Why does no government in the world actively try to make a profit year on year?

Why does no government in the world actively try to make a profit year on year?

If people ran their households like run their governments they would be bankrupt

Generating a surplus to spend on citizens would solve a lot of problems

Attached: uFlACCP.png (1568x1016, 112.25K)

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Because that's not what (((they))) want naive goy! ;D

Remember all money is created with (((debt))) despite being made out of nothing... let that set in!

Attached: Evil white male.jpg (1312x656, 358.28K)

>why dont politicians run a surplus so they can get voted out and have their successor spend it and take all the credit

Regardless of debt it's just good idea to have an income generating government s it provides less dependence on hand out services and more money to re invest in the economy and infastructure

Thats why dictatorships work
Fuck democracy.
Bring back monarchy.

Because u dumb cunt i dont want to pay more taxes so the government can hoard cash.

How does fiat money work in the EU and how does it compare the the federal reserve system? Do governments go into to debt by getting loans from the EU central bank if that's even a thing?

Agreed if we had a monarchy i.e. private ownership of the government it would lead to a profit generating cooperation with a consistent agenda on state spending

>If people ran their households like run their governments they would be bankrupt
Ever heard of a loan?

Wouldn't even need to be tax revenue it could just be state run companies that are not subsidized to shit to they remain competitive and improve in quality
You don't want politicians hoarding money but the government having a reserve is great for emergencies and wealth creation

The whole economy run on debt fren, the states just do like everyone.
Biggest companies like amazon litteraly never made a profit

Not a loan which is double what you make every year and never clears
That's how Italy does it our government is always bumming money off of Germany to stay solvent

Because old people created the pensions ponzi scheme, plundered the wealth of the West, then Boomers came along and increased life expectancy by 20 years and kept the retirement age the same, thus completely decimating the finances beyond repair...but wait! "Just put it on the national debt and the young can pay!".
Boomers did this.

The european central bank buyed a big share of italian debt with QE, right now italy pay a good part of interests to the central bank kek

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Running a country is VERY expensive. A country's only source of income is taxes, and there is a limit as to how much tax they can impose. (Protests aside, at a certain point taxation cuts into corporate profits and less profit means less tax paid). The only alternative is borrowing. Do you own US Savings Bonds, UK Post Office Savings Account or the equivalent? Then you are lending money to the government. The national debt is to you.

You dont understand because all money is created with "debt" there is not enough money in existence to pay it all off!

For every one euro created you have to pay back the one euro plus the (((interest/debt!)))

See the game was always rigged to have us indebted forever.

Only because of welfare. We should let old people die, not fund their life of leisure for 20 years.

It's because economy is a scheme everyone plays along with, it's impossible to prosper with money and resources that actually exist.

>Why does no government in the world actively try to make a profit year on year?
There are (((measures))) in place to prevent that.

What if you view the state as a holding company and generate income from its other state owned businesses like train tickets, airlines and oil sales or even further re invest the revenue generated in an index fund like Norways national wealth fund

Not really, most countries have balanced budget without debt, even Italy has surplus.
The increase of debt comes from the spiral of increase of interest rates most countries are stucked in

Attached: Primary surplus.png (1088x638, 66.57K)

government doesnt make anything, let alone profit. government *collects* income. a fairer question would be, why do countries spend more than the entire gdp, let alone more than yearly tax revenue. the answer is still jews.

I have no idea why the fuck anyone thought it was a good idea to the let the government start a pension scheme this is probably the worst long run financial problem trade unions ever pushed for


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I don't see why the government doesn't just employ trade analysis to manage tax revenue so they can buy shares in upcoming buisness ventures that are both likely to turn a profit and that the government sees as important
That way upcoming businesses get easier access to loans and the government gets more money without taxing a cent

And this doesn't have to be major gambling all it needs to do is make a 3% return to out pace inflation and its justified its existence

I'm honestly out of my element here, but I remember it going something like this;
>money is created when debt is issued
>so without debt, there is no money

That's not a bad point actually Amazon still grows in total value which makes it profitable in the trading market which is why shareholders buy it
The point of a government surplus is to spend on services like infrastructure and defense without draining citizens savings
Surpluses are weird though because countries can run a deficit for two years and a surplus for one as long as they meet the minimum interest payments for the debt they don't collapse

That's the new model which is widely preached against especially here

If the government ran a surplus then it could by gold reserves and then fix the currency value to the gold standard again like it used to. Its only in the last 100 years that debt has replaced value based money

And the debt system is not theoretically sustainable

The usual idea is that if a state has surplus he should lower taxe rather than accumulate it.
The lowered tax will naturaly increase economy and so revenue, creating a virtuous circle.

When it started, people only lived 2 years over the retirement age and had 70 workers per retiree. Boomers really killed it as it was implicit in its design that the age would have to raise with life expectancy, and birth rates be above replacement. Both of these were destroyed by Boomers alone.

Technocracy is the best. A government run by experts where there is a test every 4 years to maintain or remove old techocrats.