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Maybe we should mention this while we are at it.

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She is behind the Tara thing.

Killary Rotten Clinton, you will never win you Pedo whore.

OP's faggotry knows no bounds
>claims hillary is running
>headline does not mention hillary or a new entry into the race
Although we have no picture of OP's face, we can be sure zir has the thousand-dick stare
Also, sage

Imagine not being HA Goodman and not knowing this for years.

>Former Hillary Clinton adviser
>literally nobody
Who cares? Total non-story

I was so mad when people were pushing this back when Joe was manhandling Bernie. At this point i don't even fucking know what theyre doing. They're absolutely sinking Biden, which is totally understandable. But there is literally no other candidate. Bernie is the obvious choice. The second best candidate from the primaries. It's a 1000:1 obvious logic.

They're 100% not gonna convention Joe for Bernie. 100%. So what are the next most logical steps?

1. Warren
2. Tulsi?(also 100% never)
3. Hillary!?
4. Cuomo!?
5. Big Mike?

Biden is imploding and literally every other option is a FUCKING JOKE. This isn't even like MAGA crushed them. This is the dnc shooting itself twice in the back of the head, cutting off its own dick, eating the dick, endorsing Trump, and then telling Bernie supporters they're jealous and they just got served.

There literally doesn't need to be an election because Trump's gonna win between 48 and 50 states anyway if this shitshow continues. It's fucking incredible.

gibe sauce

How does the American political system work anyway? The party holds primaries to choose a candidade, but can then replace him just like that?

>when you kill more people than a virus.

Gib mommy Tulsi

>There literally doesn't need to be an election because Trump's gonna win between 48 and 50 states
This is the plan.
Push massive support to Trump.
Make Democrats so out of control that everyone supports suspension of civil liberties to rid ourselves of them.
Total collapse.
Everyone love Trump and follows the stronk leader through 10 years of depression with rights decaying daily.
Trump in office til he dies.

If Cuomo runs, New York will flip red.

Oi Vey! I agree it would be like anoda shoah! Trump is doing it by not banning assault guns and prohibiting universitys from banning speech! Oi Vey!

Been saying this for weeks. Hillarys birthday - May 1st 188 days. May 1st to election night 188 days. May 1st is Labour Day - orginally meaning labour as in birth, hence the birth of the Bravarian IlluminAnus on May 1st.
Put your bets on. Got over £2000 in winnings incoming when she announces.

I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying.

Yes. In fact, there was a court case in 2016-17 after Bernie got tossed which determined the Democratic party is a private entity who can choose whomever they wish as their candidate.

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Two words describe you: mental defect

Fool story bro

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clinton is lucky to still walk

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It's over, bidenbros.

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Trump and his supporters are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

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>t. HA

dick sucking nigger democrat faggot found.

>Bernie is the obvious choice.
The Democratic Party would nominate Trump before Bernie.

So they are just stupid?
They think it's working to take power back even though anything demonstrable shows it's not working?

Why would they not moderate, look reasonable, and then get power back and crush everyone?
Oh yea, because it's the same cabal and you are watching a dog and pony show.

here is how bernie can still win...

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Appeal to authority, just because someone is educated in medicine doesn't mean they have good intentions or know anything about how else the country is ran. Plus the doctor wasn't elected, Trump was. Fauci is an idiot and he works for Bill Gates, who is also was not elected. Vaccines are poison and we will not accept forced vaccination, you'll get a bullet in the head before I take a vaccine.

Its happening

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>be Fauci
>be wrong about literally everything so far
>get ruined by a fucking moron

>educated in medicine
>or know anything about how else the country is ran.
It really doesn't even mean they know more than pharmaceutical companies want them too.
There are amazing, free thinking doctors.
Then there are the 99% who are teacher's pets, sycophants, or psychopaths.
They will do whatever they are told for various reasons.

The parties aren't legally held to any one process for choosing their candidate, the two big ones have a vote completely out of tradition. In fact, the DNC completely changed its primary process between 2016 and 2020 to neuter the influence of superdelegates.

Jesus that’s a lot of bodies

>Trump and his supporters are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

>to neuter the influence of superdelegates.
Sure they did.
I read that on CNN too.


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That's fascinating! It's a bit like the case which determined that News companies are entertainment and doesn't have to be truthful.

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>There literally doesn't need to be an election because Trump's gonna win between 48 and 50 states anyway if this shitshow continues. It's fucking incredible.

even funnier is he's been making some big gaffes too recently, and the corona hoax ruined his 'perfect economy' that was his main election campaign vehicle. if the dems weren't so fucking useless and in such a shambles they could have gone for the jugular and had a decent shot at winning.

It would be the funniest thing ever if Trump loses to hillary for real, the keks would be astronomical.

Same went for Corbyn.

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I think Elizabeth Warren might be involved with Clinton. Check - Elizabeth Warrens brother DONALD died on the Queens birthday.

> dies
umm... about that...

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>Former Hillary Clinton Advisor
Fucking yikes. So does that mean he is less corrupt or more corrupt for Hillary to get rid of him?

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Holy shit

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disgusting twisted piece of shit scum found.