ITT: bluepilled opinions you hold
We should treat everyone the same regardless of their race or who they are attracted to
ITT: bluepilled opinions you hold
We should treat everyone the same regardless of their race or who they are attracted to
>We should treat everyone the same regardless of their race or who they are attracted to
Yes. And?
We should not hate the people themselves but their behavior/actions.
hey guys is coffee good for you?
Dang is that your sister you are posting on Yas Forums user? I’d leave her limping for a week
We should hate all muslims.
They are like skimmilk, lying about being milk.
They are people lying about being human.
wait this isnt bluepilled.
Trannies in women's sports are good because it ruins women's sports and women shouldn't be playing sports anyway.
No one who holds a bluepilled position knows they hold a bluepilled position
Agreed. That’s why I hold everyone to the same standard that white men are held to and judge them on their failure.
I agree OP.
Also global warming is real and the fags who make excuses for it are cucked for politicians.
not if you abuse it, which is one of the only methods to artificially inflate your iq temporarily. blavatsky used caffeine/nicotine abuse to trance herself, unrelated but interesting. and for some reason women are giving themselves coffee enemas now because thats a trend. but its honestly no dumber than half the other shit they do.
Hows the no fap going OP?
Bro. Yes.
You don‘t get it
It's killing me but I will never fail again
rare+boob id+double deuces. clearly i've been overruled.
binge away my fren.
Boob lol
>We should treat everyone the same regardless of their race or who they are attracted to
In every conceivable circumstance? In the immigration queue for example?
aha, interesting, so you say it's like being an idiot : you don't know you are, but the others around you do ?
checked and boobased
Christianity is Judaic poison. Actually this is a red-pilled opinion I hold.
What would you consider yourself if not Christian
Only black coffee. Adding sugar, milk, whatever to it makes you a bitch.
What are your beliefs, as a pagan
What do you practice as a pagan
I used to believe that we should all just treat each other as individuals until I realised that white people are the only ones playing that game and everyone else is racially collectivising against whites.
Violence is never the answer.
no other way to raise IQ assuming you're healthy? interesting about her though that sound absolutely fucktarded
I practice Rodnovery.
The truth is you should be judging groups on the merit of their groups and individuals on their merit as individuals
There’s nothing wrong with hating niggers, but that doesn’t mean you need to hate every single nigger
fuck your insta.
Well at least you practice something, half of the pagans I see are just atheists who think paganism looks cool
Interracial relationships are more or less irrelevant on a personal level and only become a problem when they reach a critical mass in society where one group is "outbred." But some random couple doesn't really effect the world too much and shouldn't be obsessed over
only if you don't contaminate it with the sugar jew, or the pasteurized milk jew. raw milk only
There is only the Absolute and it is infinite and everything that ever has is or will be, Including you, me, thoughts and emotions, animals, stars, atoms, etc are just distortions of that Absolute. Truly things are all one.
I think those Starbucks iced coffee things taste good so I drink them because they taste good
> half of the pagans I see are just atheists who think paganism looks cool
That's a fair point. To be fair though, many have just started learning. And I find that when you begin to learn something new, you tend to become obsessed with it and that's why we have many pagan larpers all around us.
Im open to friendly relations with individuals or entire groups so long as they are in their own fucking countries.
>We should protect the environment. >National parks are great.
>Russia isn’t our friend
same story
jews are neurotic psychopaths
niggers are sociopaths
except i also realized that i can't treat men as I'd like to be treated until i'm old enough to be invisible to them. they'll be great until they start to perceive me as a threat after which time it'll be slow edging out. only way to get them to cooperate on anything is hide identity online and pretend. sad.
those are some seriously bluepilled opinions there my dude
consider going back to leftypol
It isnt wrong to fuck that girl in the OP pic, and ditch her immediately after I coom inside her
Holding that opinipn means you're a femoid or a onions beta male. Lurk more.
This isn't blue pilled it is truth-pilled and based as fuck.
This is true because you never consented to staying with her afterwards.
So you're an arbitrary idiot larper. Got it. Fucking Leaves.
> So you're an arbitrary idiot larper
Projecting much?