Reminder of whats in store for the servile nazi fucks who post here

Reminder of whats in store for the servile nazi fucks who post here.

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Calm down Ahmed.

As always OP is a massive faggot.

so you're saying I'm correct to resist you and your agenda?

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Keep dreaming kebabs, goats are the only thing you’ll get to fuck

Alright Abdul.

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>servile nazi fucks

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t. high school

>unironically made Mussolini brown
>reverse image search
>oh he's from reddit
Literally every time.

rent free

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ANTIFA tranny comrades talk big online but when the soros bucks dry up you'll shoot up in a secluded corner and remove yourself from the gene pool quietly, like a good old dog

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>doesn't post a pic of nazis

Oh no, you posted proof that the left knows no history, I am now a Democrat.

Dont worry, no one is seriously a nazi here. It's only for memes, ri- right guus?

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i will rape you


As you can see by my flag I am not one.


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Hale hortler!

Ok Mohammed. Once the white right forms into a cohesive unit, we will hunt every mudslime down murder them with our bare hands. Best be worried fuck face.

In Minecraft.


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This is what op looks like

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Sure thing, Henry. Now pay for the posting license before I report you for the hate-word 'fuck' which can be used in the context of "fuck niggers".


Completely btfo'd so she started doing porn lmao

Reading all the butthurt nazi internet toughguy replies.

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She's still getting pounded tho...

>MAGA keks

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>what's in store for nazis
A free jungle gym? Coool! Heil hitler! Fuck Mohammed. Gas the kikes

Eat a bag of dicks Jew boy.
No good goyim coming to the rescue this time.

>you guys

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Wrong, old boy, that's for the Zionist Juden that post here.


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>imagine being a nazi in 2020


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kys runt

And how will you decide who is a "nazi" and who isn't? By post count?
Aren't you a "nazi" yourself now that you've posted here? You guys have gotten really big on the whole guilt by association fallacy the last decade, so I'm afraid it's up against the wall for you too, comrade.

Bit of a conundrum, isn't it? You've watered out the definitions of "nazi" and "racist" so much that anyone can be one. You play constant purity games and the only ones really caught up in them are yourselves. Nah, the only ones in trouble are you, because you eat your own in your race to the bottom of the purity spiral.

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>Paragraph 1: wahhh wahhh why they call me a racist nazi, why everyone so mean to me
>Paragraph 2: Espousing clear nazi beliefs.

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Says you. Since you are literally advocating for the same fate as those YOU don’t agree with as well.

Shouldn't you be virtue signalling on Twitter ye cunt.

Bet your a fat bald simp with a communist badge, sat in a wheelchair

>Espousing clear nazi beliefs
You're going to do better than that I'm afraid.
This is some weak fucking shit.

Minecraft Nazi reporting in

>I'm afraid

Why are nazis so scared all the time?

>Niggercraft Nazi reporting in

Fixed for accuracy.

Well good thing I am not a Nazi, Allister Mohammed Al Bin Yorkshire The IIII.

You got a LOICENSE for that post faggot?

>Reminder of whats in store for the servile nazi fucks who post here.

muslims are going to do it to all you british while the nazis and commie bicker, they already gang fucking your children with no problemo