Egypt what the fuck

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pretty funny that they need to fantasize such things after losing 3 wars

>Jews returned to their country of origin
No, fuck off. We don’t want them either.

That's pretty funny

sci-fi and islam sounds like an oxymoron

>Israel decries .. breakup of the US
quite unusual

Haha I wish

Come home brothers. Moses himself was guiding our tribe across the waters to New Zealand.


Wait I thought brown people are mindless robots who do anything the Jews want

How did they make this but whites haven’t?

Egyptians are just logical, a society so sick that its people come to hate reproduction, tribal unity and encourages degenerate practices is bound to collapse. The west as we know it will collapse in the next decades, there is absolutely no doubt.

>Americans make movies about their power fantasies
>*cricket sounds*
>Jews make movies about their fantasies
>*It wins 7 Oscars and 3 Golden Globes*
>China makes movies about their power fantasies
>*Nobody watches Chinese movies, but some Mutts go batshit insane over the Chinese threat*
>Egyptians make a power fantasy
>*Nnnnnooooooo you can't do this!!!!*
Why are Judeo-Mutts like this?

I just want to see a kino about the siege of jerusalem , that shit was pretty much an ancient holocaust

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Why is it so hard for all of the Middle East to aim their nukes at Israel and launch them? Israel is surrounded by Arabs.

those crocodiles
oh way oh
they snap their teeth on your cigarette

Americans are still protecting Israel.
Besides the middle eastern countries are in a pretty bad shape.

The only country in the Middle East with nukes is Israel

Two generations and Israel will be a Judeo-Arab state.

The Jews will nuke us if we let them die.

Only israel has nukes in the middle east , and even if they did the amerigoys would invade these countries for their masters in a heartbeat.

>returned to their country of origin

oh no

air force

arabs are too low iq to have air force
arab economy is all about letting foreign companies extract oil for golden toilets and golden cars
arab army is soviet tanks and deserting conscripts
arab culture is being illiterate goat rapists

arabs are basically africans, their environment never selected for iq so they never developed any lul

based kangs

Based, gonna watch

Because the majority of western media comes from the US and Israel greatest ally there

I doubt any abrahamic religion will still exist in a 100 years.

most ME cunts are amerimutt allies

They have been a thing for what over 2000 years, I think they'll last a longer than that at least.

The middle east is essentially a 100 years behind at this point so its probably gonna remain there
and thats assuming doomsday hasn't come by then

Did you miss Iraq, zoomer? They didnt have nukes and US intelligence knew it but fake ass reports that they did were enough to justify its destruction.
Americans will sooner destroy and sabotage any country in the Middle East than let anyone besides Israel have nukes.

absolutely based

More like redundant.

>this shit actually looks good

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These arabs are a meme. They pray to god that israel gets destroyed but they all secretly work with them. Pathetic

The USA doesn't allow Lebanon to get air defense system, do you think they will allow us to get nukes?
The only Arab counties that are allowed to stock on as much weapons as they can are the gulf countries.

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You literally have a middle eastern symbol on your flag.

BASED Arabs, lol.

pretty based desu

Saudi arabia and sometimes whenever it benefits them, iraq, get all the weapons because they use it against iran which we hate for some reason

>some reason
reason is they are becoming a real proper sovereign nation
and those are much harder to puppet
so its in american interest to destabilize as much democratically elected governments, and arm as many terrorist groups as they can, and destabilize these resource rich regions as much as possible, so they can back a puppet regime and keep an alternative rebel puppet regime as a reserve if they dont behave, to throw them in yet another civil war

They were great in the 70s, then they leaned towards the eastern bloc during the cold war after the revolution and nato spazzed out and embargoed them which fucked up their country. Honestly love iran its a really interesting country i wish i could go one day

its very sad
first you had monarchical regime with close ties to cia, then you armed some religious extremist regime, then soviets installed a communist regime, then theres this revolutionary ayatola religious regime again that got dragged into a war with iraqi secular regime that got backed by the west just because they were secular, they were still warmongering batshit crazy people and yet west choose to support them anyway because that dictator saddam said he is secular and now persians hate the entire foreign world

i hear they found their only ally in north korea which is kinda similarly got destroyed by both westerners, soviets, japanese and every other foreigner, and are developing a missile together lul

I thought whites were noble geniuses immune to jewish mind control rays, and we simpleminded non-whites obey our jewish overlords without question

What gives?

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...i would play a vidya with this as premise.

What nationality is that?

Based,will watch

>jews returned to their countries of origin
what countries ? did they send them directly to hell ??

You can replace the word arab in your post with serb and it would still make perfect sense.

Tb h he kinds of look like an australian aboriginal, strange.

>Jerusalem has been liberated and Jews returned to their countries of origin
>Immediately turn into a shithole

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I truly wonder if Arabs will keep coping this hard 50-100 years into the future. Our mere existence in the middle east insults their fragile ego so much, I don't think I day goes by without the thought "Israhell bad" crossing their mind

Could be from Bangladesh

May your Golem never die.

I remember when people were saying China was pathetic for complaining about their flag with stars being remplaced by viruses in that danish newspaper, and that western free countries would never complain about things like that.
Oh surprise, it was hypocrisy.

well you invaded their land are geonciding their people, it is only natural for them to be upset

>All these JIDF shills


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Fucking hate Redditor religions like Islam.

