Do Ashkenazi Jews view themselves as white?

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The whites of Jews.

Why are they often excluded from other Caucasian europeans gruops so much? Is it the killing jesus thing?

Some do, some don't. They can naturally accept either a White or Jewish identity depending on what environment and culture they grew up in. Unless they're hook-nosed, curly-haired, black-eyed, etc., and not like the dude in OP. In that case, always no.

they choose whichever is more advantageous at the moment.

How do you get 100% Ashkenazi Jew, exactly? Does this just further confirm what a Jewish racket this ancestry shit is?

us white people have so much to answer for

If you have just gotten out of the shower, you are wet. But in a moment you'll be dry. So too one moment you will be white, then the next moment you'll be Jewish. Sometimes you skip showers and you will be Jewish for days; then you realise it is time to be white again, and so you'll jump in the shower.

how can ashkenazis see stuff like this and still claim there are literally the israelites from the old testament. honestly this is the thing that opened my eyes the most

You forgot to mention all religious Jews dont see themselves as equals to the white goys ether, that is where all the problems come from! You can not be the "chosen people" & a white European(goy.)

(Master"Chosen people" & Goy"cattle to use & abuse")

Jews were highly insular for millennia, with outbreeders being cast out of the community.

when it suits them

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Because it is an anti-European cult!

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"View themselves", not what tactics they use to cheat Gentiles.
No, I didn't. Either they view themselves as Jewish if they grew up in an environment that tells them they're Jewish, or they see themselves as White if they grew up in a White environment without Jewish interference(as long as they look white). You're right that they can't see themselves as both. Which is dumb because the guy in the OP might as well be white. Just another proof that Jewishness is a mind virus rather than ethnicity in a lot of cases.
If they are religious they obviously grew up in a Jewish environment. And yes in such a case they explicitly see themselves as better than a Gentile.

>Jews were highly insular for millennia, with outbreeders being cast out of the community.

That's fucking nonsense, Ashkenazis are mixed af. Possibly the most mixed ethnic group in existence. They're beyond mutt tier.

When convenient.

yeah I get that. maybe I should have said I don't understand why everyone else plays along with this. Like the old testament jews are no longer a thing, they literally aren't. They almost all converted to christianity or died off, and now all the "jews" people know are literally from eastern europe. Its insane!

>Just another proof that Jewishness is a mind virus rather than ethnicity in a lot of cases.

You could really say the same about a lot of ethnic groups, to be fair.

They will jump back to identifying as jews or whites depending what advantages them better in the situation.

>"View themselves", not what tactics they use to cheat Gentiles.
you forget alot of them have a mild form of schizophrenia. so they will believe either one completely.

>and now all the "jews" people know are literally from eastern europe.

This is why I don't understand how they can be "100% Ashkenazi Jewish". How is that even a thing? Aren't they just genetically identical to the populations they sprung from? Would they be able to tell these people were Ashkenazi Jewish if they didn't inform the DNA testers they were this? Or would they just give them Eastern European DNA results

How so?
Totally disagree, and even if true for some, Jewishness really is unique in the intensity of its self-deception.
lmao, good point desu

Ashkenazi are the real evil nazis..

They're criminal inbreds from Europe and are about as jewish as the irish.

Well basically any ethnic group is what environment you grew up in. What they believe of themselves and of you. Since I'm autistic I constantly get people asking where I'm from and if I'm German or Scandinavian (I live in the UK btw). People are fucking retards for the most part. Ethnic groups usually are just hiveminds. Don't think a certain way? Must not really be one of us then. Don't use certain dialectal words? Where are you from stranger? Accent not strong enough? Hair a little too blond?

Most origin myths are pretty detached from genetic realities as well and history. You could argue Jewishness is perhaps more odious and destructive, but I don't really think they're any less detached from reality than other people are from their beliefs about their ethnic group and its origins.

they are just a sub ethnic group within eastern europe that tended to stick with their own people. It's the same as saying someone is from the netherlands, but 100% from flanders. That's it, that's modern "jews"

So almost entirely from converts, then?

Western jews are extreme left wing.
Israel Jews are extreme right wing.

Israeli Jews are also slowly beginning to perform an ethnogenesis. They're starting to become increasingly distant and exclusive of non-Israeli Orthodox Jews. A new ethnic group is forming among Hebrew-speaking Israeli Orthodox Jews who see themselves as the 'true Jews'.

It's extremely complicated, strong family bonds mixed in with a broken ideology, its a mess & we're all paying for it!

There is good argument to make that Communism which was exclusivly made by Jewish people was an excuse for Jewish people to get out of Judaism.

Again it is a really complicated to get out of a cult which has breeding parties, inter marriage blood lines & all sorts of messy cult like things going on.

I'll have to think about it more.

by all definitions of “the white man” the only white people are jews

nobody actually understands how a middle eastern group of people wound up all the way up in eastern europe, but look into the conversion of the Khazars in the middle ages. It's debated as the origin of Ashkenazis, but honestly I don't see any other way for it to make sense. Either modern jews are old testaments israelites who somehow migrated to the north and became white, or they were a group of people who converted

When they're shitting on actual white people and want to sound more legitimate while doing it? Yes
When they're in private or they're promoting their own interests? No

I'll honestly spend time trying to come up with a real solution (not a nazi joke) to the problem! Maybe allowing non-religious Jews to come back to Europe or maybe forcefully vassalising Israel to keep the peace.

Well you'd be able to tell from their YDNA and mtDNA, no? From what I've studied, they are mostly a complete mix. Plenty of R1b, R1a, I1 and other explicitly non-Israelite haplogroups on the male side. But of course you would say Judaism is passed down through the mother, always has been since the Babylonian days, right? Well, even their mtDNA is just as mixed, contains plenty of European female mtDNA as well. So either Jews literally just happen to have been the most genetically mixed people to begin with (thus all peoples really are just sprung from Adam), or Jews are made up of a hell of a lot of converts, the majority of them in fact.