When did the Jew Conspiracy start? Since when do they want to destroy white culture? Can someone give me a heads up?
When did the Jew Conspiracy start? Since when do they want to destroy white culture? Can someone give me a heads up?
Ever since the Cro-Magnon vs. (((Neanderthal))) war.
> When did the Jew Conspiracy start?
When the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were written in the early 1900s, is when it first went mainstream.
It started by chinks. That's how they got so much power now. Cut ties with asians now.
Read the Bible. They were doing things since back then. Just dont confuse Israel with Jews, they were different tribes
neanderthal are europeans hanz
thats just the latest leak
Its been going on since at the very least the classic antiquity, most of their MOs are ripped from egyptian occultism
They've always been conspiring. They are so neurotic they believe every lie they tell themselves. Combine this with Talmud brainwashing and you see the results today.
Imagine if Satan was manifested inside a racial group. Thats what jews are
>neanderthal are europeans hanz
No, they're not. Neanderthals are the ancestors of Semites.
when Judaism started you idiot.
109 countries can't be wrong.
Is this really scientifically verified by actual archeologists and biologists and shit or is just a Yas Forums theory?
Before they killed our boi Jesus
Just google the genetic relation between Ashkenazi Jews and Neanderthals.
It's older than even the birth of Christ.
Human origins are only theories, anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.
About 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed their temple.
Is there something like a chronology of the ancient origins until now?
When did Jews first start calling for Whites to abolish themselves in their own lands? Our author might argue that they began right at the first Jewish entry into European culture — not European lands, but European culture. Isn’t it Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786) who is often held up as the first “assimilated” Jew, the first real Jewish intellectual who wanted to be ‘part of German culture’ and who advocated for “tolerance”? Well, what did Mendelssohn, the first “German of the Jewish faith,” actually ask Europeans to do? That much is clear, and a matter of historical record. He impudently and impatiently asked, “For how long, for how many millennia, must this distinction between the owners of the land and the stranger continue? Would it not be better for mankind and culture to obliterate this distinction?”[3] [emphasis added].
And there we have it — the very first Jewish intrusion into Western culture was accompanied by a call for the obliteration of borders and the migration and settlement rights of “the stranger.”
you mean Neanderthal vs (((Cro-Magnon)
Actually it's been going on far longer than even that OP. Watch this. Watch it
Skip to 23:30
I mean what I said.
>When did the Jew "Conspiracy" start?
~1000 years before Jesus was born.
You forgot schizophrenic. Moses wasn't high from the Burning Bush's fumes, he was a hallucinating schizo
They don't.
>Hitler was a jew
>Jewish guy was jewish
>Hey look guys a Jew !
God shut the fuck up Yas Forums schizos
Could it be that “the Jews” are being used as a puppet or proxy by some other group? Like an “old order” of masonry leaders or elite families?
Rome destroyed Israel and the brownies scattered throughout the world. A small group went to a place in what is not germany and became acquainted with a warlike germanic tribe that was also at war with Rome. This Tribe realized it needed new tactics to destroy the Roman empire and that's where Judaism comes in. A religion that calls itself god's chosen and looks at everyone else as slaves. This quickly spread throughout the tribe and other nearby tribes. The jewish rabbi's were giving high seats among them to spread the word. They soon afterwards began to spread to other parts of europe and continued their war on Rome. Today we call them Ashkenazi's, or nazis as they also called themselves and the war continues on.