>well you invaded their land are geonciding their people, it is only natural for them to be upset
Literally the same Palbot talking point, I expected better of G*rman ediukaiyshun
user, I...

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Well I am sorry, I am not very knowledgeable about Middle East politics, but I find this kinda hard to ignore

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Based Egypt

>The fucking palshit le loss of land map
Literally behaving like a plebbit NPC.
Just in case you're not baiting:

You can call it Palestina or not but you can't deny the fact that people who lived there lost their land and livelihood and are nowadays forced to live in overcrowded slums or become refugees.

Which one of these is middle eastern? creco-roman tetragrammatic cross or greco-roman double-headed eagle? Or the lilies? Or the crown?

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Genuinely curious, where did you learn about this conflict you're so obsessed about? I really want to delve into the mind of E*ro edyukaituin

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That's some impressively good CGI, it's a sci-fi movie though, so I don't get why the shekels are butthurt.

this is what happens when you ally with anglos against turkish administration

I probably first learned about this conflict on Yas Forums. I considered the arguments of different sides, and for me the argument of the left-wing sound most plausible.
That Israelis are basically European settlers who came to middle east and stole the land of native inhabitants.

They won't exist in the civilised parts of Europe, except among immigrants.
Middle East, America and Africa have too many batshit fundemantalists.

Red: Israel
Green: Visa not required
Light Green: Visa on arrival
Grey: Visa required
Black: Admission refused due to Arab League boycott of Israel

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How dare you call me wh*teoid smegmaboi Hans, you know most Jews in Israel are Med and gulf region Kangs who we're kicked out of arab countries because of their religion? You're defending a people that doesn't think you're human

I have no problem with secular Israelis.
But ultra orthodox terrorists who believe they are the masterrace and can't even walk past a non-Jew, I want to brutally kill them all.

>Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Good goyim

As far as I am aware many Isralis are Ashkenazi Jews, especially those in a position of power. That makes them Europeans in my eyes.

>You're defending a people that doesn't think you're human
Even if that was true that would hardly matter, since human rights are universal

This. The only thing gonna be destroyed are their rectums from the constant asspain

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What's the return time of Israeli jet fighters?
Last time it was 8 minutes and it wiped the floor with the Egyptians.
Muslim diaspora here, Egypt should stop fucking embarrassing the Arab world.

this guy gets it

Meds are white, Jimmy.
I don't get it, you're on Yas Forums, you could say 'we took the land because we could', why do you need to justify it?

Even when they do try to develope nukes, we just destroy it before they succeed =)

Ultra orthodox are the most racist humans alive.
Even towards other Jews, if you're not a direct descendant of some ancient Rabbinic blood line they won't see you as human.

>citation needed
>citation needed
>citation needed
>citation needed


Kill yourselves

>Meds are white, Jimmy.


I think El-Neyaha can be translated to Der Untergang

seethe more arap

Stop lying Jew. Arabs love Germany and hitler

Yes they are.

because their little boys' asses are still filled with otman cum

Nop, we meds are brown, and Jews unironically have a right to be in Israel.

lmao stay in your designated cuck shed before the pogroms and shoahs start again

>ultra orthodox terrorists
It's a meme, only time the fat fucks got up and did some terror instead of leaching off the state was the gay parade in Jerusalem

The swedish flag at the top

>t.literal arap refugee living in a foreign country

>be a fedoralord in the 70s
>opine that religion will go the way of the dodo by year 2000, make it a dogma almost
>flood 3rd world with aid
>flood 1st world with 3rd worlders
>don't breed, only conservatives and 3rd world does
>global nonbeliever ratio dropping constantly
>opine in 2020 that by 2220 religion will go extinct, again

ok zoomer

Why are they tolerated so much if they're considered such a pariah?

We meds my ass? You sound like an American.
If they have a right, it's the right of conquest.
Not some religious/racist nonsense.

Ottomans weren't even Arab though. Arabs straight up rebelled against the ottomans there was a huge movie about it.

FUCK Slavs are dumb

they are tolerated because almost all of them vote and if you want to form a government you need them on your side

I and many meds consider ourselves very far from the standard A*glo wh*teoids who dance to the Macarena awkwardly and make everything into a casserole. I guess you definition of Wh*te is different from mine.
>I don't get it, you're on Yas Forums, you could say 'we took the land because we could', why do you need to justify it?
I'm giving you my geniuine opinion not just memeing and Kahaneposting.
Bitch I live here, there's not as many krakkkas as the SJW media tells you there is, Arabs and Israelis have become near indistinguishable physically. Even Shachar the Ashk*nazi has a grug unibrow, and he's supposed to be M*yo by your standards.
Ya no denying that, they also literally have no social skills which makes them more hateable

well this is gonna be interesting

Israel is POed that they can't get Shekels if that happens and the Bugmen will glass them like the Arabs will.

Riddick did it first

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Neochristianity is not the same as it was 2000 years ago. Nobody even lives by bible so it is dead and tradition keeps its memes alive

Is there a streaming and subs available ?

reminder to pol

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