Joe Biden has a little foreplay session with a woman who likes him and you Drumpftards are
crying bloody murder
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I fucking hate MIGA's and Trump, but that's just a blatant lie.
>Trump grabs a woman by the pussy
There has been no proof of him doing so. He simply said when you're famous you grab them by the pussy and they let you do it.
massive faggot
No finger banging Joe, no means no! Keep your fingers out of me!
Yep. Deal with it.
Typical leftist. Cant keep his fingers out of any hole.
>grabbing a thot that is at the bar to try to fuck and get knocked up by a rich guy is the same as molesting a senate staffer
>trump affair - so consensual there's a contract
>biden affair - she's 12 and crying
Cry more democratfaggot
Umm that's because we are a website of shills for the republican party
We don't actually care if he finger banged that woman or not. We just don't want this senile race traitor in office.
Donald Trump penetrated more gash before 1996 than your mothers gynecologist, Joe probably did too...but Joe is way too handsy around children and there’s photographic evidence of it. Wouldn’t be put it past him to pray on the weaker sex.
Has Biden touching and kissing little girls been memoryholed? Why has everyone forgotten about it? It's not even hard to find the videos.
Atleast he grabbed an adult woman.
I want to smell his fingers. He's got my vote! Tara was smokin back then.
>MIGAtards accusing Joe of being a pedo while fapping to their loli collection they saved from sadpanda at the same time
It's probably jealousy, let's be honest
Knowing Creepy Joe he probably pushed it too far but if you think about it simply "striking out" is probably his crime. If it had worked it wouldn't be a crime at all.
>implying it’s not berniebros who are buttblasted
You’re a faggot hated by both sides
Even if he did
Trump already lowered the standards of what we expect from a president.
Joe Biden isnt it, but imagine a far left president that is off the rails, abuses his power and breaks the law...signs executive orders to force what he wants
that is coming soon
hope you Trump tards are ready. This is the bed you made. Be prepared to lay in it.
Because the left should play by its own standards. What happened to believe all women?
Wrong Tara, it's Tara Reade
Yeah there was one and his name is Obama
While Trump didn't actually grab her by the pussy, and I don't know much about Biden, I know that people will treat politicians differently based on whether they like them or not.
Trump gets allegations for sexual harassment: "Oh it's he said, she said"
Biden gets allegations for sexual harassment: "hE'S a pEdO tHaT dEfInItElY rAPeS wOmEn"
Oh, fuck you! You made your bed the last three years with every childish lie you could possibly come up with to smear Trump, because you have no fucking clue how much damage your retarded ideas have done to your own cause, loser. Clinton is the one responsible for lower standards and all Democrats can do is project their own sickness on everybody else.
Obama was relatively center right compared to politics now. The Overton window always shifts left. No matter who is president.
You havent seen the worst of the left yet. THey havent gone full far left yet. They will the next time they get a unapologetic president in office. I am just saying. Be prepared. It is coming.
>Imagine being this delusional and out of touch.
I feel bad for you. I really do. Try turning off the tv permanently and put down the Liberal news echo chamber. You still might be able to save your soul.
saying you would like to and doing it are two different things,,,,,Also 1 post by this ID
If you think the left is not going to retaliate HARD when they are back in power it is YOU who are delusional. Their wont be a right wing president forever user. Enjoy now, this i your time. But it will come to a end.
A Larry King caller surfaced that backs up her story. A caller into a show almost 30 years ago. That surfaced and then CNN pulled it and Drew more attention to it. We are witnessing the removal of Joe Biden by the DNC. He has dementia (staged to avoid trial) but that doesn't matter because he can't beat trump. He will be replaced by Sean Penn. Nobody is Democrats party is clean and they have to go to an outsider. Look at all of the p.r. work he's doing lately.
speak for yourself leafnigger, some of us have standards.
I'm a proud russian bot thank you very much.
It amazes me how delusional trump supporters are. They act as if American politics will be right will forever. No, at max you have 8 years of this. Politics are a pendulum.
You guys say Obama was FAR left. okay. Well the result was a far right president, Trump. What do you think comes next? It doesnt matter if its 2020 or 2024. Or even 2028 if somehow another right wing president gets elected in 2024. The next Left president will be EXTREME.
>Has Biden touching and kissing little girls been memoryholed? Why has everyone forgotten about it?
That's the point of operation finger bang: to upgrade Joe from pedo to Chad heterosexual conquering women like a hero in a romance novel. Hard core democrat didn't raise the issue in 2008 or 2012. Why now? Because they now know that "grab em by the pussy" actually helped Trump.
>Rejecting the candidate who had aimed to be America’s first female president, 53% of white women voted for Trump, according to CNN exit polls.
Based at least he isnt kissing roasties.
What has trump done that you hate so much? Not enough new wars. Maybe the unemployment was to low. Let me guess he went ape shit on human trafficking. No. Was it his successful attempt to end the Korean war. An almost 100 year war and trump had them shaking hands in less than 2 years. I'm curious what you hate so much
It was just a little surprise finger bang.
A digital Pearl Harbor. Now who hasn't ....
Am I late for the meltdown? Trump literally pondered if drinking bleach is a good idea, how is the whole board not losing it's collective shit?
>obama was far left
No, that user said he abused his power with bullshit executive orders
>trump is far right
trump is pro gay rights moron, just because he's to the right of you doesn't make him "far" right.
You want to call the orange man an idiot, a buffoon, a narcissistic clown who dishonors the position of president? Sure, I can see where you're coming from, no matter my beliefs. But why lie? Why strawman a man who makes mistakes constantly?
and the left will remain mostly unarmed and confined to cities, unable to enforce any policies on gun control or otherwise
I don't think so or Bernie would have won the primary. You understand Biden was picked but impeachment fell thru so now they need to replace him with new blood. The Democrats have a problem with being funded by pedophiles and rapist as well. And unless you go back to being a Kennedy Democrat you're not going to win for awhile. Blacks are freeing themselves from the plantation.
Post the transcript where he said this. An actual quote of his entire sentence, with no omissions.
Now ask yourself why you can't do it, and why you trust a source that lied to you.
give me the transcript of the press conference and I'll give you what you ask for
I dont hate it
I am not left wing or right wing
I am on the outside so I can see how the system plays out
every time
the question is not whta do I hate, but what does the left hate about him. Why does he get them so fired up.
Well, he does, so expect a harsh response from them.
Burden of proof's on you bucko, you made a claim, now back it up.
In a discussion, it's not my job to source your claims.
why don't you take your pick