-value exports
What REASON did they have to do it?
WHO figured that importing the third-world (almost exclusively) was a good idea?
I am seriously angry about this..

Currently returning to their nordic tradition of matriarchy and gay sex.

subhumans like all people north of the alps

A fitting end to a barbaric country.

Rest In Piss.

For the same reaosn you have done it, muh "we are not racsts" "muh we need new labor force"

>British woman are beautiful

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We're the opposite of "fine". Open your eyes, analyse what's happening and try to avoid being a traitor.

Total degeneracy haven, needs swift and substantial reform.


No freedom. I lived there a year and it was the most unfree place I ever been. Also everyone tries to scold you. Not like Germany where they scold in a good way, Swedes are very mean.

shitskin cringe

This bitch is canadian. She smells from her vegan diet. Her lips are busted and broken from the canadian winters/botox. Shes also a escort to bankers and hockey players.

Degenerate. Luckily, Im basically stoner-Varg, live in mein kampfy cabin in da wuuds with my girl, km's from nearest neighbour. A hard life, but one worth living.

brainwashed by jews just like the Germans.

Herd Immunity by May.

The difference is that we border Turkey, we do not take them in with direct flights from Somalia. The moment we start shooting at the migrants, Turkey has grounds for a "humanitarian intervention" on Greek islands.

What kind of dumb question is that? They’re fucked beyond repair like every other European country. But forget about that let’s just take in millions more

“refugees” 90% of whom are early twenties savage black males.
At this point there is no point in trying to red pill anyone. The future after we’ve died of old age (or
get exterminated) is this: every nation on Earth is like Brazil, devoid of any culture and their history rewritten. In bongland the bbc already cast a black actor as queen elizabeth the first. The native white population will be like the tribes of the Amazon in numbers. They’ll all be slaves to Israel. There isn’t anything anyone can do about this except maybe the Chinese. None of us has anything close to a bright future and all western nations are turds circling the drain, which is the Zionist plan. So yeah just a reminder that there is no hope for anyone that posts here either in the sense of the larger picture or right down to our personal lives at this very second, none.

Anyway that’s what I think of Sweden.